Write short questions ending in a preposition in response to these statements. 

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Write short questions ending in a preposition in response to these statements.

1. I'm writing a book ___________________________?

2. I want to speak to you ___________________________?

3. I need some money as soon as possible ___________________________?

4. I'm going away next week. ___________________________?

5. I've just received a letter ___________________________?

6. She's getting married next week ___________________________?

7. Could you wipe up the coffee that you've spilt on the floor? ___________________________?

John loves Susan, but Susan doesn't love John. She loves Frank. Frank loves Jane and Jane loves John.

Write the questions for these answers based on the information above.

1. ___________________________________? John does.

2. ___________________________________? Susan.

3. ___________________________________? Jane.

4. ___________________________________? Frank does.

Write questions for these answers using 'like' as a verb or preposition.

5. ___________________________________? Lets go to the cinema.

6. __________________________________? It was very hot and humid?

7. ___________________________________? She's got blond hair and she's very nice.

8. ____________________________? Sailing, surfing and doing Jui-Jitsu.

9. ___________________________? A bit like you, actually. Same height and build.

10. ___________________________________? They say she'll be in hospital for another week.

Write reply questions for these in response to these statements.

1. He's come from New York. ________________________________?

2. She's the new manager. ___________________________________?

3. They work very well. ___________________________________?

4. It's working very well. ___________________________________?

5. He has a Mercedes. ___________________________________?

Pre-listening activity

Think of five important steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Write them down and look up information on the Internet to support these ideas.


Helpful Tip:

There are a number of reasons why individuals decide to undergo plastic surgery, including enhancing one's health and appearance. However, the quality of care, facilities, and plastic surgery prices can vary from one hospital to the next. Look into these details before you make a decision.


While-listening activity

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions choose a, b or c as the correct answer for the following questions.


1.What does the man want to do?

A. play basketball with friends from work

B. try out for the company baseball team

C. get in shape and compete in a cycling race

2.What is the woman's main concern?

A. She is worried her husband will spend too much time away from home.

B. She is afraid her husband will become a fitness freak.

C. She is concerned about her husband's health.

3. What is the woman's first suggestion to her husband?

A. He should see a doctor.

B. Her husband should start with a light workout.

C. Her husband needs to visit a fitness trainer.

4. What does the woman advise about the man's diet?

A. He should consume less salt.

B. He should eat less fatty foods.

C. He should add more protein products to his diet.

5. Why does the man's wife recommend cycling?

A. It is good for improving muscle tone.

B. It helps strengthen the heart.

C. It helps develop mental toughness.

Post-listening activity

3. Find information on the following topics and discuss your findings with a partner:

· serious health concerns in different countries and solutions to resolving these problems

· a basic daily menu for a healthy lifestyle

· recommended exercises for different age groups and people with certain health risks

Watch the video about “Health care”

Pre-watching activity

What do you think of the health care that's available in our society?

While-watching activity

Watch and fill in the missing words. Compare your answers with a partner, and then listen once more.

Direct-Fee System

Let's begin by taking a look at the health care industry in the United States. Here, 1_________ _________ __ _______much like any commodity for sale: those who can afford it get it, and those who can't, don't. This is a direct-fee system, where patients pay directly for the services of doctors and hospitals. Americans pay more for health care than the citizens of any other country. In 2010, Americans spent an average of $8,233 per person. The country with the second 2____________ ____________spent about $3,000 less per person. And, like other commodities for sale, 3_____ ________ _____ ___________upwards with higher demand. In total, Americans paid almost $2.6 trillion for health services and medication in 2010, which is even double the amount we spent just ten years earlier.

Health insurance

Of the adults who did have 4 ________ __________in 2010, an average 9% had public health insurance - Medicare or Medicaid. With our system of publicly funded health care, the extremely poor and the elderly and 5________receive health insurance through the government that is paid for by taxes. As we'll discuss a little later in this lesson, almost every other industrialized nation uses a universal system of publicly funded health care, in which everyone receives health care paid for by taxes. In America, however, the majority of the adult population - about 65% - has private health insurance through an employer or 6__ ______________ ______________on their own.


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