Exercise1 Read the text which will teach you how to behave during job interviews. 

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Exercise1 Read the text which will teach you how to behave during job interviews.


Everybody must Know it if you Want to do Well at a Job Interview

When a job opening is advertised, there are often a lot of people interested in applying. Many job hunters send in their resumes and apply for the same position. Sometimes a company will receive hundreds of resumes for a single job opening.

The job interview, therefore, is very important. In the interview, an applicant must

demonstrate that he or she is the right person for the job. As you prepare for the

interview process, remember one thing. The purpose of an interview is not to

intimidate you or to put you in an uncomfortable situation. The interview is

the most efficient way in a relatively short time for you and the representative

of an employer to get to know each other.
Because job interviews are important, some job hunters read books or take courses to help them make a good first impression, which is very important. These

books and courses are full of advice and suggestions to help job applicants prepare

for their interviews. For example, applicants are taught to dress appropriately

and have a clean and neat appearance. How you dress can be as important in

creating an impression as what you have to say. So, dress in good taste, as

employers prefer to hire men and women whose appearance and overall behavior

present a positive image.

Before the interview find out what you can about the firm, about the job you're applying for. Find out the interviewer’s name and telephone number, where

the interview is and how long it will take to get there.

Be on time for the interview, and know your interviewer's name. Greet your interviewer by name and give him/her a firm handshake (ladies too) when you

come in.

During the interview try to relax. It is appropriate to smile often and make

eye-contact with the interviewer.

The applicant should be prepared to answer questions about education

and previous jobs. Interviewers expect applicants to talk profoundly, confidently,

and truthfully about their work experience, skills, goals, and abilities. Answer

questions as fully as you wish; don’t respond with a yes or no. Answering

questions emphasize your goals and strong points. Always be polite and speak

plainly and clearly. Be confident and make the interviewer think that you are

a self-confident person.

Exercise 2 Match the English words and word-combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents. Make up sentences with these words.


a job opening попередній
Position ввічливий
in the interview самовпевнений
an interviewer наймати (на роботу)
an applicant потискувати руку
to apply for відповідати, реагувати
to intimidate позитивний образ, імідж
representative просто і зрозуміло
to make/create an impression представляти, презентувати
suggestions подавати заяву
clean and neat мета, ціль
to hire загальна поведінка
overall behavior підкреслювати, виділяти
to present відкрита вакансія
a positive image впевнений (-о)
to find out здібності, уміння
to greet заявник (той, хто подає заяву), претендент (на посаду)
to give a handshake в повному обсязі, повністю
Firm встановити зоровий контакт
to make eye-contact правдивий (-о)
Previous вітати
profound(ly) на інтерв’ю
confident(ly) посада
self-confident залякувати
truthful(ly) міцний, сильний, твердий
Goal з’ясовувати, дізнаватися
Abilities справляти / створювати враження
Fully чистий і охайний
to respond представник
to emphasize сильні сторони (пункти)
strong points той, хто проводить інтерв’ю
Polite глибокий (-о), вичерпний (-о)
plain(ly) and clear(ly) пропозиція, порада


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