Higher education in Great Britain, 

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Higher education in Great Britain,


Иностранных языков







Методические указания

по развитию навыков устной и письменной речи

для студентов младших курсов всех специальностей



УДК 811. 111 (076.5)

ББК 81. 2Англ. – 923

B 93



Составители – Юлия Владимировна Виноградова, преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета; Анастасия Александровна Максимова, преподаватель той же кафедры; Мария Александровна Петрова, преподаватель той же кафедры



Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены кафедрой, протокол № 7 от 21.02.2007 года.



Рецензент – В. Н. Ионова, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета


Редактор Г.В. Зобнина



© Мурманский государственный технический университет, 2007



Введение....................................................................................................... 4

World Declaration on Higher Education....................................................... 5

Higher Education in Great Britain................................................................ 6

Oxbridge..................................................................................................... 13

Higher Education in Russia......................................................................... 18

The Murmansk State Technical University................................................. 25

Higher Education in the USA...................................................................... 32

Yale University........................................................................................... 43

Role Play..................................................................................................... 45

Appendix.................................................................................................... 48

Список использованной литературы........................................................ 49






Методические указания построены на аутентичных англоязычных научно-популярных текстах. Целью методических указаний является развитие умений и навыков устной и письменной речи по теме «Высшее образование». Предтекстовые упражнения знакомят студентов с новыми словами и терминами, активизируют знакомую студентам лексику, готовят к обсуждению проблем, изложенных в текстах. Послетекстовые упражнения направлены на контроль понимания содержания текстов, закрепление новых лексических единиц и грамматических конструкций. Кроме того, в методических указаниях представлены упражнения, развивающие монологическую и диалогическую речь, а также творческие задания, стимулирующие высказывания студентами собственного мнения и его аргументацию, которые будут способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся и формированию навыков межкультурного общения.


"Everyone has the right to education"

"Higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of individual capacity"

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1. Read the extract from the declaration made by the participants of the World Conference on Higher Education, assembled at UNESCO [*] Headquarters in Paris. Before reading, study the following vocabulary:

unprecedented demand беспрецедентная потребность
diversification диверсификация – разнообразие учебных программ и типов учебных заведений
awareness осведомленность
young generation молодое поколение
challenge сложная задача, проблема, испытание
equity of conditions равенство условий
enhancement увеличение, улучшение
relevance of programmes существенность, важность программ
employability возможность устроиться на работу
to disseminate распространять
equitable access беспристрастный, справедливый доступ
to ensure гарантировать, обеспечивать


Nowadays there is an unprecedented demand for and a great diversification in higher education, as well as an increased awareness of its vital importance for sociocultural and economic development, and for building the future, for which the younger generations will need to be equipped with new skills, knowledge and ideals. Higher education includes 'all types of studies, training or training for research at the post-secondary level, provided by universities or other educational establishments that are approved as institutions of higher education by the competent State authorities'.

Everywhere higher education is faced with great challenges and difficulties related to financing, equity of conditions at access into and during the course of studies, improved staff development, skills-based training, enhancement and preservation of quality in teaching, research and services, relevance of programmes, employability of graduates, establishment of efficient co-operation agreements and equitable access to the benefits of international co-operation. At the same time, higher education is being challenged by new opportunities relating to technologies that are improving the ways in which knowledge can be produced, managed, disseminated, accessed and controlled. Equitable access to these technologies should be ensured at all levels of education systems.

In the profile given below you will read about the systems of higher education in Great Britain, Russia and the USA. You will find the information about educational institutions and subjects studied by students, you will learn about degree levels and ways of students' life. Also you will get acquainted with the most famous universities of these countries.


Would you like to get higher education in Great Britain? Imagine that you apply for vacancy in one of the British universities. Act out a dialogue. Ask your groupmate, 'a British student', about higher education and students' life in Great Britain.

– Ask about different types of universities.

– Find out the entrance requirements.

– Get the information about the process of education (subjects, methods of teaching).

– Don't fail to ask about tuition fees and living expenses.

– Be sure to ask about degree titles.


So, you have got acquainted with the British system of higher education. And what do you know about the system of higher education in Russia? Read the text and learn the information about the present day situation in the system of higher education in our country.

Make the card. Write down 5 sentences in Russian using words and word combinations from the exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. Exchange the card with your groupmates and translate the sentences from Russian into English.

6. Correct the statements. Use such expressions as:

I disagree because...

I can't agree with this statement because...

It's false...

On the contrary...

