Edward LEAR. A Book of Nonsense 

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Edward LEAR. A Book of Nonsense

Edward LEAR. A Book of Nonsense

(Эдвард ЛИР. Книга бессмыслицы)


Книгу подготовила Юлия Стрекалова



Метод чтения Ильи Франка


There was an Old Man with a beard (то был /жил-был/ Старый Человек с бородой),

Who said (который сказал), 'It is just as I feared (это имено /так/, как я боялся)!

Two Owls and a Hen (две совы и курица),

Four Larks and a Wren (четыре жаворонка и королёк),

Have all built their nests in my beard (все построили свои гнезда в моей бороде)!'


There was an Old Man with a beard,

Who said, 'It is just as I feared!

Two Owls and a Hen,

Four Larks and a Wren,

Have all built their nests in my beard!'


There was a Young Lady of Ryde (Молодая Леди из Райда),

Whose shoe-strings were seldom untied (чьи ботиночные шнурки были редко развязаны).

She purchased some clogs (купила несколько сабо /обувь на высокой деревянной подошве без задника/),

And some small spotted dogs (в мелких пятнах /мелко-пятнистых/ собак),

And frequently walked about Ryde (часто гуляла по Райду).


There was a Young Lady of Ryde,

Whose shoe-strings were seldom untied.

She purchased some clogs,

And some small spotted dogs,

And frequently walked about Ryde.


There was an Old Man with a nose (с носом),

Who said, 'If you choose to suppose (выберете предполагать /предпочтете думать/),

That my nose is too long (что мой нос слишком длинный),

You are certainly wrong (вы безусловно ошибаетесь)!'

That remarkable (удивительный) Man with a nose.


There was an Old Man with a nose,

Who said, 'If you choose to suppose,

That my nose is too long,

You are certainly wrong!'

That remarkable Man with a nose.


There was an Old Man on a hill (на холме),

Who seldom, if ever, stood still (редко, если когда-либо, стоял спокойно; stand – стоять);

He ran up and down (бегал вверх и вниз; run – бегать),

In his Grandmother's gown (в платье своей бабушки),

Which adorned (которое украшало, красило) that Old Man on a hill.


There was an Old Man on a hill,

Who seldom, if ever, stood still;

He ran up and down,

In his Grandmother's gown,

Which adorned that Old Man on a hill.


There was a Young Lady whose bonnet (чей капор),

Came untied (становился развязанным, развязывался) when the birds sate upon it (когда птицы садились на него; sit – сидеть, садиться);

But she said: 'I don't care (я не забочусь = мне все равно)!

All the birds in the air (в воздухе)

Are welcome (вправе, могут = я радушно приглашаю) to sit on my bonnet!'


There was a Young Lady whose bonnet,

Came untied when the birds sate upon it;

But she said: 'I don't care!

All the birds in the air

Are welcome to sit on my bonnet!'


There was a Young Person of Smyrna (молодая особа из Смирны),

Whose Grandmother threatened to burn her (чья бабушка грозилась сжечь ее);

But she seized on the cat (но она ухватилась за кота, seize – хватать),

And said, 'Granny (бабушка, бабуля), burn that (сожги то = его)!

You incongruous Old Woman (нелепая старая женщина) of Smyrna!'


There was a Young Person of Smyrna,

Whose Grandmother threatened to burn her;

But she seized on the cat,

And said, 'Granny, burn that!

You incongruous Old Woman of Smyrna!'


There was an Old Person of Chili,

Whose conduct was painful and silly (чье поведение было мучительным /неприятным, тягостным/ и глупым),

He sate on the stairs (он сидел на ступенях),

Eating apples and pears (поедая яблоки и груши),

That imprudent (безрассудный) Old Person of Chili.


There was an Old Person of Chili,

Whose conduct was painful and silly,

He sate on the stairs,

Eating apples and pears,

That imprudent Old Person of Chili.


There was an Old Man with a gong (с гонгом),

Who bumped at it all day long (ударял по нему весь день);

But they called out (но они /люди, кто-то/ закричали), 'O law (О, силы: «закон»)!

You're a horrid old bore (ужасный /противный/ старый зануда)!'

So they smashed (и потому они разбили /в лепешку, вдребезги/) that Old Man with a gong.


There was an Old Man with a gong,

Who bumped at it all day long;

But they called out, 'O law!

You're a horrid old bore!'

Till she sunk underground,

So she had it made sharp,

And purchased a harp,

He spent all that money,

In onions and honey,

And ate thousands of figs,

He was ready to faint,

She climbed up a tree,

To examine the sea,

For while he was able,

He slept on a table.

But the length of its ears,

So promoted his fears,

She sat on a stool,

And ate gooseberry fool,

So he tore off his hair,

And behaved like a bear,

She dressed in a sack,

He sung high dum diddle,

And played on the fiddle,

They silenced his clamour,

In a small copper pot,

But its colour and size,

So bedazzled her eyes,

But some very large rats,

Ate his coats and his hats,

Your shoes are of leather,

Or of what, you Old Man of the Wrekin?'


There was a Young Lady whose eyes (чьи глаза),

Were unique as to colour and size (были уникальны, что до цвета и размера = что касается…, в отношении…);

When she opened them wide (когда она открывала их широко),

People all turned aside (люди все отворачивались),

And started away in surprise (и бросались прочь в изумлении, удивившись).


