He went West, and he found All-the-Beaver-there-was making a beaver-dam across the mouths of broad rivers that had been got ready for him. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


He went West, and he found All-the-Beaver-there-was making a beaver-dam across the mouths of broad rivers that had been got ready for him.

‘Kun?” said All-the-Beaver-there-was.

‘Payah kun,’ said the Eldest Magician; and he breathed upon the fallen trees and the still water, and they became the Everglades in Florida, and you may look them out on the map.


Then he went South (затем он пошел на юг) and found All-the-Turtle-there-was scratching with his flippers in the sand (и нашел Всю Черепаху, что была, роющейся своими плавниками в песке) that had been got ready for him (который был приготовлен для нее), and the sand and the rocks whirled through the air and fell far off into the sea (и песок и скалы проносились по воздуху и падали далеко в море; to fall — падать).

‘Kun?” said All-the-Turtle-there-was (кун? — спросила Вся Черепаха, что была).

‘Payah kun,’ said the Eldest Magician (паях кун, — сказал Старейший Волшебник); and he breathed upon the sand and the rocks (и он дохнул на песок и скалы), where they had fallen in the sea (там, где они упали в море), and they became the most beautiful islands of Borneo, Celebes, Sumatra, Java, and the rest of the Malay Archipelago (и они стали прекраснейшими островами Борнео, Целебес, Ява и остальным Малайским Архипелагом), and you can look them out on the map (и вы можете отыскать их на карте)!


South [sauT], island ['aIlqnd], Celebes [se'lJbIz]


Then he went South and found All-the-Turtle-there-was scratching with his flippers in the sand that had been got ready for him, and the sand and the rocks whirled through the air and fell far off into the sea.

‘Kun?” said All-the-Turtle-there-was.

‘Payah kun,’ said the Eldest Magician; and he breathed upon the sand and the rocks, where they had fallen in the sea, and they became the most beautiful islands of Borneo, Celebes, Sumatra, Java, and the rest of the Malay Archipelago, and you can look them out on the map!


By and by the Eldest Magician met the Man on the banks of the Perak river (вскоре Старейший Волшебник встретил Человека на берегах реки Перак), and said (и сказал), ‘Ho! Son of Adam, are all the Animals obedient to you (эй, Сын Адама, все ли Животные повинуются тебе)?’

‘Yes,’ said the Man (да, — сказал Человек).

‘Is all the Earth obedient to you (вся ли Земля повинуется тебе)?’

‘Yes,’ said the Man (да, — сказал Человек).

‘Is all the Sea obedient to you (все ли Море повинуется тебе)?’


Adam ['xdqm], river ['rIvq], animal ['xnImql]


By and by the Eldest Magician met the Man on the banks of the Perak river, and said, ‘Ho! Son of Adam, are all the Animals obedient to you?’

‘Yes,’ said the Man.

‘Is all the Earth obedient to you?’

‘Yes,’ said the Man.

‘Is all the Sea obedient to you?’


‘No,’ said the Man (нет, — сказал Человек). ‘Once a day and once a night (один раз в день и один раз в ночь) the Sea runs up the Perak river (Море поднимается по реке Перак) and drives the sweet-water back into the forest (и загоняет пресную воду обратно в лес), so that my house is made wet (так что мой дом делается = становится мокрым); once a day and once a night it runs down the river (раз в день и раз в ночь оно опускается по реке) and draws all the water after it (и уносит за собой всю воду; to draw — тащить; отводить /воду/),so that there is nothing left but mud (так что не остается ничего кроме ила), and my canoe is upset (и мое каноэ опрокидывается). Is that the play you told it to play (это та игра, в которую ты велел ему играть)?’


sweet [swJt], house [haus], nothing ['nATIN]


‘No,’ said the Man. ‘Once a day and once a night the Sea runs up the Perak river and drives the sweet-water back into the forest, so that my house is made wet; once a day and once a night it runs down the river and draws all the water after it, so that there is nothing left but mud, and my canoe is upset. Is that the play you told it to play?’


‘No,’ said the Eldest Magician (нет, — сказал Старейший Волшебник). ‘That is a new and a bad play (это новая и плохая игра).’

