The use of the Subjunctive Mood 

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The use of the Subjunctive Mood

in Nominal Clauses *

In и subject clause

Ex. 17. Study the following chart.

it is (was)   necessary important desirable advisable recommended suggested requested demanded ordered   that the problem (should) be**settledas soon as possible. everybody (should) read the book. you (should) follow the instruc­tions. she (should) be careful in dealing with such problems.  


Ex. 18. Open the brackets using the Subjunctive Mood.

1. It's necessary that enquiries (to make) before raising the question at the meeting. 2. It is requested that all the library books (to return) before the summer vacation. 3. It's desirable that we (to see) this method in practice first before introducing it into our work. 4. It was suggested that a committee (to set up) to examine such questions. 5. It's neces­sary that she (to practise) more if she wants to take part in the compe­titions. 6. It is important that you (to keep) to a diet. 7. It was demand­ed that the goods (to deliver) to the port by the end of the month. 8. It's advisable that you (to take up) sports to keep fit. 9. It is demanded that absolute silence (to keep) during an operation. 10. It is recommended that medical students (to take) a longer course of training before they are sent to work.


Ex. 19. Study the following char * t, translate the sentences into Rus­sian.

it is (was)   strange natural impossible doubtful   that   he shouldn't want to take part in the discussion. he should not have taken part in the discussion. she should say such things. she should have said such a thing.  


Ex. 20. Practise the following according to the model; mind the tense form.

M o d e l: The operation is (will be) painless, (possible?)

Is it possible that the operation should be painless?

He gave up painting, (impossible)

It's impossible that he should have given up painting.

1. He has been cured (possible?) 2. She was not impressed by the film (impossible). 3. The treatment will work (possible?) 4. He believes her story (doubtful). 5. She was hurt by his remark (natural). 6. He swam across the Volga (doubtful). 7. She doesn't know her diagnosis (strange). 8. She acts the part of Ann in the play (doubtful).


Ex. 21. Paraphrase the following using the Subjunctive Mood.

1. It's necessary for you to see an eye specialist. 2. The child got frightened at the sight of the doctor. It was quite natural. 3. He has not answered the letter on purpose. Is it possible? 4. Travellers crossing the border are requested to fill up a special form. 5. Is it important for you to go into details? 6. I don't see why she doesn't want anybody to know about this. It's strange. 7. Everybody was ordered to leave the hall during the break. 8. Visitors are requested not to touch the exhib­its on show. 9. It's impossible for anyone to be angry with her. 10. It was natural for the news to be kept secret.


Ex. 22. Translate the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood in subject clauses.

1. Желательно, чтобы все выступающие говорили по существу, не вдаваясь в подробное и. 2. Необходимо, чтобы все их требования были удовлетворены. 3. Важно, чтобы вы приняли меры немедленно. 4. Посетителей просят оставлять одежду в гардеробе. 5. Не может быть, чтобы самолет вылетел в такую погоду. 6. Было распоряжение, чтобы они немедленно навели справки об этом деле. 7. Важно, чтобы в доклад были включены все основные вопросы. 8. Желательно, что­бы вы нам рассказали об этом случае на собрании. Всем было бы ин­тересно послушать вас. 9. Необходимо, чтобы вы относились к нему, как к взрослому. 10. Вполне естественно, что ее взяли в больницу. Ее можно вылечить только б больнице. 11. Было предложено, чтобы перед походом все прошли медицинский осмотр. 12. Неужели ее вылечили? 13. Странно, чтобы он вышел из себя. Он всегда такой спокойный.


II. in an object clause

Ex. 23. Study the following chart *.

  1. The doctor insisted that the patient (should) be placed in hospital. 2. I advise that you (should) see the doctor. 3. They recommended that I (should) repeat this course of treatment in a year.


Ex. 24. Open the brackets using the Subjunctive Mood in an object clause.

1. The doctor suggested that I (to see) a heart specialist. 2. He ad­vised that a new treatment (to try). 3. The nurse insisted that the pa­tient (to take) the medicine as instructed by the doctor. 4. We requested that the speaker (to touch upon) the progress in modern medicine 5.They demanded that an explanation (to give) why the work had not been done in time. 6. He ordered that action (to take) immediately.


Ex. 25. Paraphrase the following using the Subjunctive Mood in object clauses.

M o d e l: He suggests our going there by boat.

He suggests that we should go there by boat.

1. She insisted on our hiring a porter to help us with our suitcases. 2. With the sudden change of weather the guide had to order the tour­ists to return to the camp. 3. He advised us to set up camp on the bank of the river. 4. The doctor recommended me to return home as soon as hot weather set in. 5. They suggested our going sightseeing on the sec­ond day of our arrival. 6. We insisted on the terms being made quite clear. 7. The nurse advised the mother to stay with the child in the hos­pital.


Ex. 26. Translated the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood in an object clause.

1. Выставка произвела на него большое впечатление, и он посове­товал нам посетить ее. 2. Мы предложили отложить поездку из-за плохой погоды. 3. Он потребовал, чтобы мы дали объяснения по по­воду нашего отсутствия. 4. Все настаивали, чтобы он подробно рассказал, как это случилось. 5. Комиссия рекомендовала, чтобы во­прос, находящийся на рассмотрении, был передан специалистам. 6. Я попросил, чтобы кто-нибудь позаботился о билетах заранее. 7. Он потребовал, чтобы они прекратили обращаться с ним как с ребенком. 8. Врач посоветовал, чтобы больной повторил курс ле­чения через год. 9. Я предложил, чтобы его послали делегатом на конференцию от нашего института. 10. Я настаиваю, чтобы вы при­няли это лекарство.



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