Перепишіть наведені речення, використовуючи відповідну форму Passive Voice. Перекладіть одержані речення рідною мовою. 

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Перепишіть наведені речення, використовуючи відповідну форму Passive Voice. Перекладіть одержані речення рідною мовою.

1. They inspect the rooms every day.

2. They’re cleaning your room now.

3. They sent the bill to the company.

4. They were preparing the bill.

5. They have redecorated the bar.

6. They had made a mistake.

7. They will do it tomorrow.

Перефразуйте наведені речення, використовуючи сполучник if. Напишіть одержані умовні речення у трьох типах.

Наприклад: Dollars are necessary to buy this car.

If you want to buy this car, you should have dollars.

If you wanted to buy this car, you should have dollars.

If you had wanted to buy this car, you should have had dollars.

1. Don’t whistle indoors or you will lose all your money.

2. Don’t light a cigarette from a candle, or it will bring you bad luck.

3. Don’t spill salt at the table, or you’ll have bad luck.

4. We must sell the best rooms to make profit.

5. Mr. Johnson will be happy only after getting an upgrade.

Перепишіть наведені речення у непрямій мові.

Model: Mr. Smith says, “You look nice today”. – Mr. Smith said that she looked nice that day.

1. “Mister,” she asked, “do you speak French?”

2. “Oh, please forgive me, Tom; my heart will break,” said Maggie.

3. “How nice to see a new face,” the woman in black velvet said.

4. “You must go to England before June. It is absolutely necessary,” said the doctor.

5. “Greta, please say something,” he begged.

Заповніть пропуски модальними дієсловами must, don’t have to, mustn’t.

As it’s your first day, I’ll show you what to do. Obviously, you must make the beds and cover the carpet, and you … forget to check the cupboards in case the guests have left anything. If one of the beds hasn’t been used, you … change the sheets, but you … tidy it up so that it looks right. If the guest is about to leave, you … check the mini-bar and tell reception if anything has been used so that they can put it on the bill. In the bathroom, you … change all the towels and provide new soap and shampoo and make sure that everything is clean. If any of the light bulbs are broken, you … replace them yourself – you can just ring Maintenance.

Прочитайте та перекладіть текст рідною мовою.

Marlipins museum

Shoreham’s local and especially its maritime history is explored at Marlipins. Its important Norman Building is believed to have once being used as a Customs House. The maritime gallery contains many superb nautical models and fine paintings, while the rest of the museum houses exhibits dating back to Man’s earliest occupation of the area. The development of Shoreham’s airport and life in the town during the war years features prominently in the displays.

Opening times

1st May – 30th September

Tue – Sat: 10 am – 1 pm & 2 – 4.30pm; Sun: 2 – 4.30 pm

Last admission – 20 minutes before closing time.


Adult – £ 1.00, Child (5 – 15) – £ 0.50, Student and Senior Citizen – £ 0.75

Season ticket – £ 3.00.

Group and school rates on request.

Disabled Visitors

Disabled visitors are very welcome although due to the historic nature of the building, the museum is on different levels, which is unsuitable for wheelchairs.

Parking and toilets

On and off-street parking is available within a very short walk, so are public toilets.


There is a wide choice of cafes, restaurants and pubs in the town.

Educational facilities

A wide range of educational facilities is available.

How to find us

Marlipins is situated in Shoreham-by-Sea High Street at the junction with Middle Street, 5 minutes’ walk from the railway station. By road, Shoreham is directly on the A259 and easily accessible from the A27, 6 miles west of Brighton and 5 miles east from Worthing.


6. Дайте відповідi на запитання.

1. What does the maritime gallery contain?

2. What are the opening times?

3. Why is the museum unsuitable for wheelchairs?

4. What is the admission to the museum?

5. Where is Marlipins museum located?


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