Find sentences in Present Simple Tense in Passive Voice (3) 

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Find sentences in Present Simple Tense in Passive Voice (3)

a. +I am often invited to his place.

b. +The chair is moved by me.

c. +The classroom is cleaned every day by children.

d. They close shops at eight.

e. But Cinderella was the loveliest of them all!


Find sentences in Present Simple Tense in Passive Voice (3)

a. +He is asked a lot of questions at the lesson.

b. +We are shown an interesting film today.

c. +English is taught in our school very good.

d. She was told the truth.

e. The film was much spoken about.


Find sentences in Present Continuous Tense in Passive Voice (3)

a. +I am being called to the phone now.

b. +A letter is being written now.

c. +Mother is being helped by Helen at this moment.

d. The secretary was typing a letter at 10 o’clock.

e. Mary is cooking supper.


Find sentences in Present Continuous Tense in Passive Voice (3)

a. +The exercise is being done by children.

b. +The book is being chosen by the customer.

c. +Flowers are being watered now.

d. The students are writing the grammar test.

e. They are ordering the dishes.


Find sentences in Present Perfect Tense in Passive Voice (3)

a. +The letter has already been written by them.

b. +The bill has already been paid.

c. +All the apples on the dish have been eaten by us.

d. I haven’t replied to the letter yet.

e. We haven’t climbed this mountain before.


Find sentences in Present Perfect Tense in Passive Voice (2)

a. +The story has been heard by the most people.

b. +A mouse has been caught by my cat.

c. We have already paid the bill.

d. Somebody has broken the window.

e. The students have forgotten all the rules.


Find sentences in Past Simple Tense in Passive Voice (3)

a. +I was often invited to the party.

b. +His suit was pressed, his shoes gleamed brightly.

c. +They were never seen otherwise than together.

d. They invited us to the theatre.

e. The wind blew two big trees down.


Find sentences in Past Simple Tense in Passive Voice (2)

a. +The door was opened and my friend came in.

b. +I was asked to help him, and I did.

c. They made this film in Hollywood.

d. The bird built a nest.

e. We found our dog only on the third day.


Find sentences in Past Continuous Tense in Passive Voice (3)

a. +The guests were being introduced by Arthur.

b. +Pictures of a flying object were being taken by them.

c. +Golf was being played by them from 9 till 12.

d. The manager was instructing his assistants from 2 till 3.

e. They were building a new bridge from September to May.


Find sentences in Past Continuous Tense in Passive Voice (2)

a. +A strange object was being watched by the people in the field.

b. +The result of their experiment was being discussed by them for the whole day.

c. They were telling an interesting story when I joined them.

d. The clerks were sorting out letters throughout the night.

e. Someone was following John all the way from the station.


Find sentences in Past Perfect Tense in Passive Voice (3)

a. +The table had been laid by the mother by the time the guests arrived.

b. +The translation had been done by 12 o’clock.

c. +The work had been finished by the workers by the end of the month.

d. The teacher had explained all the new rules by the end of the lesson.

e. They had agreed upon all the points of the plan when the boss came.


Find sentences in Past Perfect Tense in Passive Voice (2)

a. +The newspapers had been delivered by the postman by breakfast time.

b. +The speech had been finished by Mr. Hull by 7 o’clock.

c. The cashiers had counted the money by the closing time.

d. The tourists had seen all the sights by the departure day.

e. The shop had sold a thousand cars by the end of the year.


Find sentences in Future Simple Tense in Passive Voice (3)

a. +I will be invited to this meeting.

b. +Shops will be closed at eight.

c. +Dinner will be cooked by two.

d. People will forget it in a few days.

e. The wind will blow the clouds away.



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