Human beings have always been interested in the future. 

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Human beings have always been interested in the future.


2.6. Open the brackets and put the verbs into appropriate tense form.


1. Physical educators (need) to prepare themselves to assist individuals to attain

their optimal level of fitness while living in these space and underwater environments. 2. Space travelers to distant planets (need) help in keeping fit while living for long periods of time under conditions of zero gravity. 3. Physical educators (must, conduct) research concerning the effects of weightlessness on the body and artificial gravity. 4. Designing exercise programs to deal with differences in the environment (fall) within the realm of the physical educator.


2.7. Have a dictation


Racism is another issue that must be confronted. Desegregation of sports has opened doors for participation of minorities in sport. However, participation has not led to the elimination of prejudice, stereotyping, and exclusionary practices. Discrimination and exclusionary practices have limited opportunities for minorities in administrative and coaching positions in sports. Professionals in physical education and sport have spoken strongly about the need to recruit minorities into higher education and prepare them for a multitude of careers in this field.



2.8. Give a talk on “Issues, Challenges and the Future of Physical Education

and Sport”.


III. Listening comprehension texts.



3.1. Text 1.



Much dissatisfaction with youth sport programs may be attributed to the disparity between their outcomes and the interests and expectations of the program participants. The overwhelming on winning and competition makes it difficult to realize the objectives of motor, psychological, and social development of the children. The Bill of Rights for young athletes offers coaches and parents guidance in structuring the sport experience to achieve more positive outcomes.


1. Right of the opportunity to participate in sports regardless of ability level.

2. Right to participate at a level that is commensurate with each child’s developmental level.

3. Right to have qualified adult leadership.

4. Right to participate in safe and healthy environments.

5. Right of each child to share in the leadership and decision-making of their sport participation.

6. Right to play as a child and not as an adult.

7. Right to proper preparation in the sport.

8. Right to have an equal opportunity to strive for success.

9. Right to be treated with the dignity by all involved.

10. Right to have fun through sport.

3.1.1 Listen to the text “Young Athletes’ Bill of Rights”.



3.1.2. Answer the questions:


Do youth sport programs completely satisfy the needs of children? Why?



3.1.3. Listen to the text once more and try to translate “The Bill” in writing in

pauses between the bill’s articles.



3.1.4. Discus “Issues, Challenges and the Future of Physical Education

and Sport” in class.


3.2. Text II.



As they prepare for the future, physical educators must do the following:

· Provide themselves with the proper credentials to establish jurisdiction over their domain.

· Utilize technological advances to improve the delivery system.

· Prepare for space and underwater living and for changes in our society.

· Become a positive role model for a fit and healthy lifestyle, so that others will be favorably influenced to emulate this lifestyle.

· Help persons to become increasingly responsible for their own health and fitness.

· Recognize that individuals will live longer and become more fit and active in the years to come.

· Provide for all persons, regardless of age, skill, disabling condition, and socioeconomic background, throughout their lifespan.

· Remember that we are involved with the development of the whole person as a thinking, feeling, moving human being.

· Make a commitment to conduct high-quality programs that are sensitive to individual needs so that physical education and sport’s potential to enhance the health and quality of life for all people can be achieved.


3.2.1. Listen to the text “The Future”.

3.2.2. Write in your own words what physical educators must do as they prepare

for the future.

IV. Act out the dialogue below.


- I hear you have joined the Association for Fitness in Business.

- Exactly. There are many advantages to belonging to a professional organization.

- How can it succeed your career?

- Oh, AFB provides professional support and assistance in the development and promotion of quality health and fitness programs in business and to create an awareness of the benefits of maintaining a high level of fitness and health among employees.

- How interesting! Does the organization recommend certification standards for fitness personnel.

- It goes without saying! Besides AFB sponsors seminars, annual convention, and regional meetings for professionals.

- I wish I were a member of such organization!


V. Retell the oral topic:


  FUTURE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT   Planning and knowing what the future will be like is essential if physical educators are to take an active part in the direction and shaping of the future. Professionals must start planning for the future now. Such planning requires that professionals recognize that rapid change is characteristic of our way of life. Several societal trends will influence the future of physical education and sport. The wellness movement and the fitness movement present excellent opportunities for physical educators to involve individuals of all ages in appropriate physical activity. The educational reform movement and the changing nature of education indicates that physical educators, more than ever before, need to inform the public and decision makers about the contribution of physical education to the educational process. Expanding frontiers of the habitual universe, developments in communications, and other technological developments will influence the future of physical education and sport as well. Physical educators can prepare for the future in several ways. First, physical educators need to establish jurisdiction over their domain by obtaining the proper credentials and actively seeking leadership positions. Second, physical educators need to improve the delivery systems. We must provide for people of all ages and utilize technological advances to facilitate learning. We must take an active role in helping individuals prepare for space and underwater living. The future of physical education and sport is coming, but only physical educators can determine where it is going.  







