Тип урока: усвоение новых знаний 

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Тип урока: усвоение новых знаний

Тип урока: усвоение новых знаний

Наглядность: картинки по теме

ход урока:

1 орг момент

II. постановка темы и целей

Our theme in our lesson is “Shopping in Britain””

Новая тема

2. Talk to you partner. Ask and answer questions:

Example: 1) What can you buy at the post-office?

— We buy stamps there.

2) Where can you buy films for your camera?

— We can buy films at the_______________

3) What can we buy at Boots?

— We can buy_________________________

4) What do they sell at bakers?

— They sell_______________

Read the text about shopping in London.

Shopping in London

Oxford street is a very big and popular shopping centre] London. There are clothes shops and shoe shops, book shops and dress shops.

One of the largest department stores in Oxford Street, Selfridges. It has more than 300 departments on 6 floors, 2.51 employees (people who work there) and every day more than 100.000 people from all over the world walk its doors, eat in its 5 restaurants and use its four lifts and three escalators.

In the early days there were gardens on the roof and many people came and looked at the famous Selfridges lifts. Today it is famous for its window displays at Christmas.

Selfridges is a very expensive department store, that is why most Londoners have to go to cheaper shops: Marks and Spencer’s for clothes and supermarkets for food.

Supermarkets have become very popular with shoppers. They sell not only food, but also ready made clothes, toys and other goods. They are self-service shops.

I. практика

4. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Oxford is popular because it's very big. □

Only employees eat at its 5 restaurants. □

Selfridges was as popular as it is now. □

Supermarkets are very popular because Selfridges is an expensive department.


5. Write questions to these numbers.

I) 300 4) 100.000

2)6 5) 5

3) 2.500 6)4


6 Retell the text answering these questions.

I) Why is Oxford Street very popular? 2) What is Selfridges famous for? 3) What are supermarkets?

V. домашнее задание

Exercise 3

7 класс

тема: Shopping in Britain (Different shops)

цели: Shopping in Britain – закрепить материал

развить разговорные навыки

воспитывать бережливое отношение к деньгам

метод: вопро - ответ

тип: урок обобщения

ход урока:

орг момент

II. проверка д\з

Exercise 3.

II. постановка темы урока

Our theme in our lesson is “Shopping in Britain”

IV.проверка знаний учащихся

Exercise 8 put in the correct form of borrow or lend

Can you lend me 5S= Can you give me 5S?

Yesterday I borrowed my father’s car= Yesterday I took my father’s car

V. практика

Exercise 11 ask and answer about prices on the menu. «Restaurant» ойыны

- How much is salad?

It's £ 1,25. (one pound twenty five pence)

-How much does fresh fruit cost?

-It costs 50 p. (fifty pence)

-How much is lemon pie?

-It is.......................

-How much does milk cost?

- It costs......................

-How much................?

-1t is thirty p.

-How much does diet pepsi cost?


-How much is water?

Water is.......................!

2.Ойын “My favourite recipe”

VI. закрепление

Exercise 12 Answer the questions.

Is there a canteen at your school?

What is on the menu?

Exercise 13. In pairs write an ideal menu for the school canteen.

V домашнее задание

Exercise 15,16

№35 7 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: It really works

Сабақтың мақсаты: Дене мүшелерінің аттарын айта білуге үйрету.

Әр түрлі ауруларға қандай ем көрсетутуралы айту.

Спортты сүюге тәрбиелеу.

Сөйлеу тілін дамыту.

Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “It really works”

III.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жумыс

Arm қол

Ear ухо

Chest грудь

Toe палец ноги

Knee колено

Foot нога

Finger палец

Head голова

Shoulder плечо

Mouth рот

Stomach желудок

Nose нос

Nape затылок

Eye глаз

Eyelash ресница

Thigh бедро

Hand рука

Сөздерді сөздік дәптерге жазу

Exercise 2 listen and practice

--Hi! How are you?

--Oh, not so good.

--What’s the matter?

--I have a terrible cold.

--Really! That’s too bad! Have you taken anything for it?

