Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. 

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Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.


1. He is said to have graduated from Princeton University.

2. He appears to be concerned with the problem.

3. The law in question is likely to account for this phenomenon. 5. Science is known to affect the lives of people.

5. He asked for the papers to be brought.

6. One can assume this to be self-evident.

7. The work is unlikely to contribute to the solution of the problem.

8. The research is believed to be of great importance,

9. Everything is ready for the experiment to begin.

10. The data obtained appear to be quite correct.

11. Actually, Stonehenge turns out to have been built over a period of many centuries.

12. A substance known to possess such properties is called water.

13. We suppose this method to be of great practical value.

14. The procedure has proved to be complicated.

15. We want the experimental data to be presented as soon as possible.

16. The conclusion is sure to be of great theoretical interest.

17. The final results turned out to be not what we had expected.

18. They want the scientists to study this problem.

20. Substances thought to possess the properties in question were thoroughly investigated.

21. He appears to mention this fact in his monograph.

22. This approach allows to quickly analyze the data.

23. He was made to come early.

24. All factors likely to affect the accuracy of the experiment should be carefully observed.

25. The results turned out to be extremely interesting.

26. To begin with, investigations seem to appear at times when societies need them.

27. I want to finally know it.


Exercise 5. Translate Ukrainian sentences. Then match the two columns.

1. Дозвольте сказати декілька слів.   2. Схема здається надто спрощеною.   3. Я прийшов сюди першим.   4. Проблема досить важлива для того, щоб її розглянути. 5. Іноді дуже важко зробити так, щоб інші зрозуміли вашу думку. 6. Вони очікують, що ми прийдемо вчасно.   7. Нам буде досить легко владнати цю справу.   8. Дуже важко уникнути помилок.   9. Вам буде цікаво послухати його промову. A. It will be easy fer us to settle this problem.   B. They expect us to come on time.   C. The problem is important enough to be considered.   D. To avoid making mistakes is very difficult.   E. Let me say a couple of words.   F. It will be interesting for you to listen to his speech.   G. The scheme appears to be oversimplified. H. It is sometimes very difficult to make people see your point. I. I was the first to come here.


Chapter 9 157

Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences.


1. Louise Nevelson is believed by many critics... the greatest 20th century sculptor.

a. to be

b. have been

c. has been

d. being


2. The line where the Earth and the sky... to meet is the horizon.

a. it seems

b. seems

c. seemingly

d. seem


3. The exceptions are too numerous... any rule to be formulated.

a. to

b. for

c. since

d. as


4. To understand is... deep structure.

a. grasping

b. to grasp

c. having grasped

d. grasped


5.... this work requires great skill.

a. Accomplishment

b. Having accomplished

c. To accomplish

d. When accomplished


6. The tendency... liquids to turn into gases is well-known.

a. that

b. if

c. for

d. when


7. Athletes who compete in the Olympic games... to be amateurs.

a. are supposed

b. suppose

c. they suppose

d. supposedly


8. One can be amazed by the variety of life... in tidal pools.

a. seeing

b. to see

c. when seen

d. to be seen


9. Telemarketing and telesales... as the most cost-effective way of generating new business.

a. to be widely recognized

b. are widely recognized

c. to have been widely recognized

d. widely recognized


Chapter 9

10. Service hotlines, advice lines, and telephone information service... vital competitive weapons.

a. are seen as

b. to see as

c. to be seen as

d. is seen as


11. This network... to the technical standards that apply in this country.

a. are tailored to conform

b. tailored to conform

c. to tailor to conform

d. is tailored to conform


12. Biomedical research continues... scientists with new insights into the workings of the human body at the molecular level.

a. to be provided

b. to provide

c. provide

d. how to provide



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