Ex. 21. List the signs and symptoms of some disease. Give this list to your fellow-student. He/She must make the diagnosis asking questions and using your list. 

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Ex. 21. List the signs and symptoms of some disease. Give this list to your fellow-student. He/She must make the diagnosis asking questions and using your list.

Ex. 22. Complete the case notes asking the questions:



Ex. 23. Compose the affirmative and interrogative sentences:

1. through / to breathe / is / difficult / for / you / the nose / it /? 2. you / a nasal discharge / do / have? 3. a sudden rise / you / have / in temperature / to 38-39° C / did /? 4. on swallowing / feel / do / you / a pain /? 5. you / do / complain of / what/? 6. troubles / my heart / me /. 7. fall / you / when / did / ill/? 8. other / do / complaints / you / have / any/? 9. I / a bad / cough / have /. 10. notice / symptoms / what / first / did / you/? 11. did / what / childhood / diseases / you / have / in / your /?


Ex. 24. Insert the missing words:

1. First of all _ your temperature, please. 2. Open your mouth and _ "Ah". 3. _ me your throat. 4. Your _ is thickly coated. 5. Your _ are swollen. 6. Breathe more _. 7. Hold your _. 8. There are _ in your lungs. 9. Does deep breathing _ pain? 10. _ you bring up phlegm?


Ex. 25. Insert the missing word-combinations given below:

1. I'll listen to your heart. The _ are dilated and there is _. Do you have pain near your heart? 2. Let me palpate you now. _ on the coach. I'll check _. Do you _ in your abdomen? 3. Let me measure _. It is normal. I'll give you _ for blood count.


a murmur in your heart; lie down; borders of your heart; your blood pressure; your liver; feel any pain; an analysis form.


Ex. 26. Reproduce the dialogue "At the Therapeutist's" in pairs.

Ex. 27. Practise this dialogue. You can select replies from the list (1-5) below:

Cardiologist: Let me measure your blood pressure.

Mr. Peters: Is it normal?

C.: No, it isn’t. Your blood pressure is quite high (1). Is anyone in your family with high blood pressure?

P.: My father (2) had it for years. He did have a stroke a few years ago (3). That won’t happen to me, will it?

C.: No. Let’s finish the rest of the examination. I’ll listen to your heart. Breath in… Breathe out… Hold it… Breathe away (4). Say ninety-nine.

P.: Ninety-nine.

C.: A couple of times more.

P.: Ninety-nine, ninety-nine, ninety-nine…

C.: Good. We’ll have a look at that blood pressure again.

P.: How is it now?

C.: Still high (5).

P.: What are you going to do for me?

C.: Check your blood and urine. Then we’ll send you up to the hospital for a chest X-ray and a cardiogram.


(1) normal; low; quite low.

(2) uncle; grandmother; aunt.

(3) five years ago; last year; some years ago.

(4) Now would you turn on your left side, please; Lie right out; Sit up again; Lean forward; Breath quietly through your mouth.

(5) Still low.

Ex. 28. Reproduce the similar dialogue:

Doctor: Where is the pain?

Patient: It is in the abdomen. I can hardly bear the pain.

D.: Is it sharp?

P.: Yes, it’s cutting.

D.: Where does the pain radiate to? To which side, upwards or downwards?

P.: It hurts inside…

D.: Is this first attack of pain?

P.: No. I felt the same pain a few weeks ago, but it stopped quickly. I didn’t send for the doctor then.

D.: In what body position do you feel pain the most?

P.: When I’m on my back.

D.: All right, you’ll be admitted for the treatment to the municipal hospital. The ambulance will bring you to the emergency room.


hardly ледве bearвитримувати sharpгострий, різкий cuttingріжучий upwardsвгору hurtхворіти, боліти municipalміський ambulanceмашина швидкої допомоги bringдоставляти  


Doctor: What do you complain of?

Patient: I have a bad cough and a runny nose.

D: What about your headache?

P: I have a headache.

D: Does your heart trouble you?

P: Yes, it does.

D: Did you take any medicine?

P: No, I did not.

D: Take your temperature, please. What is your temperature?