--No, not yet.

--Well, do you know what you should do? Take some garlic and cook it in chicken stock. Then drink a cup every half an hour. It really works!


Exercise 3 Talk to you partner.

What do you usually do when you have a terrible cold?


Flue a cough

A sore throat a toothache

VI Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 4

№36 7 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: It really works

Сабақтың мақсаты: Мәтінмен жұмыс жаттығулар жүргізуге


Салауаттылық тәрбиесін беру

Тыңдап түсіну іскерлігін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Аралас

Көрнекілігі: Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 4

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік жұмыс

Headache, ear, aye, toothache, leg, mouth, earache, finger, throat, insomnia, lip, a sore throat….

IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “It really works”

V.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 6 Talk to your partner

. When you have a minor health problem, do you usually go to the doctor, get something from the chemist's, or use a home remedy?

Home remedy

When people have a cold, a fever or flu, they usually go to the doctor for help or they get some medicine from the chemist's.

But many people also use home remedies for common illnesses. Lots of people drink hot chicken soup when they have a cold. Some people rub oil on the chest for a cold. Other people drink a mixture of red pepper, hot water, sugar, lemon juice and milk. Here are some simple home remedies.

Burns: Put the burn under cold water or put a cold handkerchief on it. But don't put ice on the burn.

Coughs: Drink warm liquids or take some honey.

Insomnia: Drink a large glass of warm milk.


Exercise 7 circle true (T) or false (F)

a. Ice is good for a burn. T F

b. Warm milk helps you to go to sleep. T F

c. Honey helps a cough. T F

d. Hot chicken soup is good for a cold. T F

VII. Бекіту

Exercise 5 Take turns talking about these problems

a sore throat a cough

a bad headache a toothache

A.: What should you do for...?

B.: Take a glass of........

C: Don't drink.........

D.: I think you should get some............

VIII Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 8


тема: At the doctor’s

цели: обогатить словарный запас по теме здоровье

развивать коммуникативные навыки

пропогандировать здоровый образ жизни

метод: вопрос ответ

тип: комбинированный

наглядность: картинки

ход урока:

I.орг момент

II. проверка знаний

Exercise 8

III. контрорль знаний

Словарная работа

Headache, ear, aye, toothache, leg, mouth, earache, finger, throat, insomnia, lip, a sore throat….

IV. постановка урока

Our theme in our lesson is “At the doctor’s”

V.новый урок


Strip раздевать

Waist талия

Tablespoonful полная столовая ложка

Hurt болеть

Surgery хирургия

Examine осматривать

Suggest предлагать

Sick чувствовать тошноту

Giddy головокружение

Exercise 4 Read the text. Check the meaning of the new words in your dictionary

Treating a Patient.

Last week Tom was taken ill. He was running a high temperature. He felt sick and giddy. He had a headache and sore throat. It was clear that he needed the services of a doctor. His mother phoned the policlinics. The doctor arrived at 11 o'clock….


Write when people do the following

A) go to the dentist

B) drink warm milk with honey

C) call a doctor

D) go to bed early and rest

E) take some aspirin


A consultation at the doctor's usually consists of the following stages:

The doctor asks what's wrong.

* The patient describes the symptoms.

* The doctor asks questions; the patient answers.

* The doctor examines the patient…

VIII домашнее задание

Exercise 4

№38 7 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: At the doctor’s

Сабақтың мақсаты: Денсаулық тақырыбына оқушылардың

білімін бекіту

Салауаттылық тәрбиесін беру

Тыңдап түсіну іскерлігін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Аралас

Көрнекілігі: бекіту

Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “At the doctor’s”


Exercise 4 read the text

Exercise 5Read the text again and complete the chart




Exercise 6 Find in the text sentences how doctor examined Tom

Example: She asked him to strip to the waist….

Exercise 7 Read the conversation between Tom and his teacher Miss White

-Hello Miss White.

-Hello, Tom. You weren’t at school last week. Were you ill?

-Yes, Miss. I was in bed for four days.

-Oh. Dear. What was the matter?

