And criminal traitor to man. 

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And criminal traitor to man.



1 The wedding day of Connie Corleone ended well for her. Carlo Rizzi performed his

duties as a bridegroom (исполнил свои обязанности /в качестве/ жениха) with skill

and vigor (с мастерством и энергией ['vıg∂]), spurred on by the contents of the bride's

gift purse (подстегиваемый содержимым кошелька-приданого невесты; spur –

шпора) which totaled up (доходило до, насчитывало; to total [‘t∂ut∂l]) to over twenty

thousand dollars. The bride, however, gave up her virginity with a great deal more

willingness (отдала свою девственность с гораздо большей охотой) than she gave

up her purse. For the latter, he had to blacken one of her eyes (за последний = чтобы

получить последний, ему пришлось подбить ей глаз).

2 Lucy Mancini waited in her house for a call from Sonny Corleone, sure that he would

ask her for a date (на свидание). Finally she called his house and when she heard a

woman's voice answer the phone she hung up (повесила трубку; to hang up). She had

no way of knowing (не могла знать) that nearly everyone at the wedding had remarked

the absence of her and Sonny (заметили отсутствие) for that fatal half hour and the

gossip was already spreading (слух уже распространялся) that Santino Corleone had

found another victim (нашел еще одну жертву). That he had "done the job" on his own

sister's maid of honor.

3 Amerigo Bonasera had a terrible nightmare (ужасный кошмар). In his dreams he

saw Don Corleone, in peaked cap (в остроконечном шлеме; peak – пик,

остроконечная вершина), overalls (спецовке) and heavy gloves (перчатках [glΛv]),

unloading bullet-riddled corpses (разгружает изрешеченные пулями трупы; riddle –

решето) in front of his funeral parlor (перед своей «погребальной приемной», перед

кабинетом) and shouting, "Remember, Amerigo, not a word to anyone, and bury them

quickly." He groaned so loud (простонал, заохал) and long in his sleep that his wife

shook him awake. "Eh, what a man you are," she grumbled. "To have a nightmare only

after a wedding."

4 Kay Adams was escorted to her New York City hotel by Paulie Gatto and Clemenza.

The car was large, luxurious and driven by Gatto. Clemenza sat in the back seat and

Kay was given the front seat next to the driver. She found both men wildly exotic. Their

speech was movie Brooklynese (на бруклинском жаргоне – как в кино) and they

treated her with exaggerated courtliness (обращались с ней с преувеличенной

вежливостью; to exaggerate [ıg’zжdG∂reıt] – преувеличивать; courtliness [ko:tlinis] –


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вежливость, учтивость; court – двор). During the ride (во время поездки) she chatted

casually with both men (она легко болтала, просто вела легкую, ни к чему не

обязывающую беседу; casually [‘kжGju:∂lı] – случайно; ненароком; мимоходом,

«при оказии») and was surprised when they spoke of Michael with unmistakable

affection and respect (с несомненным теплом и уважением; mistake – ошибка). He

had led her to believe that he was an alien (чужак ['eıljen]) in his father's world. Now

Clemenza was assuring her in his wheezing gutteral voice (своим хрипящим

горловым, гортанным голосом; to wheeze – дышать с присвистом; произносить с

хрипом) that the "old man" thought Mike was the best of his sons, the one who would

surely inherit the family business (унаследует).

5 "What business is that?" Kay asked in the most natural way (стараясь, чтобы ее

голос звучал как можно естественнее).

6 Paulie Gatto gave her a quick glance (быстро взглянул: glance [glα:ns] – /быстрый

короткий/ взгляд) as he turned the wheel. Behind her Clemenza said in a surprised

voice. "Didn't Mike tell you? Mr. Corleone is the biggest importer of Italian olive oil in the

States. Now that the war is over the business could get real rich (может стать по-

настоящему прибыльным). He'll need a smart boy like Mike (ему нужен будет такой

сметливый парень)."

7 At the hotel Clemenza insisted on coming to the desk (к стойке) with her. When she

protested, he said simply, "The boss said to make sure you got home OK. I gotta do it

(= I got to do it – я должен это сделать)."

8 After she received her room key (получила ключи от номера; key [ki:]) he walked

her to the elevator and waited until she got in. She waved to him, smiling, and was

surprised at his genuine smile of pleasure in return (была удивлена его ответной

улыбкой, в которой светилось неподдельное удовольствие; genuine [‘dGenjuın] –

истинный, подлинный). It was just as well she did not see him go back to the hotel

clerk and ask, "What name she registered under?"

9 The hotel clerk looked at Clemenza coldly. Clemenza rolled the little green spitball

(комочек /скомканную купюру/; spitball – комочек бумаги /для плевания через

трубку/; spit – плевок) he was holding in his hand across to the clerk, who picked it up

(взял, подхватил) and immediately said, "Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corleone."

10 Back in the car, Paulie Gatto said, "Nice dame."

11 Clemenza grunted. "Mike is doing the job on her." Unless, he thought, they were

really married (если только они не женаты на самом деле). "Pick me up early in the


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morning (заезжай за мной)," he told Paulie Gatto. "Hagen got some deal for us that

gotta be done right away (сразу, безотлагательно)."




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