P: My temperature is 37.8°.

D: Show me your throat. Your tongue is coated and your tonsils are red. Now strip to the waist, please. I'll examine your heart and lungs. Breathe deeply. Don't breathe. There are rales in your lungs. The borders of your heart are dilated and there is a murmur in your heart. Let me measure your blood pressure. It is normal.






Letters Sounds Examples Notes
ck [k] black  
ch [C] chain  
ch [k] chemistry у словах грецького походження
sh [S] she  


Ex. 1. Read the following words:

Block; chickenpox; sick; neck; thick; lack; attack; ticket; rich; chest; itching; touch; chemist’s shop; headache; stomach; establishment; shoulder; publish; shape.


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Suffix of Noun:

-itis (inflammation)

bronchitis – бронхит


Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:

Encephalitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, viral gastroenteritis, peritonitis, bronchiolitis, dermatitis; arthritis.


Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the following grammar material:


If is used without any special tenses when you want to suggest that something is true. Some people call this the "zero conditional".

If you are ill in Britain, you go to see your general practitioner.

If is also used when we want to suggest that a future situation is likely or possible. In the if-clause the present tense is generally used to talk about the future. Some people call this the "first conditional".

If you need medicine, your general practitioner will write a prescription for you.

If you eat well, you'll probably have a longer and healthier life.

Unless is sometimes used to mean if not.

You will probably have to pay part of the cost of your medicine, unless you belong to one of the groups of people who get their medicine free.

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences:

1. If a person falls ill, he/she will call in a doctor. 2. When his/her condition isn’t poor, he/she will go to the local polyclinic. 3. If it is necessary, a nurse will come to the patient’s house and give administered injections. 4. If the patient has appendicitis or cholecystitis, he/she will be in the surgical department.


Ex. 6. Match the first half of each sentence on the left with an appropriate ending on the right:

1. If the weather is fine, 2. If you are nervous, 3. If you get hungry, 4. If you want to play well, wait outside until I arrive. you have to practice. take some deep breaths to relax yourself. there is some cheese in the fridge.


Ex. 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms:

1. I (be) very sad if I (not see) you next week. 2. Unless they (work) harder, they (fail) their exams. 3. If you (need) to have medical tests, your doctor (send) you to a hospital.

Ex. 8. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:


1st 17th 20th 1,001 3,544 1941 (date) 1905 (date) 1/2 1/25 3/4 0.2 0.02 1.5 23.34 two fifteen eighty first seventeenth twentieth fifty-eight one hundred and thirty-one tree hundred and two a (one) thousand and one three thousand five hundred and forty-four nineteen forty-one nineteen hundred and five (nineteen o five) a half (one half) a (one) twenty-fifth three-fourths o point two (point two) o point o two (point zero two) one point five two five point three four


Ex. 9. Read the following numerals:

3; 17; 92; 7th; 5th; 18th; 36; 100; 105; 134; 1,749; 5, 363; 1999 (date); 2137 (date); 2/3; 7/8; 0.3; 0.36; 7.8; 57.93.



conveniences[kqn'vI:njqnsIz] зручності ward[wO:d] палата suffer (from)['sAfq] хворіти, страждати operating theatre (-room)['TIqtq] операційна staffed bed[stAft] лікарняне ліжко hernia['hq:njq] грижа gastric['gestrIk] шлунковий, що стосується шлунку duodenal["djuo'dI:nql] дуоденальний, що стосується дванадцятипалої кишки ulcer['Alsq] язва cholecystitis["kOlIsIs'taItIs] холецистит, запалення жовчного міхура stomach['stAmqk] шлунок wound[wu:nd] рана cholecystectomy["kOlIsIs'tektqmI] видалення жовчного міхура vagotomy[vq'gOtqmI] розсікання блукаючого нерва laparotomy["lxpq'rOtqmI] лапаротомія, череворозтин heart trouble['ha:t 'trAbl] біль у серці breathlessness['breTlIsnIs] задишка weakness['wI:knIs] слабкість vomiting['vOmItIN] блювання nausea ['nOsjq] нудота injection [In'GekS(q)n] ін'єкція mustard plasters ['mAstqd 'pla:stqz] гірчичники appendectomy[xpqn'dektqmI] апендектомія