‘Look!’ said the Man (смотри! — сказал Человек), and as he spoke the great Sea came up the mouth of the Perak river (и когда он говорил, огромное Море поднялось по устью реки Перак), driving the river backwards (гоня реку обратно) till it overflowed all the dark forests for miles and miles (пока она /не/ затопила все темные леса на многие мили), and flooded the Man’s house (и /не/ залила дом Человека).


overflow ['quvqflqu], forest ['fOrIst], flood [flAd]


‘No,’ said the Eldest Magician. ‘That is a new and a bad play.’

‘Look!’ said the Man, and as he spoke the great Sea came up the mouth of the Perak river, driving the river backwards till it overflowed all the dark forests for miles and miles, and flooded the Man’s house.


‘This is wrong (это неправильно). Launch your canoe (спусти на воду свое каноэ) and we will find out (и мы выясним) who is playing with the Sea (кто играет с Морем),’ said the Eldest Magician (сказал Старейший Волшебник). They stepped into the canoe (они вошли в каноэ); the little girl-daughter came with them (маленькая девочка-дочка пошла с ними); and the Man took his kris (а Человек взял свой крис) acurving, wavy dagger with a blade like a flame (кривой изогнутый кинжал с лезвием, как пламя), — and they pushed out on the Perak river (и они поплыли по реке Перак; to push out — выходить в море, отталкиваться /от берега — о лодке/). Then the Sea began to run back and back (потом Море начало отступать назад и назад), and the canoe was sucked out of the mouth of the Perak river (и каноэ было высосано из устья реки Перак), past Selangor, past Malacca, past Singapore (мимо Селангора, мимо Малакки, мимо Сингапура), out and out to the Island of Bingtang (наружу и наружу = дальше и дальше в открытое море до острова Бинтанга), as though it had been pulled by a string (словно его потянули за веревочку).


launch [lLnC], Singapore ["sINgq'pL], though [Dqu]


‘This is wrong. Launch your canoe and we will find out who is playing with the Sea,’ said the Eldest Magician. They stepped into the canoe; the little girl-daughter came with them; and the Man took his kris — acurving, wavy dagger with a blade like a flame, — and they pushed out on the Perak river. Then the Sea began to run back and back, and the canoe was sucked out of the mouth of the Perak river, past Selangor, past Malacca, past Singapore, out and out to the Island of Bingtang, as though it had been pulled by a string.


Then the Eldest Magician stood up and shouted (тогда Старейший Волшебник встал и закричал; to stand up — вставать), ‘Ho! beasts, birds, and fishes (эй! звери, птицы и рыбы), that I took between my hands at the Very Beginning (которых я пропустил через свои руки в Самом Начале) and taught the play that you should play (и научил игре, в которую вы должны играть; to teach — обучать, преподавать), which one of you is playing with the Sea (кто из вас играет /сейчас/ с Морем)?’

Then all the beasts, birds, and fishes said together (тогда все звери, птицы и рыбы сказали вместе), ‘Eldest Magician, we play the plays (Старейший Волшебник, мы играем в игры) that you taught us to play (в которые ты научил нас играть) — we and our children’s children (мы и дети наших детей). But not one of us plays with the Sea (но никто из нас /не/ играет с Морем).’


shout [Saut], taught [tLt], children ['CIldrqn]


Then the Eldest Magician stood up and shouted, ‘Ho! beasts, birds, and fishes, that I took between my hands at the Very Beginning and taught the play that you should play, which one of you is playing with the Sea?’

Then all the beasts, birds, and fishes said together, ‘Eldest Magician, we play the plays that you taught us to play — we and our children’s children. But not one of us plays with the Sea.’


Then the Moon rose big and full over the water (затем над водой взошла большая и полная Луна; to rise — подниматься, восходить) and the Eldest Magician said to the hunchbacked old man (и Старейший Волшебник сказал горбатому старику; hunchback — горб) who sits in the Moon spinning a fishing-line (который сидит на Луне и плетет рыболовную леску) with which he hopes one day to catch the world (которой он надеется однажды поймать мир), ‘Ho! Fisher of the Moon, are you playing with the Sea (эй! Лунный Рыбак, /это/ ты играешь с Морем)?’