-I had flu.

-Are you better now?

-Yes, thank you. Here’s a letter from my mum.

Exercise 8 Read and complete the letter

Dear Miss white,

------------------wasn’t at school

-----------------week, because he

was-------------. He had------------

yours sincerely,

Mrs. Barns.

Exercise 10 Talk to you partner. Make dialogues using the pictures in exercise 9.

-Were you away yesterday, Ann?

-Yes, I was ill.

-Oh, dear. What was the matter?

-I had a cold.

-Are you all right now?

Yes, thank you.


VIII Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 9

7 класс

тема: Health problem

цели: Обогатить словарный запас учащихся

развивать коммуникативную речь

пропогандировать здоровый образ жизни

методы работы: вопрос - ответ

тип: усвоение новых знаний

наглядность: таблица

ход урока:

I.орг момент


Exercise 7

Which paragraphs are about:

1. Karen’s new habits

2. General teenage health problem

3. The health farm’s results

4. Karen’s old habits

Exercise 8 Group A Write a list of Karen’s bad habits before she went to Health Farm.

Group B. Write a list of Karen’s good habits after she went to Health Farm


Read When you are young and growing, it is important to eat a variety of food which is good for you. This makes you strong and healthy.

It is also important not to eat a lot of food which you don’t need or which is bad for you

VI домашняя работа

Exercise 6

7 класс

тема: Health problem (adverbs of frequency)

цели: продолжать развивать лексический запас по теме “Health problem ” развивать коммуникативны навыи а так же навыки граммотического письма

пропогандировать здоровый образ жизни

методы работы: беседа, вопрос - ответ

тип урока: закрепление

наглядность: таблица

ход урока:

I. орг момент


Exercise 6 Read the text

Exercise 8 Group A Write a list of Karen’s bad habits before she went to Health Farm.

Group B. Write a list of Karen’s good habits after she went to Health Farm

Usually always never sometimes often rarely

I usually get up at seven o’clock

I don’t often go to the cinema.

She never eats bananas.

We always watch TV in the evening.

I sometimes go swimming.

Exercise 10 Look at these examples

She never did any sport before.

She was always so worried about her size

Exercise 11 Look at the text in exercise 5 and find sentences with adverbs of frequency. Which adverb is used frequently?

12. Put the adverbs in brackets into the correct place in the sentences, 1

1. Overweight teenagers eat the wrong kind of food, (usually)

2. They are depressed about their weight, (often)

3. They eat fresh fruit and vegetables, (rarely)

4. Helen ate fruit when she was younger, (never)

5. She bought chocolate at break time, (always)

6. Do you eat the wrong kind of food? (sometimes)

Exercise 13 Complete the questionnaire to find out if the students in the class are interested in healthy living. Ask several students the questions and record their answers. Tell the class the result

IV. домашнее задание

Exercise 13

7 класс

тема: School rules

цели: внедрение модального млагола must и had to

развитие грамматических навыков

воспитание поведения

методы: вопрос – ответ

тип урока: усвоение новых знаний

ход урока:

I.орг момент

II. востановка темы урока

Our theme in our lesson is “School rules”

III.новый урок

1 объяснение новой грамматики

I have to ask my mother.

I must go to the dentist.

Children have to go to school

You have to wear a uniform

Exercise 2 Read some school rules

School rules

You must

Do you homework on time

Arrive at school at half past eight

Wear a uniform

Bring a letter from your parents if you missed your lesson

Stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom

Be quiet in the classroom

Keep your classroom tidy.


Exercise 3

Complete the sentences with must and mustn’t and translate the correct form of the verb

a. We--------Bring CD players to school.

b. We----have a dictionary at the English lesson.

c. We---- stay at school until 2 o’clock

Exercise 6 Talk to your partner

What are some of the things teenagers have to do and some of the things they don’t have to do?

What about your family?