When she opened them wide,

People all turned aside,

When that did not agree,

He took Camomile Tea,

When he'd eaten eighteen,

He turned perfectly green,

But some very large bees,

They caught several Fish,

Which they put in a dish,

He fell into the water,

He purchased a steed,

He rushed up a Palm,

When the weather was calm,

And observed all the ruins of Philæ.


The was a Young Lady of Bute,

Who played on a silver-gilt flute (играла на покрытой серебром флейте);

She played several jigs (несколько джиг),

To her uncle's white pigs (для ее дяди белых свиней),

That amusing (забавная) Young Lady of Bute.


She played several jigs,

To her uncle's white pigs,

So she hired an Old Lady,

Whose conduct was steady,

She ceased to repine,

He fed twenty sons,

Upon nothing but buns,

He made no reply,

Which caused him to mutter,

But a laudable cook,

Fished him out with a hook,

So she put it to boil

By the aid of some oil,

So he purchased some muffs,

Some furs and some fluffs,

By some very strong glue,

He paid several cousins,

But once by mistake,

In a stove she did bake,

To see you at present,

She ran up a tree,

And said, 'Fiddle-de-dee!'

Till one day, to his grief,

She married a thief,

To drinking he took,

So he sat on a chair,

Till he died of despair,

Whereon by a thorn,

Her dress being torn,

So he rushed up and down,

But in swallowing a dish,

Till he cut out his thumbs,

So, to keep him awake

They fed him on cake,

He jumped over the cliff,

Which he took with a spoon,

By the light of the moon,

They gave him a hatchet,

He abruptly arose,

And exclaimed, 'I'll return to Dundee.'


There was an Old Person of Tring,

Who embellished his nose with a ring (украсил свой нос кольцом);

Ha gazed at the moon (пристально смотрел на луну)

Every evening in June (каждый вечер в июне),

That ecstatic (исступленный) Old Person in Tring.


Ha gazed at the moon

Every evening in June,

He went with one prance

From Turkey to France,

Till a great bit of muffin,

On which he was stuffing,

There was Old Man in a pew,

Whose waistcoat was spotted with blue;

But he tore it in pieces

To give to his nieces,

I will sit on this stile,

And continue to smile,

Which may soften the heart of that cow.'


There was a Young Lady of Hull,

Who was chased by a virulent bull (которая была преследуема очень злобным, опасным быком);

But she seized on a spade (схватила лопату),

And called out (выкрикнула, закричала), 'Who's afraid (кто испуган, боится)?'

Which distracted (отвлекло, сбило с толку) that virulent bull.


But she seized on a spade,

And called out, 'Who's afraid?'

But they said, 'It's absurd

To encourage this bird!'

But quickly snapped up he

Was once by a puppy,

He built a balloon

To examine the moon,

So, to make it look big,

He purchased a wig,

At the sound of each sweep

She enraptured the deep,

But they all ate so much

And their conduct was such

His gait and his waddle

Were held as a model

But when it was cold

He relinquished his hold

He tore off his boots,

And subsisted on roots,

You will fall off behind,

You propitious Old Man with a beard!"


There was an Old Man of the West (с Запада),

Who never could get any rest (никогда не мог получить отдых = отдохнуть);

So they set him to spin (заставили его крутиться)

On his nose and chin (на носу и подбородке),

Which cured (что вылечило) that Old Man of the West.


So they set him to spin

On his nose and chin,

He rushed down the Strand

With a pig in each hand,

Till he once, by mistake,

Was mixed up in a cake,

So he sat on a chair,

With his feet in the air,

Her screams were extreme,--

No one heard such a scream

When she lifted her hook

She exclaimed, 'Only look!'

For stealing some pigs,

Some coats, and some wigs,

She played on a harp,

And caught several carp,

He sat on a rail

And imbibed bitter ale,

She made no observation

She walked seventy miles,

And leaped fifteen stiles,

Till the ape one dark night

Set the house all alight,

He fed them on snails,

And weighed them in scales,

And when he was found

They said he was drowned,

But to make it more nice

He inserted some mice,

She has rushed up a tree?

You invidious Old Man of Aôsta!'


There was an Old Man, on whose nose (на чьем носе),

Most birds of the air could repose (многие птицы небесные могли передохнуть);

But they all flew away (все улетели; fly – летать)

At the closing of day (к концу дня),

Which relieved (что облегчило, утешило) that Old Man and his nose.


But they all flew away

At the closing of day,

She abruptly expired,

But nobody cried

Though he very soon died,-

The shock was so great,

That it damaged the pate,

Edward LEAR. A Book of Nonsense

(Эдвард ЛИР. Книга бессмыслицы)


Книгу подготовила Юлия Стрекалова



Метод чтения Ильи Франка


There was an Old Man with a beard (то был /жил-был/ Старый Человек с бородой),

Who said (который сказал), 'It is just as I feared (это имено /так/, как я боялся)!

Two Owls and a Hen (две совы и курица),

Four Larks and a Wren (четыре жаворонка и королёк),

Have all built their nests in my beard (все построили свои гнезда в моей бороде)!'



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