Hagen listened patiently. He had expected better from a man of Woltz's stature. 

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Hagen listened patiently. He had expected better from a man of Woltz's stature.

Was it possible that a man who acted this stupidly could rise to the head of a


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Company worth hundreds of millions? That was something to think about since

The Don was looking for new things to put money into, and if the top brains of this

Industry were so dumb, movies might be the thing. The abuse itself bothered him

not at all. Hagen had learned the art of negotiation from the Don himself. "Never

get angry," the Don had instructed. "Never make a threat. Reason with people."

The word "reason" sounded so much better in Italian, rajunah, to rejoin. The art of

This was to ignore all insults, all threats; to turn the other cheek. Hagen had seen

The Don sit at a negotiating table for eight hours, swallowing insults, trying to

Persuade a notorious and megalomaniac strong-arm man to mend his ways. At

The end of the eight hours Don Corleone had thrown up his hands in a helpless

gesture and said to the other men at the table, "But no one can reason with this

fellow," and had stalked out of the meeting room. The strong-arm man had turned

White with fear. Emissaries were sent to bring the Don back into the room. An

Agreement was reached but two months later the strong-arm was shot to death in

His favorite barbershop.

2 So Hagen started again, speaking in the most ordinary voice. "Look at my

card," he said. "I'm a lawyer. Would I stick my neck out? Have I uttered one

Threatening word? Let me just say that I am prepared to meet any condition you

Name to get Johnny Fontane that movie. I think I've already offered a great deal

For such a small favor. A favor that I understand it would be in your interest to

Grant. Johnny tells me that you admit he would be perfect for that part. And let me

Say that this favor would never be asked if that were not so. In fact, if you're

Worried about your investment, my client would finance the picture. But please let

Me make myself absolutely clear. We understand your no is no. Nobody can force

You or is trying to. We know about your friendship with Mr. Hoover, I may add,

and my boss respects you for it. He respects that relationship very much."

Woltz had been doodling with a huge, red-feathered pen. At the mention of

Money his interest was aroused and he stopped doodling. He said patronizingly,

"This picture is budgeted at five million."

Hagen whistled softly to show that he was impressed. Then he said very

casually, "My boss has a lot of friends who back his judgment."

For the first time Woltz seemed to take the whole thing seriously. He studied

Hagen's card. "I never heard of you," he said. "I know most of the big lawyers in

New York, but just who the hell are you?"


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6 "I have one of those dignified corporate practices," Hagen said dryly. "I just

handle this one account." He rose. "I won't take up any more of your time." He

Held out his hand, Woltz shook it. Hagen took a few steps toward the door and

turned to face Woltz again. "I understand you have to deal with a lot of people

Who try to seem more important than they are. In my case the reverse is true. Why

Don't you check me out with our mutual friend? If you reconsider, call me at my

hotel." He paused. "This may be sacrilege to you, but my client can do things for

you that even Mr. Hoover might find out of his range." He saw the movie

producer's eyes narrowing. Woltz was finally getting the message. "By the way, I

admire your pictures very much," Hagen said in the most fawning voice he could

manage. "I hope you can keep up the good work. Our country needs it."

Late that afternoon Hagen received a call from the producer's secretary that a

Car would pick him up within the hour to take him out to Mr. Woltz's country home


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