Exercise 9 Complete the table with have and has

I have to learn English

You have to get up early

She has to learn English

He has to get up early

VI домашнее задание

Написать 6 предложений с модальными глаголами


№42 7 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: School rules

Сабақтың мақсаты: Өткен тақырыпқа қайталау

жаттығуларын жүргізу

Оқушының өзін-өзі тәрбиелеуге баулу

Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Қайталау сабағы

Көрнекілігі: Таратпалы карточкалар

Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “School rules”

III.Білімді жан-жақты тексеру

Exercise 13 Read the conversation between an interviewer and Kate and find the questions have/ has.

How do we make question with have/ has to?

I. What are some of the good things about being a teenager, not an adult?

K. Well, you don't have to go out to work.

And you don't have to pay bills.

You can go out with your friends, go shopping, go to the cinema, sometimes to the disco.

But I always have to tell my Mum and Dad where I'm going.

Another thing is we don't have to do the housework and the washing and cleaning, which is really boring.

I. What do adults have to do?

K. Well, adults have to worry about bills and looking after their family.

They can't do what they want when they want.

I. What does your mother have to do?

K. I feel sorry for my Mum.

She doesn't have to work on Thursdays and Fridays, but she has a lot of different things to do in a day, like shopping, cooking taking my younger sister to dancing.

I. What does your Dad have to do?

K. He has to work full-time, and he drives over a thousand miles a week, but he doesn't have to do anything in the house.

I. Tell me about school. What arc some of the school rules?

K. We have to wear a stupid school uniform, and we are not allowed to wear make-up.


Exercise 14

Look at the chart. Make true sentences about you and your family. Compare your sentences as a class

My parent’s have to go out to work.

My father doesn’t have to do the washing up

My sister has to get up in the morning

My grandparent’s don’t have to do the washing up

My brother has to do the shopping…


Exercise 15 Talk to your partners. Work in small groups to discuss the questions

What do you have to do to help in the house?

What about your brothers and sisters?

Can you stay out as long as you want, or do you have to be at home by a certain time?

Can you go where you want?

Do you have to tell your parent’s where you are going?

VI Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 16 Write down five things you had to do last week that you didn’t want to do.




тема: What should you do to keep fit?

цели: обогатить словарный запас по теме здоровье

воспитывать здоровый образ жизни

развивать коммуникативные навыки

методы: вопрос - ответ

тип: усвоение новых знаний

ход урока:

I.орг момент

II. постановка темы урока

Our theme in our lesson is “What should you do to keep fit?”

III.новый урок

Exercise 2 Here are some things a person can do to take care of his/her health. Which two do you think are the most important?

Exercise 4 Imagine you are giving advice about diet and fitness. Write two lists

Exercise 7 Read the magazine article and find words for two topics

School subjects Technology

A recent survey shows that children in Britain aren't as fit as their parents and grandparents.

The problem starts at school. Teachers nowadays have to give a lot of time to subjects like Maths, English, Geography, Chemistry and so pupils do less PE and Games. Also, most pupils don't walk or cycle to school. Some go on the bus, but more and more parents take their children to school and back by car.

When they get home, they sit down and watch TV or play computer games. The survey says that sixty per cent of British children have got a television or computer in their bedroom.

This problem about young people isn't just a British problem. Surveys in other countries show that it's happening all over the world. Children eat too much junk food, they don't read books, and they don't take enough exercises, because they've got all these wonderful things - televisions, video-recorders, DVD-s, computers, cars.


Find the words from the text which mean the same.

a. a short time ago

b. in good health

C. at the present time d. unhealthy food


Exercise 9 Now read what two young people say about the article in exercise 7

My name is Mick. I think that the survey is wrong. We do a lot of PE and games at our school. I play basketball for the school team. I eat a lot of junk food like hamburgers and pizzas, hut that's all right, because I take a lot of exercise.

My name is Pat. I think that the survey is right. I've got a TV in my room, so I watch TV a lot. I don't walk to school. My dad takes me in the car. I eat a lot of fast food, but I also like en ting fruit and vegetables.

VI д/з

Exercise 10


№44 7 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: What should you do to keep fit?

