Use the word given in capitals to form a derivative that fits in the space in the same line. 

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Use the word given in capitals to form a derivative that fits in the space in the same line.

The intimacies of (0)… contacts also tend to decline in the larger cities. (1)… changes of (2)… prevent neighbors from becoming well- (3)… in the personal sense characteristic of (4)… groups. Apartment dweller may not know or care who lives on the same floor, (5)… being (6)… to formal courtesies. Tendencies away from (7)… and spontaneous behavior are also the result of (8)… prejudice. In the neighborhoods of the cities various races, nationalities, and (9)… live together with a degree of (10)… tolerance but the barriers of prejudice (11)… to prevent informal communication and thus increase (12)…. NEIGHOR     FREQUENCY RESIDENT   AQUAINTENCE   PRIME     COMMUNICATE LIMITATION   FRIEND   SOCIETY   RELIGIOUS   NECESSITY   TENDENCY     LONELY 0 neighborly                          

Match the English word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. an example of competing reference

2. to evaluate and regulate opinions and actions

3. to stray from social norms

4. to persuade rather than coerce 5. toshare, developandsustainsocialattitudes


a) скорееубеждать, чемзаставлять

b) разделять, развивать и поддерживать социальные установки

c) отступать от социальных норм

d) пример конкурирующих референтных групп

e) оценивать и соразмерять взгляды и поступки

Test 3

Match each definition with the appropriate title.

1. Identification a__ A cover term for all those processes though which a person, group or class influences the opinions, attitudes, behaviors and values of other persons, groups or classes.
2. Reference group b__ Reciprocal effect or influence, the behavior of one acts as a stimulus for the behavior of another, and vice versa.
3. Complience c__ The tendency to allow one’s opinions, attitudes, actions and even perceptions to be affected by prevailing opinions, attitudes, actions, and perceptions.
4. Internalization d__ Any pattern of behavior that occurs so often within a particular society that it comes to be accepted as sanctioned by the members of that society.
5.Comformity e__ Generally, yielding to others. Overt behavior of one person that conforms to the wishes and behaviors of others.
6.Social norm f__ The acceptance or adoption of beliefs, values, attitudes, practices, standards, etc., as one’s own.
7.Social interaction g__ Any groups with which a person feels some identification or emotional affiliation and which he or she uses to guide and define his or her beliefs, values and goals.
8.Social interaction h__ A process or establishing a link between oneself and another person or group.


Say the following in one word.

to keep apart from others;

to continue despite opposition;

to make an agreement about something

to keep out of sight; to take place;

to test the accuracy of something;

to break the quiet, peace, rest;

to keep or get away from something;

to bring into use or into operation for the first time;

to be unsuccessful.

3. Put the words in the box under the following headings:

-positive adjectives

-negative adjectives

Caring Generous Greedy Honest Sociable Rude Helpful Lazy Double-faced Devoted Open Selfish Interested Friendly Broad-minded Easy-going Hard-working Tactless Constructive Dishonest

Test 4

1. Put each of the following words into its correct place in the passage below. separate


in the birth rate

intimate associations

isolating effect

under conditions


deprived of companionship

primary-group contacts


deprivationOne society shows decline in (1)…. (Primary groups are those face-to face groups such as the family, play group, neighborhood, or village which provide relationships or intimate fellowship.) The immediate family is smaller than it was 50 years ago and, as far as population expects can now judge, postwar increases (2)… will not reverse the general trend toward the small family. This means that both adults and children have fewer (3)… within the family group. Moreover, close relationships may be obstructed by factors that (4)… the members of the small family today. We have already referred to the mother who participates in (5)… activities outside the home. (6)… frequency of the mother’s absence may produce (7)… both for her and the children. Even if she stays home, her hostility may have an (8)… upon the children. Likewise, the father will seldom see children, especially when they are small, if most of his time and energy are given to the job. Or, when he is at home, he may have a preoccupied air that makes him unapproachable. This situation will be especially (9)… to sons, who, in both home and school, find themselves almost exclusively under the influence of women and thereby (10)… with adult males.



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