Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs into the Present Perfect tense. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs into the Present Perfect tense.


1. The restaurant (to employ) a new dietitian a year ago.

2. Our restaurant already (to serve) more than two thousand people this month.

3. The tourist center (to open) a new family-type restaurant lately.

4. Our new manager (to create) a pleasant and kind atmosphere in the restaurant.

5. The catering company (not to employ) an executive chef yet.

6. The owner of the restaurant (to decide) to transfer it into a gourmet type.


Translate into English.

1. В ресторанном бизнесе есть квалифицированные, полуквалифицированные и неквалифицированные рабочие.

2. Квалифицированная работа требует специального обучения, образования и опыта.

3. Менеджер и шеф-повар это квалифицированные рабочие, которые приобрели свои навыки, работая в течение длительного времени на разных должностях в ресторане.

4. Тот, кто хочет стать поваром, должен пройти обучение под руководством опытного шеф-повара.

5. В пищевой промышленности главный бухгалтер нужен для того, чтобы проверять финансовую отчетность.

6. В штате больниц и некоторых учреждений диетологи работают полный рабочий день.

7. Такие полуквалифицированные рабочие, как повара, официанты, кассиры, проходят обучение на курсах профессионального образования.

8. Помощники на кухне – это неквалифицированные рабочие, которые делают первый шаг на длительном пути обучения для того, чтобы стать поварами.

Speech Exercises.

Agree or disagree to the following. Correct wrong statements.


1. Jobs in restaurants can be organized through the categories of skilled and unskilled ones.

2. Skilled work demands special training and experience.

3. The duties of semi-skilled workers can be acquired through on-the-job training.

4. Unskilled work requires little or no training.

5. Management positions in restaurants are semi-skilled jobs.

6. Chefs are specially trained and educated workers with natural aptitude for cooking.

7. People who wish to become cooks often begin work as apprentices at an early age.

8. Accountants are necessary for financial control management of all businesses.

9. Dietitians are often young men and women taking first step in the long apprenticeship to become cooks.

10. Waiters and bussers are usually trained on the job.

Answer the questions on the text.


1. What is one of the ways in which the variety of restaurant jobs can be grouped?

2. How can the skills and experience for management jobs in restaurants be acquired?

4. How do people become chefs? Why is a long training period necessary?

5. What are accountants responsible for in the restaurant business?

6. Where are dietitians especially important?

7. Who are the semi-skilled workers in restaurants?

8. Where do most of them get their training?

9. What kinds of special training are available for semi-skilled restaurant workers?

10. Who are the unskilled restaurant workers? How are they trained?

Arrange the sentences according to the text.


1. Skilled work demands special training, education, or experience

2. Waiters, bussers, cashiers, bookkeepers, secretarial workers, and cooks are semi-skilled workers.

3. Chefs are skilled workers with­ practical experience in kitchen work and restaurant management with natural aptitude for cooking.

4. According to personnel qualification there are skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers.

5. Accountants are essential for financial control and manage­ment of all businesses.

6. Semi­-skilled work requires training either on the job or on a short vocational course.

7. Kitchen helpers are supervised by experienced personnel and comprise the unskilled group of workers.

8. Management positions in restaurants are skilled jobs.

9. Unskilled work needs little or no training.

10. They are also skilled workers as well as dietitians who have special training in nutrition.

Formulate the theme of each paragraph and make up a plan of the text.

Fill in the scheme.

23. Say what you have learnt about:

1. Skilled work in the restaurant.

2. Semi-skilled work in the restaurant.

3. Unskilled work in the restaurant.



Task on the Unit.


Using the plan below describe restaurant personnel:


1. Three kinds of restaurant jobs.

2. Restaurant works according to the skills of employees.



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