Сабақтың мақсаты: What should you do to keep fit? Тақырыбы

бойынша оқушылардың білімін бекіту. Some,

Any есімдіктердің қолданулуын қайталау

Оқушының уақытын тиімді пайдалануға


Ойлау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Бекіту

Көрнекілігі: таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “What should you do to keep fit?”


Exercise 9 Now read what two young people say about the article in exercise 7

My name is Mick. I think that the survey is wrong. We do a lot of PE and games at our school. I play basketball for the school team. I eat a lot of junk food like hamburgers and pizzas, but that’s all right, because I take a lot of exercise

Exercise 10 Write your own ideas about the article and your life. Write about these things and read it to the class




11. Circle the correct word in the rules and complete the gaps with the suitable words.

a. some/any

1) We use some/any in positive sentences: I want bread.

2) We use some/any in sentences with a negative meaning.

I never drink ________ alcohol. I don't want _________ mineral

water, thanks.

3) In requests and offers in questions we use some/any:

Would you like___________ cake?

b. much/many/a few/ a little

1) We use much/many and a few/a little with uncountable noun
«Is there_____ milk left?»

«No, there's only________».

2) We use much/many and a few/a little with countable noting

There are not___________ cans of coke left and there are on

___________ cans of orange juice.

Write down what you eat and drink at mealtime and for snack in typical day. Then interview a partner. Find out:

a. How much meat or fish he/she eats on a typical day.

b. How many sweet things he/she eats.

c. How much he/she drinks.

d. What he/she eats a lot?

e. What he/she eats a little?

Whether he/she thinks he/she has a healthy diet.

IV. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 14



тема: Test grammar practice

цели: контроль знаний

развития умственных навыков

практика изученых граматических структур

тип: проверка знаний

Дидак. Материал: тест

Ход урока:

I.орг момент

II. постановка темы

Today we shall write the test

III. проверка знаний

I. G rammar

Сhoose the correct answer.

I. M y hair is dirty. I_____ wash it.

a. should

b. have to

c. must

2.The city museum is very interesting. You ------------visit it

a must

b. have to


3. I eat too much chocolate. I really_______ stop.

a. must

b. should

c. don’t have to

4. He doesn't look well. I think he------------go to the dentist.

a. has to

b. must

c. should

5. We decided not to go to the countryside. You______ get up early tomorrow.

a. mustn’t

b. don’t have to

c. shouldn’t

6 I can't buy a drink. I haven't got_________ money.

a. some

b. no

c. any

7.There are_______ beautiful flowers in the garden.

a. some

b. any

c. much

II. Vocabulary

Fill in the missing word

Chest hurt

Blood pressure




IV.домашнее задание


7 класс

тема: How do you get to school?

цели: обогатитьс ловарный запас учащихся

воспитывать пунктуальность, аккуратность

развивать навыки говорения

методы: вопрос - ответ

тип урока: усвоение новых знаний

ход урока:

I.Орг момент

III. постановка темы

Our theme in our lesson is “How do you get to school?”

III.Жаңа сабақ

Never ешқашан - никогда

Almost почти

Always әрқашан - всегда

Really действительно

Often жие

Just точно

Rarely редко

Usually обычно

Ever когда-либо

Nearly почти

Exercise 1 Listen and read

Exercise 2 Match the words with the pictures

A bus, a plane, a train, a taxi, a car, a helicopter, a ship, a boat, a motorbike…


Exercise 3 Now divide these means of transport into public and private transport.

Public Private

Exercise 4 Read the examples

I never travel by underground to school

I don’t ever eat chocolates.

He is always late to school.

I usually take a bus to go home.


Exercise 5Put the adverbs into the correct place in each sentence

I just come from school.

He rarely eats chocolates.

Oops! I nearly fell over.

I always can understand him.

The never teacher comes late.

I really missed my mother.

Exercise 6 Talk to your partner about how you get to school. Complete the chart below for your partner.

I usually go to school by bus.


Exercise 6 с



№47 7 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: How do you get to school?

Сабақтың мақсаты: How do you get to school?тақырыбы

бойынша оқушылардың білімін бекіту.

