Software Construction Activities 

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Software Construction Activities

The term software construction refers to the detailed creation of working, meaningful software through a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and debugging.

The software construction is linked to all the other software engineering activities, most strongly to software design and software testing. This is because the software construction process itself involves significant software design and test activity. It also uses the output of design and provides one of the inputs to testing. Detailed boundaries between design, construction, and testing (if any) will vary depending upon the software life cycle processes that are used in a project.

One of the key activities during construction is the integration of separately constructed routines, classes, components, and subsystems. In addition, a particular software system may need to be integrated with other software or hardware systems.

The following specific tasks are involved in software construction:

– verifying that the groundwork has been laid so that construction can proceed successfully;

– determining how your code will be tested;

– determining and writing classes and routines;

– creating and naming variables and named constants;

– selecting control structures and organizing blocks of statements;

– unit testing, integration testing, and debugging your own code;

– reviewing other team members’ low-level designs and code and having them review yours;

– polishing the code by carefully formatting and commenting it;

– integrating the software components that were created separately;

– tuning the code to make it faster and use fewer resources.

Software construction typically produces configuration items that need to be managed in a software project (source files, content, test cases, and so on). Thus, the software construction is also closely linked to the software configuration management.



Exercise 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following word combinations.

The term software construction refers to; the detailed creation of working, meaningful software; a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and debugging; software engineering; detailed boundaries between design, construction, and testing; to depend upon the software life cycle processes; the integration of separately constructed routines; to lay the groundwork; to proceed successfully; to create the named constants; to select control structures; to organize blocks of statements; to integrate software components; to make the code faster and use fewer resources; to produce such configuration items as source files, content and test cases; software configuration management.


Exercise 4. Find in the text the English for:

конструювання програмного забезпечення; детальне створення робочого, змістовного програмного забезпечення; поєднання кодування, перевірки, тестування компонентів системи, тестування взаємодії компонентів системи та налагодження; бути пов’язаним з розробкою програмного забезпечення; проектування та тестування програмного забезпечення; чіткі межі; залежати від процесів життєвого циклу програмного забезпечення; поєднання підпрограм, класів, компонентів та підсистем; закласти основу; проходити успішно; створення іменованих констант; вибір керівних конструкцій; створення блоків операторів; налагодження коду; перевірка низькорівневих програмних структур та коду; відрегулювати код так, щоби він був швидший та використовував менше ресурсів; керувати такими елементами конфігурації, як вихідні файли, зміст та набори тестових даних; керування конфігурацією програмного забезпечення.


Exercise 5. Write out all verbs from the text. Identify their tense and voice.

Exercise 6. Write out all Non-Finite forms of the verb (Infinitives, Participles and Gerunds) from the text. Identify their forms and functions.

Exercise 7. Put questions to the underlined words.


1. The term software construction refers to the creation of software through a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and debugging.

2. The software construction is most strongly linked to software design and software testing.

3. Detailed boundaries between design, construction, and testing will depend upon the software life cycle processes.

4. A particular software system may need to be integrated with other software or hardware systems.

5. Software construction typically produces configuration items that need to be managed in a software project.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions on the text.


1. What does the term software construction refer to?

2. What software engineering activities is the software construction linked to?

3. What do the detailed boundaries between design, construction, and testing depend on?

4. What is one of the key activities during construction?
5. What may a particular software system need to be integrated with? 6. What specific tasks are involved in construction?

7. How can the code be polished?

8. What is the purpose of code tuning?

9. What does software construction typically produce?

10. What is software construction also closely linked to?


Варіант 2

Exercise 1. Memorize the following words and word combinations.

Identify - встановлювати, виявляти, визначати

numerous – численний

software architecture – архітектура програмного забезпечення

distinct – ясний, виразний; чіткий

definition – визначення, дефініція; тлумачення

maintenance – супровід, підтримка, експлуатація, технічне обслуговування

preexisting – який існував раніше; існуючий

substantial – 1) істотний, важливий, значний; великий 2) основний, головний

creativity – 1) творчі здібності, здатність до створення 2) креативність, потенціал інформації

judgement - судження, думка, оцінка

interface – інтерфейс, взаємодія, взаємозв’язок

user-interface – користувацький інтерфейс

affect – впливати

ultimate – остаточний, кінцевий

call for – вимагати, потребувати


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text in writing.


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