Ex. 10. Read the following words paying attention to their pronunciation. Translate these words into Ukrainian:

Intramuscular ["Intrq'mAskjulq]; intravenous ["Intrq'vI:nqs]; appendicitis [q'pendIsaItIs]; anaesthesia ["xnIs'TI:zjq]; nephritis [ne'fraItIs]; myocarditis ["maIqka'daItIs]; pneumonia [nju'mounjq]; bronchitis [brON'kaItIs]; asthma ["xsmq]; colitis [kO'laItIs]; compress ['kOmprqs]; stomach ['stAmqk].

Ex. 11. Insert the missing letters:

Wa_d; n_usea; we_kness; ul_er; hern_a; su_ure; steril_zing; m_stard plasters; gastrit_s; v_miting; breat_lessness.

Ex. 12. Read the following words:

Regional; surgical; cardiological; pulmonological; gastroenterological; ward; temperature; intramuscular; intravenous; apply; mustard plaster; compress; measure; appendicitis; hernia; duodenal; ulcer; cholecystitis; appendectomy; vagotomy; stomach; thorax; thoracic; anaesthesia; anaesthetist; definite; diet; wound; injection; myocarditis; pericarditis; cardiosclerosis; breathlessness; weakness; pneumonia; bronchitis; asthma; cough; gastritis; colitis; vomiting; nausea.

Ex. 13. Read and translate the following text:


The state has established the wide network of the medical institutions. One of them is the regional hospital. It is multistory building with all modern conveniences. There are some departments in this hospital. One can see surgical, cardiological, pulmonological, gastroenterological and other departments.

There are many light and cozy wards in each department. In every ward one can see some beds, bed-side tables and chairs. Each department houses approximately 50 patients.

The work at the hospital begins early. First of all the nurses take the patients’ temperature and fulfill the doctor’s prescriptions. If it is necessary, they give intramuscular and intravenous injections, cup the patients, apply mustard plasters, make compresses, and give the prescribed medicines.

Every day the doctors make the morning round. They examine the patients, listen to the heart and lungs, palpate the abdominal parts, feel the pulse, and measure blood pressure. They make the diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment to every patient. I should like to note that our physicians and nurses pay much attention to the treatment of the patients.

A surgical department houses 65 staffed beds. There are large and small wards and a large, light operating theatre here.

In this department there are patients with surgical diseases, such as: appendicitis, hernia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis and others.

The most common operations are appendectomy, vagotomy, stomach resection, cholecystectomy and operations on the thorax and thoracic organs. The operations are performed under general or local anaesthesia. The anaesthetist gives the patient anaesthesia and when the patient falls asleep the surgeon begins to perform the operation. The assistant and surgical nurses help the surgeon during the operation. They give the necessary surgical instruments and control the patient’s condition.

After the operation special attention is paid to the postoperative condition of the patient. The surgeon prescribes a proper treatment and definite diet. Every day the surgeon makes the morning round, and examines the patients. The nurse takes the patient’s temperature, dresses the wounds, gives injections, and fulfills the doctor’s prescriptions.

The work in the surgical department is rather difficult but very important.

In the cardiological department one can see patients with heart diseases, such as: myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiosclerosis and others. The patients have heart troubles, breathlessness, weakness and other symptoms. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to these patients.

In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases and disorders of the respiratory tract. They suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and others. The patients complain of a bad cough, high temperature, and headache.

In the gastroenterological department you can find the patients with abdominal diseases. They have gastritis, colitis, ulcer and others. The patients feel pain in the stomach, weakness, and sometimes they have nausea and vomiting. The doctors use different methods of treatment of these patients and pay much attention to them.