‘No,’ said the Fisherman (нет, — сказал Рыбак), ‘I am spinning a line (я плету леску) with which I shall some day catch the world (которой однажды я поймаю мир); but I do not play with the Sea (но я не играю с Морем).’ And he went on spinning his line (и он продолжил плести свою леску; to go on — продолжать).


hunchbacked ['hAnCbxkt], hope [hqup], moon [mHn]


Then the Moon rose big and full over the water and the Eldest Magician said to the hunchbacked old man who sits in the Moon spinning a fishing-line with which he hopes one day to catch the world, ‘Ho! Fisher of the Moon, are you playing with the Sea?’

‘No,’ said the Fisherman, ‘I am spinning a line with which I shall some day catch the world; but I do not play with the Sea.’ And he went on spinning his line.


Now there is also a Rat up in the Moon (вот и Крыса на Луне) who always bites the old Fisherman’s line as fast as it is made (которая всегда перегрызает леску старого Рыбака, столь же быстро, как она делается = по мере того, как он ее плетет), and the Eldest Magician said to him (и Старейший Волшебник сказал ей), ‘Ho! Rat of the Moon, are you playing with the Sea (эй! Лунная Крыса, /это/ ты играешь с Морем)?’

And the Rat said (а Крыса сказала), ‘I am too busy biting through the line that this old Fisherman is spinning (я слишком занята перегрызанием лески, которую плетет этот старый Рыбак). I do not play with the Sea (я не играю с Морем).’ And he went on biting the line (и она продолжила грызть леску).


fast [fRst], busy ['bIzI], through [TrH]


Now there is also a Rat up in the Moon who always bites the old Fisherman’s line as fast as it is made, and the Eldest Magician said to him, ‘Ho! Rat of the Moon, are you playing with the Sea?’

And the Rat said, ‘I am too busy biting through the line that this old Fisherman is spinning. I do not play with the Sea.’ And he went on biting the line.


Then the little girl-daughter put up her little soft brown arms (тогда маленькая девочка-дочка подняла свои маленькие нежные коричневые ручки) with the beautiful white shell bracelets and said (с красивыми браслетами из белых раковин и сказала), ‘O Eldest Magician! when my father here talked to you at the Very Beginning (О Старейший Волшебник, когда мой отец разговаривал здесь с тобой в Самом Начале), and I leaned upon his shoulder (а я прислонилась к его плечу) while the beasts were being taught their plays (пока звери учились: «были обучаемы» своим играм), one beast went away naughtily into the Sea (один зверь непослушно ушел в Море) before you had taught him his play (до того, как ты научил его /его/ игре; naughty — непослушный, капризный, шаловливый; озорной).’


brown [braun], bracelet ['breIslIt], naughtily ['nLtIlI]


Then the little girl-daughter put up her little soft brown arms with the beautiful white shell bracelets and said, ‘O Eldest Magician! when my father here talked to you at the Very Beginning, and I leaned upon his shoulder while the beasts were being taught their plays, one beast went away naughtily into the Sea before you had taught him his play.’


And the Eldest Magician said (и Старейший Волшебник сказал), ‘How wise are little children (как мудры маленькие дети) who see and are silent (которые видят и молчат; silent — безмолвный)! What was the beast like (какой был этот зверь / на что был похож этот зверь)?’

And the little girl-daughter said (и маленькая девочка-дочка сказала), ‘He was round and he was flat (он был круглый и плоский); and his eyes grew upon stalks (а его глаза росли на стебельках); and he walked sideways like this (и он ходил бочком вот так); and he was covered with strong armour upon his back (и он был покрыт крепкой броней на спине).’

And the Eldest Magician said (и Старейший Волшебник сказал), ‘How wise are little children who speak truth (как мудры маленькие дети, которые говорят правду)! Now I know where Pau Amma went (теперь я знаю, куда ушел = делся Пау Амма). Give me the paddle (дай мне весло)!’


silent ['saIlqnt], stalk [stLk], armour ['Rmq]


And the Eldest Magician said, ‘How wise are little children who see and are silent! What was the beast like?’

And the little girl-daughter said, ‘He was round and he was flat; and his eyes grew upon stalks; and he walked sideways like this; and he was covered with strong armour upon his back.’

And the Eldest Magician said, ‘How wise are little children who speak truth! Now I know where Pau Amma went. Give me the paddle!’


