III. Грамматические упражнения 

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III. Грамматические упражнения

Упр. 7. Определите функцию окончания – s или –es в словах в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык:

Model: Judge s (множественное число от judge) have different title s (множественное число от title) depending on their experience, training, and level.

1) That was decided by the judge who rejected the appellant’ s evidence.

2) Mental health professional s are often called as expert witness es in court proceeding s with children.

3) The Supreme Court overturned the lower court’ s decision.

4) He is a lawyer who specialize s in defending political prisoner s.

Упр. 8. Перепишите данные предложения в страдательном залоге, сохраняя видовременную форму глагола, и переведите их на русский язык:

1) The court found the co-conspirators guilty on several counts, most notably fraud and conspiracy.

2) White-collar crime affects employees, consumers and citizens alike.

3) If the prosecutor fails to prove that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, the jury will render a verdict of “not guilty”.

4) The state is prosecuting the company founder for tax evasion.

5) The judge has given the defendant a suspended sentence for the theft of his sister’s car while intoxicated.

Упр. 9. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык и задайте к ним вопросы, используя слова в скобках:

1) The parole board will put the prisoner on parole after four years of good conduct in prison. (When?)

2) A judge sentenced the former CEO to 87 months in federal prison for his role in arranging fraudulent loans. (Why?)

3) Vandals systematically smashed public benches along the river last summer. (Where?)

4) Researchers at the University of York are studying the differing reactions of crime victims to their trauma. (What?)

5) This foundation supports child victims of violent crime and sudden loss of family. (Who?)

Упр. 10. Переведите текст № II письменно:

Text II

Judge’s «Respectful» Plea for Plainer English

A barrister is a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth in place of a tongue. Or so it would appear to Mr Justice Staughton, a judge in the Commercial Court.

The learned judge has become irritated at the linguistic duplicity of counsel, and the way in which they use archaic words to camouflage what is at bottom, an insult.

Writing in the current edition of the quarterly legal journal «Counsel», a learned magazine read by upper echelons of the legal profession, the judge tells about barristers who preface a statement to him with the phrase «With respect». What that really means, says the judge, is «you are wrong».

A statement prefaced with the words «With great respect» means «you are utterly wrong». And if a barrister produces the ultimate weapon of «With utmost respect» he is really saying to the court, «Send for the men in white coats».

The judge wants more plain English used in courts, and less of the legal language of the obscure past, some of which he says has been «obsolete» in ordinary speech almost since the Bible.

Words like «humbly» and «respectfully» are not only unnecessary in written legal documents, they are gener­ally untruthful in oral argument, says the judge with utmost respect.

Judges themselves are, of course, not entirely free of guilt in the matter of exchanges which are not very understandable.

As the courtroom clock moves towards 1 pm, counsel might say: «It might be of value to your Lordship if I were to inform you at this juncture that I have several more questions to ask of to this witness which would take some little while». The judge will reply: «This seems a useful time to adjourn». What they really mean is lunch.

Вариант № 2

Упр. 1. Сделайте письменный перевод следующего текста:

Text 1

Civil and Criminal Cases

Both civil and criminal courts in England and Wales hear evidence and determine what exactly happened in a case. Broadly speaking, the lower courts decide matters of fact and the upper courts normally deal with points of law. In England, simple civil actions, for example, family matters such as an undefended divorce, are normally heard either in the Magistrates’ Courts or the County Courts.

Judges have different titles depending on their experience, training, and level. A single stipendiary magistrate or three lay magistrates sit in the Magistrates’ Court. There is no jury in a Magistrates’ Court. The County Court also hears complex civil cases, such as contract disputes, compensation claims, consumer complaints about faulty goods or services, and bankruptcy cases.

In England and Wales the Magistrates’ Courts try about 95% of all criminal cases, which are petty crimes, that is, less serious ones. In certain circumstances, the court may commit an accused person to the Crown Court for more severe punishment, either by way of a fine or imprisonment. The Crown Court tries more serious offences such as theft, assault, drug dealing, and murder. In almost all criminal cases, the State, in the name of the Crown, prosecutes a person alleged to have committed a crime. In England and Wales, a jury of twelve people decides whether the defendant is guilty of the crime.

Youth courts are similar to adult magistrates’ courts but they deal with offenders aged between 10 and 17 inclusive. Youth courts are presided over by specially trained experienced adult magistrates or a district judge. Youth courts are not open to the public for observation, only the parties involved in a case being admitted.

I. Фонетические упражнения

Упр. 2. Продолжите каждый ряд, выбрав из текста № I по 3 слова, в которых ударная гласная, сочетание гласных и сочетание согласных имеют такое же произношение.

6) /i/ – s i ngle, …

7) /i:/ – d eal, …

8) /o:/ – l aw,

9) /ei/ – f ace, …

10) /e/ – p e tty, …

11) /ai/ – cr i me, …

12) /dӡ/ – agency, …

13) /au/ – county, …

Упр. 3. Выпишите из словаря транскрипции и перевод указанных слов и отработайте чтение третьего абзаца текста № I:

1) accuse / /

2) assault / /

3) circumstance / /

4) court / /

5) guilty / /

II. Лексические упражнения

Упр. 4. Переведите указанные слова, выделите в них суффиксы, определите часть речи и обозначьте слова, от которых они образованы: compensation, consumer, defendant, different, exactly, faulty, imprisonment

Model: punish ment – сущ., кара, наказание, взыскание, от англ. to punish – наказывать.

Упр. 5. Приведите однокоренные русские эквиваленты следующих слов: bankruptcy, civil, complex, contract, criminal, determine, fact, family, jury, normally, person, service, stipendiary, title

Всегда ли можно правильно вывести значение английского слова от его русского эквивалента? Какие слова называются ложными друзьями переводчика? Найдите ложного друга переводчика в предложенном списке и дополнительно приведите пять своих примеров.

Упр. 6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из предложенного списка, переведите предложения на русский язык:

offender(s) jury evidence assaulting divorce

1) When we deal with …, our closing advice is always: «In the future, if you remarry, you should continue a prenup».

2) In the past two decades, the federal prison population has doubled, mostly due to drug ….

3) The study finds little … of overt discrimination.

4) He later pleaded guilty to … a police officer and was sentenced to one day in jail.

5) After deliberating for two and a half hours the … returned a unanimous verdict of guilty of manslaughter.


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