Ex. 14. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Зручності; палата; вміщати, розміщувати; хворіти, страждати; ставити діагноз; ставити банки; операційна; лікарняне ліжко; грижа; шлунковий; дуоденальний, такий, що стосується дванадцятипалої кишки; виразка; холецистит, запалення жовчного міхура; видалення жовчного міхура; перев'язка блукаючого нерва; лапаротомія, рана; біль у серці; слабкість; блювота; нудота; медсестра; внутрішньом'язовий; внутрішньовенний; ін'єкція; гірчичники; компрес; кров'яний тиск; апендектомія; апендицит; анестезія; міокардит; перикардит; пневмонія; бронхіт; астма; коліт.

Ex. 15. Make up the sentences using the data of the following tables:

    In the therapeutic   surgical   cardiological   pulmonological   gastroenterological   department there are   one can see   one can find   you can see   you can find   patients with the diseases of inner organs.   abdominal diseases.   surgical diseases.   heart diseases.   lung diseases.


  This patient     has   complains of   a high temperature. a bad cough. a headache. a heart trouble. a breathlessness. a weakness. a vomiting. a nausea. a sore throat.


    They   These patients     are ill with   suffer from   have nephritis. appendicitis. hernia. gastric ulcer. duodenal ulcer. cholecystitis. myocarditis. pericarditis. cardiosclerosis. pneumonia. bronchitis. asthma. gastritis. colitis.


The doctor   The therapeutist   The surgeon   The anaesthetist   makes the morning round. examines the patients. listens to the heart. listens to the lungs. palpates the abdominal parts. feels the pulse. checks blood pressure. makes the diagnosis. prescribes the treatment. performs the operation. gives anaesthesia. pays much attention to the treatment of the patients.


  The nurse   The surgeon's assistant   The surgical nurse takes the patient’s temperature. fulfills the doctor’s prescriptions. gives intramuscular injections. gives intravenous injections. cups the patients. makes compresses. applies mustard plasters. gives the prescribed medicines. helps the surgeon during the operation. gives the necessary surgical instruments. controls the patient’s condition. dresses the wounds.


Ex. 16. Speak on the work of medical specialists in different departments.


Ex. 17. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense-forms:

1. This hospital (to be) new and modern. 2. These hospitals (to be) multistory buildings. 3. It (to have) all modern conveniences. 4. This department (to house) sixty patients. 5. This patient (to suffer) from many diseases. 6. These patients (to suffer) from duodenal ulcer. 7. He (to be ill) with bronchitis last year. 8. These doctors (to listen) to the patient’s lungs. 9. Yesterday they (to perform) on very difficult operation. 10. Next week he (to advice) a new treatment of this disease. 11. The doctor (to fill) in case histories last week. 12. The nurse (to take) the patients’ temperature, (to fulfill) the doctor’s prescriptions, (to give) intramuscular and intravenous injections, and (to make) compresses. 13. He (to measure) her blood pressure, (to look) at the tonsils and (to feel) her pulse.


Ex. 18. Answer the questions:

1 What is the hospital? 2. What departments are there in the regional hospital? 3. How many staffed beds does each department house? 4. What can one see in every ward? 5. What do the doctors do every day? 6. What do the nurses do at the hospital? 7. What diseases do the patients of the surgical department have? 8. What diseases do the patients of the cardiological department have? What do they complain of? 9. What diseases do the patients of pulmonological department suffer from? What are the symptoms of these diseases? 10. What diseases do the patients of the gastroenterological department have?

Ex. 19. Translate the following sentences into English:

You may use the following phrases: He/She suffers from.... He/She has.... He/She is ill with....


1. Цей чоловік хворіє на пневмонію. Він скаржиться на сильний біль у грудях, кашель і загальну слабкість. 2. У цієї жінки міокардит. У неї болі в ділянці серця. Вона скаржиться на загальну слабкість і задишку. 3. Ці пацієнти страждають на виразку шлунку. Вони відчувають біль у шлунку, загальну слабкість. У них буває нудота або блювання. 4. У цього чоловіка часто буває нудота і він відчуває біль у шлунку після їжі. 5. У хірургічному відділенні можна бачити хворих, які мають різні хірургічні хвороби. 6. Цей хворий страждає на грижу. 7. Цей чоловік має виразку дванадцятипалої кишки, а той страждає на апендицит.


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