So he took the paddle (и он взял весло); but there was no need to paddle (но не было никакой нужды грести), for the water flowed steadily past all the islands (ибо вода текла неизменно мимо всех островов) till they came to the place called Pusat Tasek (пока они не добрались до места под названием Пусат Тасек) — the Heart of the Sea (Сердце Моря) — where the great hollow is (где есть огромная впадина) that leads down to the heart of the world (которая ведет вниз к сердцу мира), and in that hollow grows the Wonderful Tree, Pauh Janggi (и в этой впадине растет Удивительное Дерево, Пау Джангги), that bears the magic twin nuts (которое приносит волшебные сдвоенные орехи). Then the Eldest Magician slid his arm up to the shoulder through the deep warm water (тогда Старейший Волшебник засунул свою руку до плеча сквозь = в глубокую теплую воду; to slide — засовывать), and under the roots of the Wonderful Tree he touched the broad back of Pau Amma the Crab (и под корнями Удивительного Дерева он нащупал широкую спину Краба Пау Аммы). And Pau Amma settled down at the touch (и Пау Амма погрузился при прикосновении), and all the Sea rose up (и все Море поднялось) as water rises in a basin when you put your hand into it (как поднимается вода в тазике, когда ты суешь в нее свою руку).


steadily ['stedIlI], bear [bFq], basin [beIsn]


So he took the paddle; but there was no need to paddle, for the water flowed steadily past all the islands till they came to the place called Pusat Tasek — the Heart of the Sea — where the great hollow is that leads down to the heart of the world, and in that hollow grows the Wonderful Tree, Pauh Janggi, that bears the magic twin nuts. Then the Eldest Magician slid his arm up to the shoulder through the deep warm water, and under the roots of the Wonderful Tree he touched the broad back of Pau Amma the Crab. And Pau Amma settled down at the touch, and all the Sea rose up as water rises in a basin when you put your hand into it.


‘Ah!’ said the Eldest Magician (а! — сказал Старейший Волшебник). ‘Now I know who has been playing with the Sea (теперь я знаю, кто играл с Морем);’ and he called out (и он крикнул), ‘What are you doing, Pau Amma (что ты делаешь, Пау Амма)?’

And Pau Amma, deep down below, answered (и Пау Амма глубоко внизу ответил; deep down — вглубь), ‘Once a day and once a night (раз в день и раз в ночь) I go out to look for my food (я выхожу искать мою еду = на поиски пищи). Once a day and once a night I return (раз в день и раз в ночь я возвращаюсь). Leave me alone (оставь меня в покое).’


below [bI'lqu], answer ['Rnsq], return [rI 'tWn]


‘Ah!’ said the Eldest Magician. ‘Now I know who has been playing with the Sea;’ and he called out, ‘What are you doing, Pau Amma?’

And Pau Amma, deep down below, answered, ‘Once a day and once a night I go out to look for my food. Once a day and once a night I return. Leave me alone.’


Then the Eldest Magician said (тогда Старейший Волшебник сказал), ‘Listen, Pau Amma (послушай, Пау Амма). When you go out from your cave (когда ты выходишь из своей пещеры) the waters of the Sea pour down into Pusat Tasek (воды Моря выливаются в Пусат Тасек), and all the beaches of all the islands are left bare (и все берега всех островов остаются голыми), and the little fish die (и мелкая рыбешка умирает), and Raja Moyang Kaban, the King of the Elephants (а у Раджи Моянга Кабана, Царя Слонов), his legs are made muddy (/его/ ноги делаются грязными = ноги пачкаются грязью). When you come back and sit in Pusat Tasek (когда ты возвращаешься и садишься = погружаешься в Пусат Тасек), the waters of the Sea rise (воды Моря поднимаются), and half the little islands are drowned (и половина мелких островов погружается в воду; drowned — утонувший, утопленный, погруженный, затопленный), and the Man’s house is flooded (и дом Человека затопляется), and Raja Abdullah, the King of the Crocodiles (а у Раджи Абдуллы, Царя Крокодилов), his mouth is filled with the salt water (/его/ рот = пасть заполняется соленой водой).


bare [bFq], drowned [draund], salt [sLlt]


Then the Eldest Magician said, ‘Listen, Pau Amma. When you go out from your cave the waters of the Sea pour down into Pusat Tasek, and all the beaches of all the islands are left bare, and the little fish die, and Raja Moyang Kaban, the King of the Elephants, his legs are made muddy. When you come back and sit in Pusat Tasek, the waters of the Sea rise, and half the little islands are drowned, and the Man’s house is flooded, and Raja Abdullah, the King of the Crocodiles, his mouth is filled with the salt water.