1. Now our educational institution is called the Murmansk State Academy of Fishing Fleet.

2. An applicant must concentrate on the major subject if he/she wants to enter the university.

3. Only the Faculty of Natural Sciences has its own specialized library, laboratories, workshops and computer center.

4. The first-year and second-year students study only humanitarian subjects.

5. Preliminary courses help students to become well-qualified specialists and prepare them for their future work.

6. Experiments in libraries help students to develop practical skills.

7. Students go to the university library or reading rooms to gain working experience.

8. If a student fails to pass a credit, he must take exams not to fall behind the group.

9. After four years of study students get the Doctor's Degree.

7. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the Murmansk Higher Engineering Marine School founded and when was it reorganized into Academy? How is our educational institution called now?

2. What must the applicant have if he/she wants to enter the university? What entrance exams did you pass?

3. What do you know about preliminary courses? Did you attend them to enter the university?

4. How many cadets and students study at the University? Who studies at the part-time and correspondence departments?

5. How many faculties are there at the University? What faculties do full-time students study at? What faculty do you study at?

6. What specialized fields does your faculty comprise? What specialized field do you study at?

7. What does every faculty have at its disposal?

8. What general engineering subjects do first- and second-year students study? What humanitarian subjects does the curriculum include? What is your favourite subject? What subject are you good at? What is the most difficult subject for you? What subject do you work hard at?

9. When do students begin to concentrate on their major subjects? What subjects and courses do they study? What do these subjects and courses help students to do?

10. What laboratories do students have at their disposal? Why does the laboratory work play an important part in training up-to-date specialists? What is the aim of field work? Where do cadets have their sailing practice?

11. What books does the university library have? Are you fond of reading? What books do you prefer to read?

12. What opportunities does the university provide to play sports? Are there any sport clubs at the university? What are they? Do you go in for sport? What is your favourite sport? Why?

13. How many terms are there in the academic year? When do students have vacations? How and where do you usually spend your holidays?

14. How many credits and exams do students usually take at the end of the term? What exams will you take at the end of this term? What happens if a student fails to pass a credit?

15. Is it allowed to miss classes? What must a student do if he/she missed the classes? Do you often miss classes?

16. What degree can students get after four years of study? When can they get the Master's degree? Who may take the post-graduate course?

17. Do you like to study at the MSTU? Why?


A lot of young people in Russia nowadays want to get higher education abroad. They go to different countries but one of the most attractive countries for students are the USA. Do you want to study there? If yes, read the texts about higher education in the USA very attentively and get the necessary information.

1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian using a dictionary:

to be admitted, to achieve a degree of success, needy, to do exceptionally well, dormitory (dorm), outskirt, to set standards, ability, creativity, to comprise, sophomore, to be devoted to smth., to be aimed at smth., to last, regular academic subjects, area, carpentry, tuition fee, state residents, to be subsidized by, to receive a degree, liberal arts, to designate, to be scattered, enrollments.

2. Practise the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them.
Harvard [׳ha:vәd]
Massachusetts [׳mæsә׳t∫u:sets]
Yale University [jeil]
Princeton University [׳prinstәn]
Columbia University [ko׳lambiә]
campus [׳kæmpәs]
dormitory [׳do:mitri]
specialization [ֽspe∫iәlai׳ zei∫n]
tertiary education [׳tз:∫әri]
prestigious [pre׳stidзәs]

Correct the statements.

1. Higher education began in the United States in 1600, when Yale College was founded.

2. Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and the most famous American higher educational institutions.

3. Nowadays there are about 100 colleges and universities in the US.

4. If a student is offered a loan, he shouldn't repay it after he has left the college.

5. The University of California has 5 campuses.

6. In the USA the lecture method is combined with laboratory works.

7. There are 2 ways to get higher education in the USA: universities and colleges.

8. A distinctive feature of American University is its 3 levels – undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate school education.

9. Depending upon the type of school and program, annual graduate program tuition can vary from $1,000 to as high as $4,000.

10. Applicants are chosen only on the basis of their personal qualities.

11. There are 7 final examinations at each college and university.

The purpose of studying at the university is to get some degree. As it is known a distinctive feature of American University is its 2 levels – the separation of undergraduate from graduate education. Each level has its own system of degrees. Complete the chart with information about the degrees on each level.

