Say whether it is true or false. 

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Say whether it is true or false.

1) Strong, direct eye contact conveys confidence and sincerity in all countries.

2) In Europe and North America people are tactile and like to get up close.

3) In Japan or China, it is common for people to leave a gap of four feet when conversing.

4) Only Western societies are very 'clock conscious'.

5) In South America, southern Europe and the Middle East it is common for business people not to come on time for a meeting.

6) Most international business people meet with a handshake.

7) In all countries gift-giving is an integral part of business pro­tocol.

8) In much of Europe and North America, business is personal.

9) In South America and much of Asia, business is contractual.

10) All business cultures place emphasis on clearly presented and rationally argued business proposals using statistics and facts.

Answer the questions.

1) What are the differences between U.S. and Japanese negotia­tors?

2) What is the negotiation approach in African nations charac­terized by?

3) According to what factors do European styles of negotiation vary?

4) What country are the most aggressive negotiators from?

5) How is negotiation done in Central America?

6) What does holistic approach to negotiation imply


It's interesting to know

· Study the information and say if you are of the same opinion or not. Give your reasons.


Gender differences in negotiation styles and strategies


Gender plays a significant role in social and political interaction. Males tend to exhibit more conflictual, self-interested, and assertive approaches to negotiation.Females tend to use collaborative, recipro­cal, and creative negotiation strategies.

Male negotiation styles Female negotiation styles
Self-interested Collaborative
· narrow self-interest · makes it clear that country must look out for itself first · princi pled/interest-based bargaining · «join together» or «work together»
Male negotiation styles Female negotiation styles
· desire to protect national interest, culture, and identity · needing a solution in order to compete · competing to lead the formation of alliances · competing for the distribution of resources · "tells us what we can do"   · "willing to work with you" · form an alliance   · incorporating different ideas   · wanting every country's help or participation · open to negotiation, to hear ideas, suggestions · welcoming to different opinions · adaptive or flexible
Conflictual Reciprocal
· hard positional bargaining   · competing, disputing, or disagreeing · questioning a country's commitment to resolving the issue · threatening or punishment-oriented statements (If you do/don't do this, then...) · producing positive outcomes for those involved · willing to trade, make a deal · motivated by getting something in return · if/then statements, incentive-oriented
Assertive Creative
· persistence of a certain idea or proposal · Reasserting one's position · offering or proposing new ideas and solutions to the common problem · element of optimism, inventiveness, resourcefulness, imagination
Male negotiation styles Female negotiation styles
· “pushing ahead   · Overall level of self-confidence in the message’s approach · Asking new and different questions about the problem at hand



hardpositionalbargaining - позиционныепереговоры, выгодныетолько одной стороне (способ ведения коллективных переговоров, при котором стороны начинают ведение переговоров с выдвижения требований)
assertive negotiation style - наступательный стиль ведения переговоров
reciprocal negotiation style - стиль ведения переговоров на основевзаимныхуступок


Word List


to approve a project/ confirm a project одобрять/утверждать проект
to change one's mind изменить решение, передумать
to come to terms договориться, принять условия, пойти на уступки
to conduct negotiations вести переговоры
to drive a hard bargain много запрашивать; торговаться
to make headway делать успехи, преуспевать
to meet somebody halfway уступить кому-л., пойти на компромисс
to persuade убеждать; склонить к чему-л., уговорить на что-л.
to propose next steps предлагать
to refer back to возвращаться для нового рассмотрения
to review options пересмотреть/рассмотреть еще раз предложения
to strike / clinch a deal заключать сделку
verbal agreement устное соглашение
to drag out растягивать (рассказ, переговоры); скучно тянуться (о времени)
schedule план (работы), график, программа, повестка дня



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