Оқушының уақытын тиімді пайдалануға


Ойлау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Бекіту

Көрнекілігі: тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “How do you get to school?”


Exercise 8 read the title and write 2 nouns, 2 verbs and 2 adjectives you expect to meet in the text

Exercise 9 Read the text

Hitch-hiking- dangerous or safe

Hitch-hiking is very popular with young people. Young people like to get free lifts from drivers of cars, lorries, etc.

Hitch-hiking was once a cheap and friendly way to travel. It was also romantic, interesting and …free!

But now hitch-hiking is quite dangerous. We often hear or read that drivers attack or murder hitch-hikers. There are also hitch-hikers who rob drivers.

Because of this some countries don’t allow people to hitch-hike.

Exercise 10 Fill in the gaps Hitch-hiking, to hitch-hike or hitch-hiker?

Do you want------------------ with me?

-----------is dangerous nowadays.

My brother is a --------------.

My father gave a lift to three ----------------.

Our group decides -------------------.

Young people think that------------ is very interesting.

Exercise 11 Which of these adjectives describe hitch-hiking in your country?

Exercise 12 True or false

Hitch-hiking was the cheapest way to travel in the past.

It is safe and friendly now.

Hitch-hiking is dangerous only for hitch-hikers.

Some countries don’t allow people to hitch-hike.

Exercise 13 Read about modal verbs can, may, should

Exercise15 what does Jennifer’s mother say. Use may, can, should

You ---------have problems with money.

You ---------not look after yourself.

You -------- not even look after yourself

You --------feel hungry on the way.

You------ take a sleeping bag.

IV. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 17

7 класс

тема: Going to Britain

цели: обогатить словарный запас по теме

развивать навыки общения

воспитывать любовь к другой стране

методы: вопрос - ответ

тип: усвоение новых знаний

ход урока:

I.орг момент

II. постановка темы урока

Our theme in our lesson is “Going to Britain”

III.новый урок


Australia, Austria, Canada, Egypt, Greece, Japan, Turkey, Wales…

Exercise 2. Ask your partner

What his native language is.

What other languages he/she speaks or understands

What about you?


Exercise 4 Fill in the gaps with the currency- franc, peseta, dollar, som, rupee, yen, rouble, tenge

The British pound, the French franc, the Indian rupee, the Japanese yen, the Spanish peseta, the American dollar, the Kirghiz som.

Exercise 5 Complete

Wales, Scotland and England are--------------------

The United Kingdom includes -----------------------

The capital of the U.K. is------------------------------

Cardiff is the capital of ------------------------------

The Scottish capital is ---------------------------

Belfast is the capital of ---------------------------

London is the capital of-----------------------------


Read the text. Find the modal verbs

Money. There are one hundred pence in a pound. You can say “p” for “ pence”.

Where to stay: Hotels are expensive in Britain “a bed and breakfast” in someone’s house is cheaper. You can also stay at youth hostels.


Exercise 6


7 form

тема Going to Britain

цели обогатить словарный запас

воспитывать патриотизм

развивать коммуникативные навыки

методы вопрос - ответ

тип урока: комбинированный

наглядность: карта

ход урока:

I.орг момент

II. проверка д/з

Exercise 6

III.контроль знаний

What money can you use in Britain?

Where can you stay when you are in Britain?

How can you get around in Britain?

Where can you get a cheap meal in Britain?

IV. постановка темы урока

Our theme in our lesson is “Going to Britain”

V.новый урок

Exercise 7 Read the text “Going to Kazakhstan” and answer the questions

It you come to Kazakhstan to relax, for entertainment, at weekends and on holidays you have a rich choice of places to relax.

In summer people can sunbathe at Kapchagai reservoir or climb mountains; go to Issyk-Kul Lake which is in Kirghizstan or skate on Medeu. Some people prefer playing tennis, swimming or strolling in gardens and parks; some like to relax at resorts located around Almaty. Winter season offers skiing at the Shimbulak ski baze and skating on the Medeu skating rink or hiking in the mountains. Various festivals are constantly held in the republic featuring modern pop stars, classical music artists and ballet dancers. Numerous theatres, concert halls and cinemas offer entertainment. At night city life doesn't tail away: many restaurant, casinos and discotheques are open.

