Что если меня нельзя загипнотизировать. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Что если меня нельзя загипнотизировать.

В общем говоря, каждого нормального человека можно загипнотизировать. Это люди с IQ минимум 70, или с серьезными нарушениями психики. Поэтому практически каждый может ожидать успешных результатов от гипноза.


Многие не могут различить состояние пребывания в гипнозе состоянием пробуждения. Некоторые чувствуют себя расслаблено и летаргические, некоторые просто ощущают легкость. Одна вещь, которую замечают все это необъяснимое изменение в их ежедневной привычке курить. Она просто изчезнет.


Гипноз полностью безопасен. Вы постоянно находитесь при полном сознании и контроле и можете прервать сессию в любой момент. Гипноз это не сон, и вы не можете застрять или не выйти из состояния гипноза. Вы не можете бить заставлены делать что-то против собственной воли! Гипноз станет безопасным, расслабляющим и приятным переживанием для вас.


Telephone answering script.


How did you hear about us?(write down)


How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?(find their row on the chart page 3)


That’s easy. All it takes is one hour to take it down to zero. Why don’t I explain a little about how the hypnosis works, and then if you have any questions I’ll be glad to answer them for you. What we do is we use a unique combination of advanced hypnosis techniques. More then 95% of people stop after just one session, and for the rest we have a back up session free of charge. In that one hour what we actually do is we help you to completely remove the desire for the cigarettes. By doing this, we have found that we totally avoid the possibility of substituting unhealthy things like overeating for the smoking.

Now, one of the things that makes us unique is that the program is guaranteed for life. This means that if after the session if you ever need any additional help, whether its two days or two years down the road, all you have to don is give us a call and we will get you back in at no extra charge. The price of the Smoking Cessation Program is $275.00, which of course includes free back up in the unlikely event that you will ever need it. We stay with you.

Now the rest of this week is fully booked, in fact we usually book two to three weeks in advance- but I’ve got a spot free on_____________________________


I need your address because I will send you a confirmation letter and a map explaining exactly where we are. we are located at 1820 NE 163St, North Miami, Fl. 33162


I’m also going ton send you a simple, short questionnaire that take s a minute or two to fill in. You’ll need to fill it in right away and send it right back to us in the prepaid envelope that we will include for you with a $100.00 deposit to secure your place in the appointment book.


We’ll get that off to you today, first class, so you’ll be getting it tomorrow or the next day.


Think About/Send info:


Ok, lets make it easy for you. I’ll tell you what I’m going to do…we have some gift packs that we have for our clients to give to their family and friends. It includes a CD worth $49, a gift voucher worth $25, and some written information. I’ll send you one for free.


On track one of the CD you will find all the information you will need to decide if this is something you really want to do. On track two there is an actual hypnosis stress-relief session which is our gift to you.

I’ll put that in the mail today, and I’ll give you a call in about a week or so to make sure you received it and see what you thought of the CD.


Пачек в день Сигарет в день Время до получения выгоды Годовые сбережения Инфляция
1/2 10-20 2 месяца ($120 в месяц) $1,800 $1980
    6 недель ($240 в месяц) $2,880 $2000
1-1/2   1 месяц ($360 в месяц) $4,320 $3100
    24 дня ($480 в месяц) $5,760 $4200
2-1/2   19 дней ($600 в месяц) $7,200 $7920
    16 дней ($720 в месяц) $8,640 $9504
3-1/2   14 дней ($840 в месяц) $10,080 $11088
    12 дней ($960 в месяц) $11,520 $12672








How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? Answer


So how long will it take you to smoke 60 packs of 20?


Answer _____________Weeks/months

so you are going to spend $300.00 in the next ______weeks/months anyway on smoking.

And in a year you would have spent (________table_). You Are actually going to save (_Table) per year! That’s like getting a (table) raise a year that goes up with inflation, because lets face it, cigarettes are not getting any cheaper.



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