Purchasing for a Restaurant. 

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Purchasing for a Restaurant.


Linked firmly in the chain of factors determining success or failure for a restaurant is the purchasing of food, supplies, and equipment. The price and quality of food served is largely depend­ent on the price and quality of food bought. There is a constant need for items such as cleaning supplies, kitchenware, dishes, glasses, flatware, napery, and uniforms.

Usually the purchasing is done by the manager or chef; in some cases the responsibility is divided, with the chef in charge of food and the manager in charge of other items. Some large establish­ments may employ one or two purchasing agents. Any purchaser must have good knowledge of food, market conditions, and the ca­pabilities of the kitchen and the staff. The food buyer must work closely with the menu planner and make suggestions based on price, quality, and availability.

To maintain accounting records a restaurant, like any other business, should have a standard purchase order form. This should include the item, the unit price, the quantity purchased, the total price, and the name of both purchaser and seller. This form should be used for all credit or future transactions, even when the future is only a day or two away.

Many sellers give a discount on accounts paid within a certain period; a good purchase order file ensures that the restaurant can take advantage of such savings. Even when pur­chases are made on a cash-and-carry basis it is desirable to record the transaction.

One of the most important reasons for using a purchase order is that it may serve as a check on the goods received. The receiving agent or storekeeper should get a copy of the order so that all the items can be counted or weighed when they are delivered. In many restau­rants, the receiving clerk is also the storekeeper or steward, responsible for the provision and distribution of foodstuffs, though in smaller establishments the chef or an assistant chef may do this work. When the restaurant wants to check on a supplier, the receiv­ing clerk does not get a copy of the purchase order but counts or weighs each item when it is delivered; this record is then checked against the copy of the order kept by the purchasing agent. Checking on the quality of the foodstuffs is ordinarilythe respon­sibility of the chef, dietitian, or another expert.


Vocabulary on the text.


Ø account, n - счет

discount, n - скидка

file, n - комплект

flatware, n – столовые приборы

item, n – единица товара(synonym unit)

kitchenware, n – кухонные принадлежности

napery, n – столовое белье

savings n, pl - сбережения

steward, n – заведующий складом

supplies, n, pl - принадлежности


Ø check, v - проверять

count, v - считать

deliver, v – доставлять, поставлять

ensure, v - гарантировать

maintain records – вести записи

purchase, v – покупать, закупать

purchase, n - покупка, закупка (synonym purchasing)

purchaser, n - покупатель

supply, v - поставлять

supplier, n - поставщик

cleaning supplies – чистящие средства

weigh, v - взвешивать


Ø cash-and-carry – оплата наличными при получении товара

credit transaction – сделка, осуществляемая в кредит


Vocabulary Exercises.

Translate the following chains of words.


To supply – a supplier - supplies; to keep – a storekeeper; to plan – a menu planner; to purchase – a purchaser - purchasing; to buy – a buyer; to sell – a seller.


Translate the word combinations.


Market conditions, a purchase order, a purchase order form, a purchase order file, the unit price, credit transactions, on a cash-and-carry basis.

Give English equivalents.


Факторы, определяющие успех или неудачу; закупка продуктов питания; цена и качество покупаемых продуктов; чистящие средства; кухонные принадлежности; столовые приборы; столовое белье; рабочая одежда; агент по закупке; хорошо знать рыночные условия; вносить предложения, основанные на цене, качестве, доступности; вести бухгалтерский учет; цена за единицу товара; общая цена; предоставлять скидку; комплект закупочных бланков; подсчитывать и взвешивать; кладовщик.

Give Russian equivalents.


The purchasing of food, supplies, and equipment; there is a constant need for items such as …; kitchenware, flatware, napery and uniforms; a purchasing agent; to have good knowledge of food; the ca­pabilities of the kitchen; to maintain accounting records; the total price; to give a discount; to take advantage of savings; pur­chases are made on a cash-and-carry basis; to record the transaction; to check on a supplier; to count and weigh each item.



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