VI. практика

What money can you use in Kazakhstan?

Where can you stay when you are in Kazakhstan?

How can you get around in Kazakhstan?

Where can you get a cheap meal in Kazakhstan?

Exercise 7d Write a short paragraph about Kazakhstan?

Money ---------------------------------------

Where to stay ------------------------------

Getting around ----------------------------

Eating out----------------------------------


Exercise 9 Read and translate

I want to know English well. I must work hard.

Oh, it’s later than I thought. I must hurry now.

You have to wear glasses, granny.


Exercise 13


7 класс

тема: Holiday postcards.

цели: Holiday postcards – обогатить словарный запас

воспитывать заботу друг о друге

развивать коммуникативные навыки

методы: вопрос - ответ

тип урока: закрепление

ход урока:

I.орг момент

II. постановка темы.

Our theme in our lesson is “Holiday postcards.”


Exercise 8 Answer the questions

What are the most popular places tourists visit in Kazakhstan?

Have you ever been in the mountains?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending a holiday in the mountains?

Exercise 9 You are going to read the text about mountains in Kazakhstan. Study the meanings of the following words


Ascend подниматься

Descend спускаться

Routes маршруты

Exercise 10 Read the text and quickly answer the following questions

a. What is the disadvantage of trekking?

b. What is the difference between trekking and ski-tours?
с Which type of transportation can you use only in winter?

d. Which place is often visited by tourists?

e. What is horse trekking?


This is the most popular type of tourism. Its advantage over the others is that when traveling on foot you may meet rare birds or animals: deer, roe deer or mountain goats. Not always, but it is still possible. It would be good if you take binoculars with you. The disadvantage of trekking is that you have to carry your backpack yourself.


Same as trekking, the only difference is that you use mountain skis for ascending and descending mountain passes and summits.


Motor tourism

Horse trekking

Exercise 14 Read the following letter

What is the only adjective used by Marat? Change this adjective with different adjectives

IV. д/з

Exercise 10

№52 7 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Test

Сабақтың мақсаты: Өткен тақырыптар бойынша оқушылардың

білімін тексеру

Оқушылардың білімге қуштарлығын арттыру

Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ типі: білімді тексеру

Дидак. Материал: тест

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Today we shall write the test

III. Білімді тексеру

I. As our school canteen______ I don't have lunch at school, now.

a) is being repaired b) being repaired c) was repaired

2.I am glad that I______ by this teacher.

a) taught b) am taught c) am teached

3. How_____ one travel alone, I wonder.

a) must b) can c) need

4. You_____ tell it to me hundred times, dad I am a grown-up person

a) must b) needn't c) need

5. It is a secret. You______ tell it to anyone.

a) needn't b) should c) shouldn't

6. The sky is too grey. It_______ rain all day.

a) must be b) may c) can be

7.______ you send me some money, please?

a) should b) need c) could

8. My uncle had a heart attack I_______ to call the Doctor.

a) had to b) needn't c) should

11. It_____ immediately, hurry up!

a) can be done b) must be done c) could be done

10. The exercise______ in writing.

a) can do b) can be done c) could do

11. Vocabulary

Choose the correct answer.

I. Hi, Jack. Can you give me a______? I've missed my bus!

a) ride b) lift c) driver

2.I've never thought that a hitch-hiker can_______ the driver.

a) rob b) thief c) murderer

IV.Үйге тапсырма



тема: Traveling light

цели: обогатить словарный запас

развивать коммуникативные навыки

воспитывать любовь к природе

Методы: беседа

тип урока: усвоение новых знаний

ход урока:

I.Орг момент

II. постановка темы урока

Our theme in our lesson is “Traveling light”

III.новый урок

Exercise 2 Look at the memory map. Tick the things Ann and Tom take with them and cross the things they don’t take with them.

