Too tight for them. They sat leaning forward, their elbows on the counter. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Too tight for them. They sat leaning forward, their elbows on the counter.



croquettes [kro`ket] button [bΛtn] glove [glΛv]



“Got anything to drink (есть что-нибудь выпить)?” Al asked.

“Silver beer («серебряное пиво» – сорт пива), bevo (морс, напиток /итальянское

слово/), ginger-ale (имбирное пиво),” George said.

“I mean (я имею в виду) you got anything to drink?”

“Just those I said (только то, что я сказал).”

“This is a hot town (веселый городок, ну и городок: «это жаркий городок»),” said the

other. “What do they call it (как он там называется: «как они его называют»)?”

“Summit (поселок к юго-западу от Чикаго).”

“Ever hear of it (когда-нибудь слышал о нем)?” Al asked his friend (спросил своего


“No,” said the friend.

“What do you do here nights (что вы здесь делаете по вечерам)?” Al asked.

“They eat the dinner,” his friend said. “They all come here and eat the big dinner (они

все приходят сюда и едят большой обед).”

“That’s right (это так, верно),” George said.

“So you think that’s right (так ты думаешь, считаешь, что это правильно)?” Al asked


“Sure (конечно).”

“You’re a pretty bright boy (очень умный: «светлый» парень; pretty – красивый,

симпатичный; довольно, весьма), aren’t you (не правда ли: «не есть ли ты»)?”

“Sure,” said George.

“Well, you’re not (ну, так вот, ты вовсе не умный парень),” said the other little man

(другой маленький человек). “Is he (умный ли он), Al?”

“He’s dumb (тупой: «немой»),” said Al. He turned to Nick (повернулся к Нику). “What’s

your name (как тебя зовут: «каково твое имя»)?”


Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка




“Another bright boy (другой = еще один умник),” Al said. “Ain’t he a bright boy, Max

(/ну/ не умник ли он; ain't = isn't; aren't)?”

“The town’s full of bright boys (город полон умников),” Max said.



“Got anything to drink?” Al asked.

“Silver beer, bevo, ginger-ale,” George said.

“I mean you got anything to drink?”

“Just those I said.”

“This is a hot town,” said the other. “What do they call it?”


“Ever hear of it?” Al asked his friend.

“No,” said the friend.

“What do you do here nights?” Al asked.

“They eat the dinner,” his friend said. “They all come here and eat the big


“That’s right,” George said.

“So you think that’s right?” Al asked George.


“You’re a pretty bright boy, aren’t you?”

“Sure,” said George.

“Well, you’re not,” said the other little man. “Is he, Al?”

“He’s dumb,” said Al. He turned to Nick. “What’s your name?”


“Another bright boy,” Al said. “Ain’t he a bright boy, Max?”

“The town’s full of bright boys,” Max said.



dumb [dΛm] pretty [prıtı]



George put the two platters (поставил две тарелки), one of ham and eggs, the other of

bacon and eggs, on the counter. He set down two side-dishes of fried potatoes

(поставил две порции жареного картофеля; siede-dish – боковое =

сопровождающее блюдо – блюдо с гарниром) and closed the wicket into the kitchen

(и закрыл окошечко в кухню; wicket – калитка; задвижное окошко).

“Which is yours?” he asked Al.


Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка



“Don’t you remember (ты не помнишь)?”

“Ham and eggs.”

“Just a bright boy (просто умница, ну разве не умник),” Max said. He leaned forward

and took the ham and eggs (и взял ветчину с яичницей). Both men ate with their

gloves on (оба ели с надетыми перчатками). George watched them eat (смотрел,

наблюдал, как они едят).

“What are you looking at (на что ты /так/ смотришь)?” Max looked at George.

“Nothing (ни на что: «/на/ ничто»).”

“The hell you were (как же, рассказывай, черта-с-два ты не смотришь). You were

looking at me (на меня).”

“Maybe the boy meant it for a joke (может быть, парень пошутил: «имел в виду это,

высказал это мнение для шутки = как шутку»), Max,” Al said.

George laughed (засмеялся).

You don’t have to laugh (нечего смеяться: «тебе не надо смеяться»),” Max said to

him. “ You don’t have to laugh at all (вовсе), see (понял: «видишь»)?”

“All right,” said George.

“So he thinks it’s all right (итак, он полагает, что это в порядке, правильно).” Max

turned to Al. He thinks it’s all right. That’s a good one (хорош он).”

“Oh, he’s a thinker (мыслитель),” Al said. They went on eating (продолжали есть).



George put the two platters, one of ham and eggs, the other of bacon and eggs,

On the counter. He set down two side-dishes of fried potatoes and closed the

Wicket into the kitchen.

“Which is yours?” he asked Al.

“Don’t you remember?”

“Ham and eggs.”

“Just a bright boy,” Max said. He leaned forward and took the ham and eggs.


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