Переведите предложения на английский язык, 

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Переведите предложения на английский язык,

используя Infinitive:

1. С ним трудно иметь дело.

2. С терроризмом надо бороться.

3. За мир надо бороться.

4. Эти события часто комментировали.

5. С ней интересно разговаривать.


используя Participle:

1. Так как он не знал правду, он не беспокоился.

2. Не найдя книгу, он позвонил другу.

3. Человек, звонивший вчера, скоро будет здесь.

4. Подумав, что это Смит, она открыла дверь.

5. Прибыв в Брюссель, делегация отправилась в гостиницу.


используя Gerund:

1. Существовала опасность того, что её авторитет будет подорван.

2. Он вошёл так, что никто его не заметил.

3. Какие спектакли в этом театре стоит посмотреть?

4. Он не любил, когда на него смотрели.

5. Я не возражаю, когда меня критикуют, если это справедливо.


используя Subjunctive Mood:


1. Если бы он не был так занят сейчас, он помог бы вам с удовольствием.

2. Если бы сейчас было тепло, мы бы открыли окно.

3. Почему вы не взяли такси? Вы бы приехали вовремя на заседание кафедры.

4. Мы были бы очень рады, если бы он тогда был с нами.

5. Я бы дал вам эти журналы, если бы вы пообещали вернуть мне их завтра вечером.


3 вариант

Open Learning.



Definitions of "open learning" are many and varied. This is partly because a wide range of open learning systems has developed from a variety of origins. These systems have then been adapted "'to suit the needs of particular learning centres. However, a gen­erally accepted definition describes an open learning system as: one which enables individuals to take part in programmes of study of their choice no matter where they live or whatever their circumstances. ':

Open learning is a way of study which lets individuals learn: 1) what they wish, 2) in their own time, 3) in a place of their choice, 4) at a pace that suits them.

In many ways, open learning contrasts with traditional "closed" class or group-based systems. These require that enrolments take place at a set time, often at the start of the academic year. After enrolment the course lasts for a given length of time with regu­lar, usually weekly or daily, group meetings. During these meetings, an important part of the tutor's role is to pass on knowledge of the subject to the learners. The tutor is in charge of the course. He or she decides what is to be studied and for how long. Gen­erally we can think of this way of learning as a tutor centred ap­proach.

In a true open learning system, the learner can start a course whenever he or she wishes. There is no class to "keep up with" and so the speed of working entirely depends on the individu­al's wishes or personal circumstances. If study becomes difficult or even impossible for a time, the learner can stop working until ready to carry on again. There is no need, either, to trav­el to regular class meetings since the package of learning ma­terials should contain all necessary information on the subject or skill being studied.

Unless there is a set examination syllabus, the learner can decide which aspects of the subject he or she wishes to cover.

This does not mean that tutor or trainer help is no longer required. A few years ago some open learning enthusiasts believed that learning packages could stand alone without any further support. Very high drop-out rates strongly indicated that they were wrong. However, because the learner already has the subject material in the course package, the subject tutor's role is altered. He or she is no longer the main source of knowledge or information, but provides support, guidance and counselling for the learners as they work through the subject materials

In general, an open learning approach is student-centred. The individual is in control of the content, pace and location of his or her learning process.

Assignments:: 1. Read and render the text in writing


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