These tasks are designed to assist you in determining if you have mastered the materials and competencies presented in the above studied information.


1. For the 3-month time period selected by your instructor select one periodical and review the coverage of physical education and sport. Take notes regarding the issues that are covered, and make a short presentation about your findings to the class.


2. Explain how physical educators can promote the development of values in their programs, regardless of the setting.


3. Identify strategies to reduce the gap between research and practice.


4. Discuss the importance of public relations programs in the physical education setting of your choice.


5. Describe various strategies that could be utilized to promote lifespan involvement for people of all ages, abilities, and social backgrounds.


6. Prepare a plan that lists several ways by which physical education can capitalize on the increased interest in wellness and fitness that exists in your country now.


7. Discuss the implications of the changing nature of education and the impact of technological developments on physical education and sport in the future. `



ability, act, address adhere, affect, aid, among application applied, apply appropriate, area aspect, attain attainment, aware, awareness, behavior, belief, body, boom, boom, broad, bureaucracy challenge, choice, common common, competitiveness complain, concern, concurrent, conduct consequence, contribution, coverage, curriculum, cutback, deal with, influence decision, define, delivered, describe, desire, destruction, disability, discipline dominate drugs, educator effect, effort, emerge emergence, emphasize, endeavor, enhance, enrich, enterprise, entire, environment, essential, evaluation, examine, explain, exploration explore extremely, face, facet facilitate fatigue, few, field, force, foundation, fulfill fully, generate, glean from, growth, guide, happen, identify, impact implementation, implication, improvement, increased, inflated, influence, injury, inner, insight, interrelatedness, issue, jogging knowledgeable lead to lifelong, limit, longitudinal, measure, microcosm mirror motion mounting, movement, musculoskeletal, narrow, need, need, occur overemphasize pain, particular, performance, personnel pervade pervasiveness pint out pollution, practitioner, presence prevention, primary, produce, promote promotion, provided, quality, realm, recent, reflect relate, relationship, relationship, require, research, response, responsibility, rest, result in, science, scope, segment, separateness, significance, solve, sound, spirit staff, stress, study study subject, subsequent success, take on, technique, tremendous typify, unemployment, upheaval, use use, utilize, value, well-being, willingness, witness, throughout, within, despite, albeit, rather     здатність, дія, адреса прилипніть, впливайте, допомога, серед заява (застосування) прикладний, застосуватися відповідний, галузь аспект, досягнути досягнення, який усвідомлює, обізнаність, поведінка, переконання, орган(тіло), скіс, скіс, широкий, бюрократія виклик, вибір, загально загальний, конкурентоздатність скаржтесь, підприємство(інтерес), одночасний, поведінка наслідок, участь, покриття, навчальний план, рідкий бітум, майте справу, вплив рішення, визначте, поставлений, опишіть, бажання, руйнування, нездатність, дисципліна домінувати ліки, педагог ефект, зусилля, з’ясовуйте поява, підкресліть, намагайтесь, розширте, збагатіть, підприємство, повний, довкілля, суттєвий (необхідний) оцінка(обчислення), досліджуйте, поясніть, дослідження зондувати надзвичайно, обличчя, фаска полегшити втома небагато, хто галузь(поле), сила, підгрунтя (підстава), виконувати повністю, генеруйте, визначте з, ріст, гід, траптесь, виділіть, сутичка впровадження (виконання) імплікація, удосконалення, збільшений, роздутий, вплив шкода внутрішній, проникнення, interrelatedness, випуск, трясіння добре обізнано крок до lifelong, межа продільний, міра, microcosm дзеркало рух установка, рух, musculoskeletal, вузький, потреба, потреба, зустрічайтесь overemphasize біль, приватний, виконання, персонал проникати pervasiveness пинта з забруднення, практикуючий лікар або юрист, присутність запобігання, первинен, зробіть, промотивувати підтримка, якщо, якість галузь, недавній, відобразити поставтесь, зв’язок, зв’язок, вимагайте, дослідження, реакція, відповідальність, залишок результат у, наука, галузь дії, доля/частка, separateness, значення, розв’яжіть, звук, спирт штат, напруження, вивчення вивчення предмет, наступні успіх, найміть, методика, велетенський символізуйте, безробіття, зрушення використання використання використайте вартість (значення) добробут готовність, свідок  







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