Exercise 2 Discuss the following point. Use an example provided below as possible response to the issue raised. 

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Exercise 2 Discuss the following point. Use an example provided below as possible response to the issue raised.


Problem: Around the world science is both indispensable and vulnerable. Indispensable because the world has goals that can be reached only with deeper understanding. Vulnerable because money is short and patience with research is running short, too.

Sample answer: Why support science? For hundreds of years one justification has been that research fulfills a passionate human quest for knowledge. But these days curiosity is not enough. Most people support science and think research leads to practical benefits: economic growth, better health, labor saving devices. The challenge is to integrate the drive for knowledge with the delivery of useful outputs. vulnerable — weak, not well protected, sensitive, easily harmed укр. уразливий quest — a long search, an attempt to find something



Chapter 2



With count nouns With both With non-count nouns
MANY (more, the most)   MUCH (more, the most)
There are many books in our library. У нашій бібліотеці багато книг     A LOT ОF Much time is needed to solve this problem. Для розв'язання цієї задачі треба багато часу
a great number of students багато (велика килькість) студентів багато Книг Часу a large amount of water (велика кількість води)
*not a few *quite a few *(a) host (of)     information knowledge evidence
There are universities not a few quite a few in the U.S.     significance
У США багато університетів They have a host of friends. У них багато друзів.    



a great deal of a great variety of a wide range of abundant = plentiful   myriad(s) plethora a great deal of money — багато грошей a great variety of reasons (багато причин) a wide range of different opinions (багато рiзних думок) The country has abundant supplies of oil and gas, У цій кpaїні великий запас нафти та газу. a myriad stars — велика кількість зірок, міріади зірок a plethora of suggestions — достаток, надмір пропозицій



With count nouns With non-count nouns
FEW (fewer, the fewest) They asked few questions. Вони поставили мало запитань *a few — трохи, невелика кількість I may be a few minutes late. Я можу трохи запізнитися. LITTLE (less, the least) We paid little attention to the proposal. Ми майже не звернули уваги на пропозицію *а little — трохи, невелика кільюсть I have a little money У мене є трохи грошей.


minute, tiny, infinitesimal — крихітний

a bit — трохи. I'm a bit tired. Я трохи втомився

scarce — мало, обмаль. This winter snow was scarce. Цього року взимку було обмаль снігу.


Chapter 1 27

Use some in affirmative sentences — I have some time. У мене є трохи часу.

Use any in negative and interrogative sentences — I don't have any information.

У мене немає ніякої (бодай найменшої) інформації.

Are there any letters for me? Чи є для мене (якісь) листи?


sufficient enough ample (a) plenty of достатня кількість


We have plenty of time — У нас досить часу.

We have enough seats for everyone — У нас досить місць для ycix.

sufficient information — достатня інформація.

ample money — досить грошей.

a bunch of several a number (of) a couple (of) декілька  
a bunch of students flowers група студентів букет квітів
  He wrote several a number of articles  
  Він написав декілька (низку) статей


The number (of) - кількість The number of students in our group is 12. В нашій гpyпi 12 ociб.


Approximately Nearly About / around / some Almost Roughly     2 hours — приблизно (майже) 2 години.


Relatively Rather   I good — відносно добрий.


The first, the second... the last — перший, другий... останній

*the former — перший за переліком *the latter — останній за переліком   серед двох згаданих.

Of the two possibilities the former seems more interesting (than the latter).

З двох можливостей перша здається більш цікавою (ніж друга).

(Also: former — колишній, the former president — колишній президент)

*every other — через одного

every other year — кожні два роки (раз на два роки).

*in succession — поспіль, підряд

*the last but one *next to the last   Передостанній

*the last but not least — останній за переліком, але не за значениям (важливістю)


the last останній the latest найновіший, найсвіжіший (про новини, інформацію, тощо)
Have you read the last book by academician Vernadsky? Ви читали останню книгу академика Вернадського? The last chapter presents conclusions. В останній главі наводяться висновки. Have you read the latest article by our professor? Ви читали нову статтю нашого професора? The author provides the reader with the latest information. Автор надає найновішу інформацію.

Also: the late — покійний; the late president — покійний президент

Chapter 2

the most найбільш Most більшість
This is the most interesting article I have ever read. Це найбільш цікава стаття серед тих, що я читав. Most scientists usually work on one or two projects at one time. Більшість вчених звичайно працює над одним або двома проектами одночасно.


Also: *for the most part = mainly — головним чином

*to make the most of — використовувати найкращим чином Make the most of your studies!

*another, a second, one more — ще один *other — ще один, інший (з декількох)

* the other — останній, що залишився


leftover, remainder vestige(s) залишки



a dozen = 12 a score = 20 a quarter =1/4 a half = 1/2


1,2,3... 80... 100... 300.., percent Ø hundred Ø million Ø     BUT: hundreds of millions
billion Ø dollars 10 dollar 0 bill(s)


* billion — мільярд — 109

two times — двічі

three times — тричі

* -fold There has been a twofold increase in company's business.

Прибуток компанії збільшився вдвічі.


twice as little as much вдвічі менший більший





Mind such phrases as: «as much as», «as small as», «as early as»

as early as 1970 — (ще) у 1970 році


Chapter 1 29

IS or ARE?


time (5 minutes, 3 years) money (40 dollars) distance (50 miles) the number a word of; a pair of 1+2, 12+80 (...) «Great Expectations» (and similar titles of books) news data evidence everything / each / everyone / anything somebody / anybody / everybody physics (and all other subjects) statistics (as a science of dealing with and explaining a collection of numbers which represent facts or measurements) IS police goods   a number several     thanks data ethics statistics (as a collection of numbers which represent facts or measurements) ARE


Chinese (as a language) Chinese is a difficult language. the Chinese (as people) The Chinese are famous for their cuisine.  
there + to be  
There is (was) 1 professor and 2 (...) students. There are (were) 2 students and 1 (...) professor(s).  




committee faculty class team audience public IS having their meeting (as a group)   ARE going back to their homes (separately)




a flock of birds — пташина зграя

a swarm of bees

a school of fish

a pack of wolves

a colony of ants

a herd of cows

a pride of lions

Chapter 2

Exercise 3. Choose the correct variant:


1. After the negotiations they made many / much changes in their preliminary proposal.

2. German is / are spoken in parts of Switzerland.

3. The number of / the amount of working women are / is increasing nowadays.

4. Professor Johnson did not give many / much information.

5. No news are / is good news.

6. Mathematics are / is an interesting subject.

7. They informed us of much / many important decisions.

8. Many thanks were / was given.

9. «Gulliver's Travels» are / is a popular book.

10. The latest statistics is / are not reliable enough.

11. All of the money were / was spent.

12. A word of gratitude was / were very pleasant.

13. The Japanese is/are known for their traditions.

14. A number of students has / have improved their English.

15. Someone have / has forgotten to put the name on the list.

16. There is / are several documents missing.

17. Statistics are / is a branch of mathematics.

18. There is/are no question of postponing the meeting.



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