Abbreviation The full name
Undergraduate education    
Graduate education    
11. Do the translation into English. 1. Гарвардский колледж был основан в 1636 году в штате Массачусетс английским священником Джоном Гарвардом.2. В США в первой половине XIX в. колледжи были довольно многочисленны. Они были разбросаны по всей территории Америки, но количество студентов в них было небольшое.3. В США существует около 3000 колледжей и университетов, которые финансируются государством, из частного источника или религиозной группой.4. В американских университетах существует двухуровневая система образования, состоящая из программы для студентов (рассчитанной на получение степени бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук) и программы для аспирантов (продолжение образования с целью получения степени магистра или доктора наук).5. Обучение в муниципальном колледже длится два года, после чего студенты поступают в университет и учатся еще два года, для того чтобы получить степень бакалавра.6. Президент – глава университета; деканы управляют различными колледжами, входящими в состав университета; заведующие кафедрами возглавляют многочисленные кафедры. Другой персонал университета – это инструкторы, преподаватели, доценты и профессора, а также аспиранты-преподаватели. 12. Discuss the following issues:

1. Comment on the entrance standard and admission policies at the universities.

2. Speak about the average annual graduate program tuition and 'activities fees'.

3. Dwell on a financial assistance that is given to the students. Should they repay it? What is awarded to needy students? What is a scholarship?

4. Explain the functions of the university administration: the president, deans, the chairman, graduate assistants.

5. Speak about such a distinctive feature of American University as its 2 levels.

6. Prove that the system of higher education in the United States is complex.

7. Name the most famous American higher educational institutions.


1. Before reading the text translate the following words and word combinations into Russian using a dictionary:

along with smb.; prominent; to feature a journal/ magazine/ newspaper; intramural sport; vibrant; to be coed; rivals; notably.

2. Yale University is one of the oldest and best-known universities of the USA. Read the text and find the information about:

– the date of foundation;

– famous people who studied at Yale;

– the number of faculty members working at Yale;

– the number of undergraduate and graduate students studying at Yale;

– students' organizations;

– sports life at Yale;

– Yale mascot.


Yale University is a private university in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701 as the Collegiate School this university is considered as the third-largest university of the USA (after The Harvard University and The College of William and Mary).

All U.S. presidents since 1989 have been Yale graduates, namely George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton (who attended the University's Law School along with his wife, New York Senator Hillary Clinton). Many of the 2004 presidential candidates attended Yale: Dick Cheney (although he did not graduate), John Kerry, Howard Dean, and Joe Lieberman. Many other famous politicians, artists, sportsmen studied at Yale. The Yale School of Drama is notable for producing many prominent Hollywood and Broadway actors.

Yale has 3,200 faculty members, who teach 5,200 undergraduate students and 6,000 graduate students. A large number of students' organizations are associated with the university. The Yale Political Union is the oldest students' political organization in the United States.

The university features a variety of student journals, magazines, and newspapers. The latter category includes the Yale Daily News, which was first published in 1878 and is the oldest daily college newspaper in the United States.

The Yale College Council runs several agencies that oversee campus wide activities and student services. The campus also includes several fraternities and sororities, the most famous of which is The Whiffenpoofs. A number of prominent secret societies, including Skull and Bones, are composed of Yale College students.

Yale intramural sports are a vibrant aspect of student life. Students compete for their respective residential colleges, which fosters a friendly rivalry. The year is divided into Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons, each of which includes about ten different sports. About half the sports are coed. At the end of the year, the residential college with the most points wins the Tyng Cup.

Yale supports 35 varsity athletic teams that compete in the Ivy League. Yale has numerous athletic facilities, including the Yale Bowl (the nation's first natural 'bowl' stadium, and prototype for such stadiums as the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and the Rose Bowl), and the Payne Whitney Gymnasium, the second-largest indoor athletic complex in the world. The Yale Corinthian Yacht Club, founded in 1881, is the oldest collegiate sailing club in the world. The yacht club produced several Olympic sailors. Yale and Harvard have for most of their history been rivals in almost everything, notably academics, rowing and football.

The school mascot is 'Handsome Dan', the famous Yale bulldog, and the Yale fight song contains the refrain, "Bulldog, bulldog, bow wow wow." The school color is Yale Blue (dark blue).

Yale president Richard C. Levin summarized the university's institutional priorities for its fourth century: "First, among the nation's finest research universities, Yale is distinctively committed to excellence in undergraduate education. Second, in our graduate and professional schools, as well as in Yale College, we are committed to the education of leaders."




1. Арбаева, Е.И. Сборник иностранных текстов для изучения английского языка по теме «Наш университет» / Е.И. Арбаева. – Мурманск: МГТУ, 2000.

2. Бурлак, А.И. Знакомьтесь: Америка! / А.И. Бурлак, Л.И. Кравцова. – М.: Высшая школа, 2005.

3. Истомина, Е.А. Profiles of the United States / Е.А. Истомина, Ю.Е. Ваулина. – М.: Астрель, АСТ, 2003.

4. Левашова, В.А. Britain today: life and institutions / В.А. Левашова. – М.: Инфра-М, 2001.

