Find in the text sentences with modal verbs and translate them into Russian. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Find in the text sentences with modal verbs and translate them into Russian.

3. Read and translate the text.


Kitchen Areas and Equipment.


The back of the restaurant, called a kitchen, usually spreads over several rooms or areas. In the fa­miliar part of the kitchen, hot food is prepared; in the service area, orders are placed and picked up; in the pantry, cold food such as salads and sandwiches are made, often with assembly-line meth­ods. There is a space for washing utensils and a space for storing equipment and supplies. Depending on the size of the establish­ment, there may be kitchen offices, locker rooms, and washrooms.

A service area is located between the dining room and the food preparation areas. It is specially equipped with a counter where waiters and waitresses hand in and receive orders. Instead of shouting and causing much noise, waiters and waitresses usually give the cooks a slip of paper with the order written on it. These orders are ordinarily in abbreviated form, with just a few letters or initials representing the items on the menu.

In many restaurants the pantry is equipped with hot and cold tables for food that has already been prepared; it also has grills and other equipment for last minute warming or preparation.

The dish and potwashing area should be ac­cessible from both the dining room and the kitchen. Bussers bring soiled dishes to dishwashers who separate dishes from glassware. They scrape any remaining food from the dishes so it is necessary to have equipment for waste disposal in the area. Most modern kitchens have automatic dishwashers working all the time, so one person can load dirty dishes and a second one can unload clean dishes at the other end. The dishwashing area should also contain sinks for soaking pots that have to be washed by hand. In some restaurants, these sinks are portable so they can be wheeled easily from the kitchen to the dishwashing area.

The size, arrangement, and equipment in the food preparation area depend on the number of meals the restaurant handles and the kind of food it serves. It must include tables or counters where the chefs and their helpers can work and the necessary stoves or ranges on which the actual cooking is done. There are many different kinds of equipment on the market including machines for slicing, peeling, grinding, and shaping, as well as ranges and ovens for bak­ing, grilling, frying, and broiling. Refrigerators and freezers come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Portable equipment is preferable because it permits rearranging the work areas and easier cleaning. Many new ranges and ovens are equipped with automatic timers that reduce the amount of attention required from chefs and cooks. The initial expense of automated equip­ment is higher but it pays for itself over a period of time by savings in employee costs.

Vocabulary on the text.


Ø dish, n – блюдо, тарелка; pl. посуда

equipment, n - оборудование

equip, v - оборудовать

freezer, n – морозильная камера

glassware, n – стеклянная посуда

locker room, n - раздевалка

oven, n – духовой шкаф

pantry, n – подсобное помещение

pot, n – емкость для приготовления пищи (сковорода, кастрюля и т.п.)

range, n- кухонная плита большого размера

refrigerator, n – холодильник, холодильный шкаф

sink, n - раковина

stove, n - кухонная плита

supplies n, pl - запас продуктов

utensils, n, pl - посуда

washroom, n - душевая

waste, n - отходы


Ø portable, a – переносной, передвижной


Ø bak­e, v – печь, выпекать

broil, v – варить

fry, v – жарить, обжаривать

grill, v – жарить на гриле

grind, v - перемалывать

load, v – загружать (antonym to unload)

peel, v - очищать

scrape, v – скоблить, скрести

shape, v – придавать форму

slice, v – резать ломтиками, нарезать

soak, v – замачивать


Ø an assembly-line meth­od – конвейерный метод

Vocabulary Exercises.

Give English equivalents.


Зона обслуживания; заказы оставляют и забирают; конвейерный метод; место для хранения оборудования и продуктов; раздевалки и душевые; официанты и официантки; блюда (наименования) в меню; подсобное помещение оборудовано столиками для горячей и холодной пищи; приготовление в последнюю минуту; оборудование для размещения отходов; мыть руками; раковины для замачивания посуды; зона для приготовления пищи; передвижное оборудование; позволяет переоборудовать рабочие зоны; окупает себя через некоторое время.

Give Russian equivalents.


The back of the restaurant; to spread over; the service area; the pantry; assembly-line meth­ods; a space for…; utensils, equipment and supplies; locker rooms; to be equipped with; to cause much noise; a slip of paper; last minute warming; the dish and potwashing area; to be ac­cessible; to separate dishes from glassware; the food preparation area; machines for slicing, peeling, grinding, and shaping; ranges and ovens for bak­ing, grilling, frying, and broiling; refrigerators and freezers; portable equipment.


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