Upon which he relinquished those habits. 

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Upon which he relinquished those habits.


There was an Old Person of Dover,

Who rushed through a field of blue Clover (мчался через поле синего клевера; сравните: he is/lives in clover – он живет припеваючи, как сыр в масле катается);

But some very large bees (но несколько очень крупных пчел),

Stung his nose and his knees (ужалили его нос и колени; sting – жалить),

So he very soon went back to Dover (так что он очень скоро вернулся назад).


There was an Old Person of Dover,

Who rushed through a field of blue Clover;

But some very large bees,

Stung his nose and his knees,

So he very soon went back to Dover.


There was an Old Man of Marseilles (из Марселя – город во Франции),

Whose daughters wore bottle-green veils (дочери которого носили бутылочно-зеленые /цвета зеленого бутылочного стекла/ вуали);

They caught several Fish (поймали несколько рыб; catch – поймать, ловить),

Which they put in a dish (которых они положили на блюдо; put – класть),

And sent to their Pa' at Marseilles (и отправили своему папе; send – отправить).


There was an Old Man of Marseilles,

Whose daughters wore bottle-green veils;

They caught several Fish,

Which they put in a dish,

And sent to their Pa' at Marseilles.


There was an Old Person of Cadiz (из Кадиса – город в Испании),

Who was always polite to all ladies (который был всегда вежлив со всеми дамами);

But in handing his daughter (но, подавая руку своей дочери, когда вел за руку свою дочь),

He fell into the water (он упал в воду; fall – падать),

Which drowned (что [и] утопило) that Old Person of Cadiz.


There was an Old Person of Cadiz,

Who was always polite to all ladies;

But in handing his daughter,

He fell into the water,

Which drowned that Old Person of Cadiz.


There was an Old Person of Basing,

Whose presence of mind was amazing (чье хладнокровие: «присутствие духа» было удивительным);

He purchased a steed (купил /боевого/ коня, рысака),

Which he rode at full speed (на котором он скакал со всей: «с полной» скоростью; ride – скакать),

And escaped from (и спасся бегством от) the people of Basing.


There was an Old Person of Basing,

Whose presence of mind was amazing;

He purchased a steed,

Which he rode at full speed,

And escaped from the people of Basing.


There was an Old Man of Quebec (из Квебека),

A beetle ran over his neck (жук пробежал по его шее);

But he cried (закричал), 'With a needle (с иглой),

I'll slay you (умервщлю тебя), O beadle! (церковный сторож)'

That angry (злой) Old Man of Quebec.


There was an Old Man of Quebec,

A beetle ran over his neck;

But he cried, 'With a needle,

I'll slay you, O beadle!'

That angry Old Man of Quebec.


There was an Old Person of Philæ,

Whose conduct was scroobious and wily (чье поведение быть странным и лукавым);

He rushed up a Palm (бросился на Пальму),

When the weather was calm (когда погода была тихой),

And observed all the ruins (наблюдал за развалинами) of Philæ.


There was an Old Person of Philæ,

Whose conduct was scroobious and wily;

He rushed up a Palm,

When the weather was calm,

And observed all the ruins of Philæ.


The was a Young Lady of Bute,

Who played on a silver-gilt flute (играла на покрытой серебром флейте);

She played several jigs (несколько джиг),

To her uncle's white pigs (для ее дяди белых свиней),

That amusing (забавная) Young Lady of Bute.


The was a Young Lady of Bute,

Who played on a silver-gilt flute;

She played several jigs,

To her uncle's white pigs,

That amusing Young Lady of Bute.



There was a Young Lady whose nose (чей нос),

Was so long that it reached to her toes (такой длинный, что доставал по пальцев ее ног);

So she hired (наняла) an Old Lady,

Whose conduct was steady (чье поведение/сопровождение было твердым, устойчивым, равномерным),

To carry that wonderful nose (чтобы носить этот замечательный нос).


There was a Young Lady whose nose,

Was so long that it reached to her toes;

So she hired an Old Lady,

Whose conduct was steady,


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