Exercise 13 Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase. 

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Exercise 13 Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.


1. There are obvious disadvantages to this plan.

a. well-known

b. serious

c. clear

d. fundamental


2. I tried to anticipate the kind of questions they were likely to ask me at the interview.

a. solve

b. guess

c. remember

d. discuss


3. The problem would interest the entire community.

a. whole

b. large

c. engineering

d. small


4. It is not easy to predict this trend.

a. cause

b. create

c. forecast

d. test


5. The author discusses all facets of most engineering fields.

a. prospects

b. aspects

c. issues

d. forms


6. Eventually, they have worked out the basic concepts.

a. lately

b. spontaneously

c. finally

d. gradually


7. Most of our meetings were devoted to discussing scientific problems.

a. dedicated

b. confined

c. conformed

d. introduced


8. The vast land stretches for hundreds of miles.

a. very small

b. narrow

c. very large

d. spectacular


9. Is there any evidence for believing that?

a. proof

b. tendency

c. opposition

d. chance

Chapter 1

10. He employed the one basic technique.

a. process

b. procedure

c. task

d. objective

11. She is very dedicated to her work.

a. interested in

b. committed to

c. tired of

d. disappointed with

12. They devoted a lot of time for the in-depth study of botany.

a. independent

b. individual

c. thorough

d. careful

13. He made no endeavor to help us.

a. effort

b. decision

c. plan

d. prediction

14. Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.

a. invaluable

b. realistic

c. curious

d. clever

15. Hopefully, I'll earn this degree in a year.

a. discuss

b. get

c. contain

d. study

16. How is your study progressing?

a. topic

b. investigation

c. attempt

d. procedure

17. The issue deals with international cooperation.

a. demands

b. touches upon

c. anticipates

d. allows



Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.


Chapter 1 23


Chapter 2

Focus on:


The Importance of Science Scientific Prefixes


Grammar: Expression of Quantity

Chapter 2

Text A Read the text be ready to answer the questions that follow.


Thinking about science, Goethe once said, «To one man it is the highest thing, a heavenly goddess; to another it is a productive and proficient cow who supplies them with butter.» The results of science and the motives for doing it are diverse. Curiosity is the most powerful motivation for research professionals — and for many amateurs, too. Science clarifies, explains and occasionally predicts. Understanding a piece of universe can bring satisfaction and excitement to anyone. Science serves the missions of improving health, national security, energy, the environment and communications, it creates new products, meets the demands of emerging markets and satisfies social needs. But even strong "faith in science may crack in straitened circumstances. When it comes to future justification for curiosity-driven and mission-oriented research, we encounter three related undertakings. First, we have to rethink the case from inside the scientific community. Government, businesses and universities must demonstrate that investments in science are the 'only way of fulfilling long-range goals. Research executives will have to document the ample returns from past investments and then outline future paths. Setting priorities will not be easy, and ,stern management to ensure excellence will be essential. Second, we should broaden the dialogue. Society must be engaged in continuing exchange about national goals and research priorities. The press, industry, nonprofit organizations must participate. Finally, we must expand the accessibility of knowledge. The entire professional community must pay more attention to building a scientifically literate society. Support for science, and for the benefits of technology, increases with educational level. To be successful in the twenty-first century, we need more science, not less. result — something that happens because of an action or event. Synonym: outcome; укр. результат, наслідок diverse — different (from each other), showing variety укр. різноманітний motivation — need or purpose. Synonyms: incentive, stimulus, motive укр. стимул, мотивація occasionally — укр. час від часу, інколи to satisfy — to give enough for укр. задовольняти to improve — to make better укр. поліпшувати to emerge — to come or appear from inside or from being hidden укр. з'являтися, виявлятися faith — firm belief, trust, complete confidence укр. вipa straitened circumstances — difficult because lacking money. Synonym: money is short укр. фінансова скрута to encounter — to meet or have to deal with (esp. Something difficult) Synonym: to be faced with укр. стикатися related — connected in some way укр. суміжний, пов'язаний undertaking — a job, a piece of work or anything needing effort укр. нелегка справа community — a group of people living together and/or united by shared aims and interests укр. спільнота long-range — covering a long distance or time укр. довгостроковий ample — enough or more than enough укр. достатній stern — firm, strict, severe укр. суворий essential (to, for) — completely necessary for the existence, success of something. Synonyms: most important, notable, fundamental. Also: indispensable — too important or too useful to do without укр. нагально необхідний, суттєвий, дуже важливий to expand — to increase in size, number, volume, degree; to grow larger, to broaden укр. збільшувати, розширяти accessible — easy to reach, enter or obtain. Synonym: obtainable укр. доступний accessibility — доступність access — доступ benefit — anything that brings help, advantage or profit укр. перевага, користь   NOTE
переваги недоліки
advantage(s) merit(s) plus(es) disadvantage(s) demerit(s) minus(es) weakness (es) shortcoming(s) limitation(s) pitfall(s)

Chapter 1 25

1. What are the motives for doing science? What is the most powerful motivation?

2. What are the missions of science?

3. Are there any problems concerning scientific development? What are possible ways of solving them?

4. What can be done to build a scientifically literate society?

5. What major conclusions does the author arrive at?

6. Why did the author mention «the goddess» and «the cow»?

7. What was the author's purpose for writing this passage (to inform, to describe, to persuade, to explain, to entertain or something else)? What is the author's opinion on the subject?


Exercise 1. Give English equivalents to:


сильний стимул; професіонали та аматори; різноманітні мотиви; поліпшувати; слугувати меті; час від часу, фінансова скрута; довкілля; задовольняти потреби; довгострокові цілі; наукова спільнота; некомерційні організації; розширяти доступність знань; приділяти більше уваги; переваги науки та техніки; національна безпека; встановлювати пріоритети.



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