5. Токарева, Н.Д. What is it like in the USA? / Н.Д. Токарева. – М.: Гриф, МОРФ, 2005.

6. McDowall, D. Britain in Close-Up / D. McDowall. – London: Longman Group, 2003.

7. Garton-Sprenger, J. Flying Colours / J. Garton-Sprenger, S. Greenall. – Heinemann, 1992.

8. Universities in the USA [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.america.com. – Заглавие с экрана.

9. Universities in the USA [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.studyusa.com – Заглавие с экрана.

10. Admissions and Financial Aid [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.harvard.edu. – Заглавие с экрана.

11. Higher Education [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.en.wikipedia.org. – Заглавие с экрана.

12. World Declaration on Higher Education for the twenty first century: Vision and Action [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.unesco.org. – Заглавие с экрана.

13. American Education [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.madrassas.com. – Заглавие с экрана.

14. Learning Russian in Moscow / Education system in Russia [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.studyrussian.com. – Заглавие с экрана.

15. System of Russian Education [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.useic.ru. – Заглавие с экрана.

16. Europe / the Russian Federation / A brief description of Russian Higher Education [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.gse.buffalo.edu. – Заглавие с экрана.

[*] United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

[†] Alma mater – лат. "Кормящая мать" – почтительное наименование студентами своего университета.


Иностранных языков







Методические указания

по развитию навыков устной и письменной речи

для студентов младших курсов всех специальностей



УДК 811. 111 (076.5)

ББК 81. 2Англ. – 923

B 93



Составители – Юлия Владимировна Виноградова, преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета; Анастасия Александровна Максимова, преподаватель той же кафедры; Мария Александровна Петрова, преподаватель той же кафедры



Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены кафедрой, протокол № 7 от 21.02.2007 года.



Рецензент – В. Н. Ионова, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета


Редактор Г.В. Зобнина



© Мурманский государственный технический университет, 2007



Введение....................................................................................................... 4

World Declaration on Higher Education....................................................... 5

Higher Education in Great Britain................................................................ 6

Oxbridge..................................................................................................... 13

Higher Education in Russia......................................................................... 18

The Murmansk State Technical University................................................. 25

Higher Education in the USA...................................................................... 32

Yale University........................................................................................... 43

Role Play..................................................................................................... 45

Appendix.................................................................................................... 48

Список использованной литературы........................................................ 49






Методические указания построены на аутентичных англоязычных научно-популярных текстах. Целью методических указаний является развитие умений и навыков устной и письменной речи по теме «Высшее образование». Предтекстовые упражнения знакомят студентов с новыми словами и терминами, активизируют знакомую студентам лексику, готовят к обсуждению проблем, изложенных в текстах. Послетекстовые упражнения направлены на контроль понимания содержания текстов, закрепление новых лексических единиц и грамматических конструкций. Кроме того, в методических указаниях представлены упражнения, развивающие монологическую и диалогическую речь, а также творческие задания, стимулирующие высказывания студентами собственного мнения и его аргументацию, которые будут способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся и формированию навыков межкультурного общения.


"Everyone has the right to education"

"Higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of individual capacity"

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1. Read the extract from the declaration made by the participants of the World Conference on Higher Education, assembled at UNESCO [*] Headquarters in Paris. Before reading, study the following vocabulary:

unprecedented demand беспрецедентная потребность
diversification диверсификация – разнообразие учебных программ и типов учебных заведений
awareness осведомленность
young generation молодое поколение
challenge сложная задача, проблема, испытание
equity of conditions равенство условий
enhancement увеличение, улучшение
relevance of programmes существенность, важность программ
employability возможность устроиться на работу
to disseminate распространять
equitable access беспристрастный, справедливый доступ
to ensure гарантировать, обеспечивать


Nowadays there is an unprecedented demand for and a great diversification in higher education, as well as an increased awareness of its vital importance for sociocultural and economic development, and for building the future, for which the younger generations will need to be equipped with new skills, knowledge and ideals. Higher education includes 'all types of studies, training or training for research at the post-secondary level, provided by universities or other educational establishments that are approved as institutions of higher education by the competent State authorities'.

Everywhere higher education is faced with great challenges and difficulties related to financing, equity of conditions at access into and during the course of studies, improved staff development, skills-based training, enhancement and preservation of quality in teaching, research and services, relevance of programmes, employability of graduates, establishment of efficient co-operation agreements and equitable access to the benefits of international co-operation. At the same time, higher education is being challenged by new opportunities relating to technologies that are improving the ways in which knowledge can be produced, managed, disseminated, accessed and controlled. Equitable access to these technologies should be ensured at all levels of education systems.


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