Then Pau Amma, deep down below, laughed and said (тогда Пау Амма глубоко внизу засмеялся и сказал), ‘I did not know I was so important (я не знал, что я такой важный). Henceforward I will go out seven times a day (впредь я буду выходить семь раз в день), and the waters shall never be still (и воды не успокоятся никогда).’

And the Eldest Magician said (а Старейший Волшебник сказал), ‘I cannot make you play the play you were meant to play, Pau Amma (я не могу заставить тебя играть в игру, в которую ты должен был играть / для которой ты был предназначен, Пау Амма; to mean — предназначать), because you escaped me at the Very Beginning (потому что ты убежал от меня в Самом Начале); but if you are not afraid (но если ты не боишься), come up and we will talk about it (поднимись и мы поговорим об этом).’

‘I am not afraid,’ said Pau Amma (я не боюсь, — сказал Пау Амма), and he rose to the top of the sea in the moonlight (и поднялся на поверхность моря в лунном свете).


laugh [lRf], important [Im'pLtqnt], henceforward ["hens'fLwqd]


Then Pau Amma, deep down below, laughed and said, ‘I did not know I was so important. Henceforward I will go out seven times a day, and the waters shall never be still.’

And the Eldest Magician said, ‘I cannot make you play the play you were meant to play, Pau Amma, because you escaped me at the Very Beginning; but if you are not afraid, come up and we will talk about it.’

‘I am not afraid,’ said Pau Amma, and he rose to the top of the sea in the moonlight.


There was nobody in the world so big as Pau Amma (не было никого в мире такого большого, как Пау Амма) — for he was the King Crab of all Crabs (ибо он был Царем Крабом всех Крабов). Not a common Crab, but a King Crab (не обычным Крабом, но Царем Крабом). One side of his great shell touched the beach at Sarawak (одна сторона его огромного панциря касалась берега Саравака); the other touched the beach at Pahang (другая касалась берега Паханга); and he was taller than the smoke of three volcanoes (и он был выше дыма трех вулканов)! As he rose up through the branches of the Wonderful Tree (когда он поднимался меж ветвей Удивительного Дерева) he tore off one of the great twin-fruits (он сорвал один из огромных двойных плодов) — the magic double-kernelled nuts (волшебных орехов с двойным ядром) that make people young (которые делают людей молодыми = омолаживают людей), — and the little girl-daughter saw it bobbing alongside the canoe (а маленькая девочка-дочка увидела, как он качается возле каноэ), and pulled it in and began to pick out the soft eyes of it with her little golden scissors (втащила его в лодку и начала выковыривать его нежные глазки /из него/ своими маленькими золотыми ножничками).


fruit [frHt], volcano [vOl'keInqu], scissors ['sIzqz]


There was nobody in the world so big as Pau Amma — for he was the King Crab of all Crabs. Not a common Crab, but a King Crab. One side of his great shell touched the beach at Sarawak; the other touched the beach at Pahang; and he was taller than the smoke of three volcanoes! As he rose up through the branches of the Wonderful Tree he tore off one of the great twin-fruits — the magic double-kernelled nuts that make people young, — and the little girl-daughter saw it bobbing alongside the canoe, and pulled it in and began to pick out the soft eyes of it with her little golden scissors.


‘Now,’ said the Magician (теперь, — сказал Волшебник), ‘make a Magic, Pau Amma (сотвори Волшебство, Пау Амма), to show that you are really important (чтобы показать, что ты действительно важный).

Pau Amma rolled his eyes and waved his legs (Пау Амма выкатил глаза и замахал ногами), but he could only stir up the Sea (но он мог лишь взволновать Море), because, though he was a King Crab (потому что хотя он и был Царем Крабом), he was nothing more than a Crab (он был всего лишь Крабом; nothing more than — не что иное, как), and the Eldest Magician laughed (и Старейший Волшебник засмеялся).


magic ['mxGIk], roll [rqul], stir [stW]


‘Now,’ said the Magician, ‘make a Magic, Pau Amma, to show that you are really important.


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