Types of Convenience Restaurants. 

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Types of Convenience Restaurants.


During recent years a great number of foodservice establishments were opened in our country. Restaurant boom started at the beginning of the nineties of the last century and now there are several thousands of enterprises, where one can have a cup of coffee and a variety of cold foods. Most of these establishments can be considered subtypes of convenience restaurants.

Cafés and coffee shops are informal restaurants offering a range of hot meals and made-to-order sandwiches. They usually offer table service and are open since morning for customers who may have a full hot breakfast here. In some areas cafés offer outdoor seating.

A cafeteria is a restaurant serving mostly ready-cooked food arranged behind a food-serving counter. There is little or no table service. Typically, a client takes a tray and pushes it along a track in front of the counter. Depending on the establishment, servings may be ordered from attendants, selected as ready-made portions already on plates, or customers may self-serve their own portions.

Coffeehouses are convenience restaurants without table service that emphasize coffee and other beverages; typically a limited selection of cold foods such as pastries and perhaps sandwiches are offered as well. Their distinguishing feature is that they allow clients to relax and talk for long periods of time without pressure to leave promptly after eating.

Pubs are popular mainly in the UK and other countries influenced by British culture. A pub (short for public house) is a bar usually with table service that serves simple food and various beverages. Traditionally, pubs were primarily drinking establishments with food in a decidedly secondary position, whereas the modern pub business is famous for fine-dining establishments with high-quality pub food and high prices. A typical pub has a large selection of beers and ales on tap.

A bistro is a familiar name for a French café serving simple meals at moderate prices in a relaxed setting. Bistros have become increasingly popular with tourists, especially in Paris. When used in English, the term bistro usually indicates either a fast convenience restaurant with a European-influenced menu or a café with a larger menu of food.

All-you-can-eat buffet offers customers a selection of food at a fixed price. Food is placed on trays around bar, from which customers with plates serve themselves. The assortment can be modest or very extensive, with the more elaborate menus divided into categories such as salad, soup, appetizers, hot entrées, cold entrées, dessert and fruit. Often the range of cuisine can be varied, while some restaurants focus on a specific type, such as home-cooking, Chinese, Indian, or Swedish. The function of the waiter or waitress in this case is to take away finished plates, and sometimes to order and refill drinks.

Pizzerias specialize on different types of pizzas with various fillings. There are basically two types of restaurants serving pizza. The first one is a full-blown restaurant which doesn't only serve pizza but many different kinds of food as well. The other type specializes in pizzas and a few other items such as beer.

The style of the restaurant will be dependent on the location of the establishment, potential customers, availability of food ingredients, and qualification of restaurant personnel.

Vocabulary on the text.


Ø appetizer, n - закуска

attendants, n, pl – обслуживающий персонал

beer, n - пиво

filling, n - начинкa

serving, n - порция


Ø full-blown, a – процветающий

made-to-order, a – сделанный на заказ

modest, a - скромный

promptly, a - быстро

ready-made, a - готовый


Ø emphasize, v – придавать особое значение

refill, v – заполнить снова

self-serve, v - обслужить себя самостоятельно, без помощи персонала


Ø all-you-can-eat buffet – шведский стол

distinguishing feature – отличительная черта

on tap – на разлив

outdoor seating – место на открытом воздухе

relaxed setting – непринуждённая обстановка

Vocabulary Exercises.

Give English equivalents.


В последнее время; большое количество заведений общественного питания; могут рассматриваться как подтипы; разнообразие горячих блюд; сэндвичи, сделанные на заказ; предлагают место на открытом воздухе; порции можно заказать у обслуживающего персонала; придавать особое значение напиткам; ограниченный выбор холодных блюд; отличительная особенность; питейные заведения; заведения с изысканным меню; в непринуждённой обстановке; шведский стол; процветающий ресторан.

Give Russian equivalents.


A foodservice establishment; a variety of cold foods; can be considered subtypes; informal restaurants; to offer a range of meals; made-to-order sandwiches; to offer outdoor seating; ready-cooked food; a food-serving counter; a table service; to be ordered from attendants; ready-made portions; customers may self-serve their own portions; to emphasize; a limited selection of cold foods; their distinguishing feature; to leave promptly after eating; drinking establishments; in a decidedly secondary position; a fine-dining establishment; high-quality food; a European-influenced menu; all-you-can-eat buffet; hot and cold entrées; home-cooking; to take away finished plates; to refill drinks; various fillings; a full-blown restaurant; availability of food ingredients.


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