Classification of Epithelium 

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Classification of Epithelium

Types of epithelium Shape of cells
Simple (single layer of cells) простий епітелій; тип епітелію, що складається з одного шару клітин Squamous ['skweImqs] Cuboidal ['kju:bOIdql] Columnar [kq'lAmnq]  
Stratified ['strxtIfaId] (more than one layer of cells) багатошаровий епітелій; епітелій, в якому клітини розміщені кількома шарами Squamous Cuboidal (very rare) Columnar (very rare)  
Pseudostratified (modification of simple epithelium) псевдобагатошаровий епітелій   Columnar  
Transitional (modification of stratified epithelium) перехідний епітелій, багатошаровий епітелій, кількість шарів у якому змінюється в залежності від функціонального стану органа Roughly cuboidal or many surfaced


stratifiedбагатошаровий stratified squamous лускатий squamousплоский cuboidalкубічний columnarстовпчастий transitionalперехідний; проміжний


Ex. 20. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. The major types of epithelia are simple and stratified squamous epithelia, simple and stratified cuboidal epithelia, simple, pseudostratified and stratified columnar epithelia, and transitional epithelium. 2. Simple epithelium generally is involved in diffusion, filtration, secretion, or absorption. 3. Squamous cells function in diffusion and filtration. 4. Cuboidal or columnar cells secrete or absorb. 5. Connective tissue cells are blast cells (form the matrix), cyte cells (maintain it), and clast cells (break it down for remodeling). 6. The cells' names end with suffixes according to the cells' functions as blasts [bla:sts], cytes [saIts], or clasts [klxsts]. For example, fibroblasts are cells that form fibrous connective ti s sue, and chondrocytes are cells that maintain cartilage (chondro- means cartilage). Osteoblasts form bone (osteo- means bone), osteocytes maintain it, and osteoclasts break it down.

Ex. 21. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Тканини – це спільність клітин і позаклітинної речовини. 2. В організмі людини виділяють чотири типи тканин: епітеліальну, сполучну, м’язову і нервову. 3. Епітеліальні клітини можуть бути плоскими, кубічними і стовпчастими, або циліндричними. 4. Простий стовпчастий епітелій вистилає внутрішню поверхню тонкої та товстої кишок та жовчного міхура. 5. Лускатий епітелій вистилає поверхню очеревини, плеври, осердя. 6. Простий плоский епітелій покриває зсередини кровоносні та лімфатичні судини. 7. Простий кубічний епітелій вистилає канальці (tubule) нирок та деякі бронхи.


Ex. 22. Read and memorize the following words:

hinder ['haIndq] перешкоджати, заважати damage ['dxmIG] пошкоджувати maintain [meIn'teIn] підтримувати, утримувати, зберігати capillary [kq'pIlqrI] капіляр alveolus (pl. alveoli) [xl'vIqlqs] альвеола, ячейка tubule ['tju:bul] судина, каналець cartilage ['katIlIG] хрящ nutrient ['nju:trIqnt] поживна речовина contract [kqn'trxkt] скорочуватися decrease [dIk'rI:s] зменшувати(ся), скорочувати(ся) urinary ['jurInqrI] сечовий process ['prqusqs] відросток, виріст integrate ['IntIgreIt] об’єднувати(ся) evaluate [I'vxljueIt] оцінювати data ['deItq] дані, відомості; інформація support[sq'pO:t] підтримувати permeable ['pq:mjebl] проникний, прохідний, негерметичний


Ex. 23. Read the following text and get ready to narrate it:


Epithelial tissue is necessary for protection, diffusion, filtration, secretion, absorption and others. Simple epithelium with its single layer of cells is found in organs in which the principal functions are diffusion (lungs), filtration (kidneys), secretion (glands), or absorption (intestines). The selective movement of materials through epithelium would be hindered by a stratified epithelium, which is found in areas where protection is a major function. The multiple layers of cells in stratified epithelium are well adapted for a protective role. Damaged cells are replaced by cells from deeper layers and a continuous barrier of epithelial cells is maintained in the tissue. Stratified squamous epithelium is found in areas of the body where abrasion can occur such as the skin, mouth, throat, esophagus, and anus. Cells involved in diffusion and filtration are normally flat and thin. For example, simple squamous epithelium forms blood and lymph capillaries, the alveoli of the lungs, and parts of the kidney tubules.

Connective tissue is found in tendons, ligaments, cartilages, bones, dermis of skin, arteries, spleen and others. This tissue produces new blood cells, allows growth of long bones, connects different structures, provides great strength and support for bones, transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, nutrients, waste products and has some other functions.

Muscular tissue has the ability to contract. Muscles contract to move the entire body, to pump blood through the heart and blood vessels, and to decrease the size of hollow organs such as the stomach. Skeletal muscles represent a large portion of the human body's total weight. Skeletal muscle attaches to the skeleton and by contracting causes the major body movements. Cardiac muscle is the muscle of the heart. The contraction of the cardiac muscle is responsible for pumping blood. Smooth muscles are widespread throughout the body and are responsible for a wide range of functions such as movements in the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.

Nervous tissue conducts impulses all over the body. Nerve cells, or neurons, located in the brain, spinal cord, and cell processes, conduct not only impulses and store "information", and in some ways integrate and evaluate data. Neuroglia support neurons and form a selectively permeable barrier between neurons and other cell types.


Ex. 24. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the function of epithelial tissue? 2. Where is connective tissue located? 3. What is the function of connective tissue? 4. What is cardiac muscle? 5. Where are nervous cells located? 6. What is the function of nervous tissue?

Ex. 25. Read the data of the following table and speak on the location and functions of different tissues:


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