Exercise 3 Circle the correct answer

1.John was surprised because:

* Ann and Tom were French;

* Ann and Tom were going on holiday for a month;

* Ann and Tom had only 1 bag each.

2. Ann and Tom travel light because:

a) they have two sets of clothes;

b) they want to have a comfortable travel;

c) they wash 1 set of clothes.

3. To travel light means:

* to travel with a hand luggage only;

* to travel by plane;

* to travel with lots of bags.


Exercise 5 Read

Camping holidays

Camping holidays are very popular with young people. They are a cheap and easy way to see a country. But we should remember important thing - we must take with us only the thing we can carry in a rucksack. We should know that when the weather is rainy the rucksack may get heavier. We should start to pack earlier at least a day or two before our holiday. Because sometimes many things are taken and when we get to the place we see that the most important are forgotten— a match or a tin opener.


Exercise 5 read the text

Exercise 7 Read and tick the ideas you like most of all.

1. Camping holidays are good for health.

2. Camping holidays are cheap and easy.

3. Any clothes would do for a camping holiday.

4. Camping holidays are good for young people.

5. Camping holidays depend on weather.

6. Camping holidays are for people with not much money to spend.

7. With camping holidays you don't care about transport.

Exercise 7b Compare the ideas with your partner. Discuss your choice.

III.новый урок

Exercise 1 read and practice

Exercise 2 Now change the poem using other words instead of the underlined words

On the ……………

There was a________________________________________


travelling on a______________________________________


There was a________________________________________


travelling on the same ________________________________


She was___________________________________________

Exercise 4 read the text

Things to do in Central Asia

There are many things to see and to visit while traveling in Central Asia. If you are in Almaty, Kazakhstan and you like skating| or skiing you should come in winter months when you can go to Medeu or Shymbulak. There are various Museums in Almaty but it is important that you should visit the central State Museum because it is one of the best.

In Uzbekistan one of the most famous cities is Samarkand There you really should see the Bibi-Khanym mosque and the main bazaar. In Kirghizstan the most popular place to visit Issyk-Kul, a huge lake that never freezes.


Do you know anything about it?

Do many tourists visit Samarkand? Why?


Exercise 3 Circle the word that does not belong

a) vacation trip plane tour;

b) guest visitor tourist salesperson;

c) ticket luggage suitcase bag;

d) credit card insurance cash check;

e) gift present document souvenir;

Apartment guest-house hostel inn

VI.домашнее задание

Exercise 4

№56 7 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Have you been in Central Asia.

Сабақтың мақсаты: Have you been in Central Asia тақырыбы

бойынша оқушылардың білімін бекіту

Мәтінмен жұмыс істеу

Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Бекіту

Көрнекілігі: тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Have you been in Central Asia.”


Exercise 6 Listen to the text. Complete the sentence after you’ve listened

Almost 7 centuries ago in Central Asia there lived a great king called Tamerlane. He was a very powerful solidier, and he wanted one day to rule agreat empire stretching form the Atlantic Ocean in the West to the Pacific Ocean in the East.

He made his capital in the oasis city Samarkand which he planned to make the most beautiful city on Earth. Many mosques were built, with blue ceramic tiles outside and gold inside.

Tamerlane's wife Bibi-Khanym was the most beautiful and the most important of all his wives.

She was deeply in love with him. In order to show her love to Tamerlane she decided to build a magnificent to honor him when he was away fighting in a distant war. She found the best architect who designed the most magnificent mosque one could imagine. And then she found the best master-builder who began the work immediately.

As the weeks and days passed by the master builder began to fall in love with her.

Exercise 7 Circle the correct answer

1. Tamerlane was:

I) an architect; b) soldier; c) builder.

2. Bibi-Khanym was:

a) the oldest wife; b) the most important wife; c) not beautiful.

3. To honour her husband Biby-Khanym decided:

a) to wear a veil; b) to build a mosque; c) to go to a war. 4. Bibi-Khanym allowed the master builder to kiss her because: a)she loved him; b) the master-builder didn't want to finish the mosque; c) she wanted to make the master builde


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