Choose the synonym of the underlined word. 

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Choose the synonym of the underlined word.

Hundred of dams have been erected.

A) put up

The first houses in different countries were made of wood.

A) various

Men found ways of using wood as a building material.

A) structural

The buildrs of our country possessed great know-how.

A ) ability

The workmen mix cement, sand, pebbles and water to make concrete.

A) break stone

A lift can be moved to different places.

A)) elevator

All these things help the workmen to build houses more quickly.

A) rapidly

A lot of strong timber is used to make a roof.

A) rough

All the parts of such houses are produced in factories.

A) manufactured

Its manufacture requires special equipment.

A) supply

They are the samples of artificial building material.

A) examples

A number of rooms on one floor is called a flat.

A) apartment

This kind of steel is widely used in building.

A) on a large scale

Cement is the most essential material for making concrete of high quality.

A) important

Concrete can be used for almost all building purposes.

A) aims

Cement begins hardening one hour after the water has been added.

A) starts

Hardwoods are chiefly used for the decorative purposes.

A) stiff woods

Concrete refers to most important building materials.

A) belongs

Today Azerbaijan has a lot of ties with other countries.

A) connections

The outstanding Azerbaijan architect Ajami Nakhchivani lived in the XII century.

A) famous

In general, metals are good conductors of electricity.

A) generally

Yesterday’s assemblage lasted two hours.

A) meeting

Ferro-concrete is used in building bridges and arches, dams and dock walls, etc.

A) construction

The working plan of a house is drawn by an architect.

A) blueprint

The joiner fixes the window ledges in the house.

A) arranges

All the doors and window-frames are made by the carpenter.

A) the joiner

Sattar Bahlulzadeh is the famous Azerbaijan painter.

A) artist

Aluminium is alloyed with small amount of other materials.

A) quantity

Water is purified by mechanical and biological methods.

A) cleansed

Choose the correct translation.

Архитектор чертит план, чтобы показать размер домов и форму комнат.

A) An architect draws a plan to show the size of the house, the shape of the rooms.

В наше время знание иностранных языков для людей очень важно.

A) To know foreign languages is very necessary for people nowadays.

Чтобы сделать стены прочными кирпичи должны переплетать друг друга.

A) To make the walls stronger the bricks must overlap each other.

Дома строятся из дерева, кирпича, камня и бетона.

A) Houses are built of wood, brick, stone and concrete.

Кроме кирпича, камня и бетона в строительстве используются другие естественны и искусственные материалы.

A) Besides brick, stone and concrete other natural and artificial materials are used for the construction of walls.

Процесс строительства происходит под наблюдением прорабов и инженеров.

A) The building process takes place under the supervision of foremen and engineers.

Первый железебетонный мост был построен в 1875 году.

A) The first ferroconcrete bridge was built in 1875.

Основные инструменты используемые штукатурщиком это лопатка и мастерок.

A) The chief instruments used by the plasterer are the trowel and float.

Все металлы делятся на черные и цветные металлы.

A) All metals are divided into ferrous and non- ferrous metals.

Алюминий используется в авиационной, автомобильной, химической и некоторых других промышленностях.

A) Aluminium is used in aircraft, automobile, chemical and some other industries.

Медь самый лучший проводник электричество.

A) Copper is the best conductor of electricity.

Сплавленная сталь широко используется в строительстве.

A) Alloyed steel is widely used in construction.

Алюминий не является новым материалом.

A) Aluminum is not a new material.


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