Exercise 2: Fill in the gaps (заполнитепропуски) with the words from the text 

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Exercise 2: Fill in the gaps (заполнитепропуски) with the words from the text

1. The field of psychology includes both…and…

2. As scientists, psychologist use different research methods, such as…, …and….

3. As practitioners, psychologists work in laboratories, …, …, schools and universities, … and corporate….

4. Psychologists work with business executives, … and … to reduce stress and … performance.

5. Immediately following the disaster, such as a plane crash or …, psychologists help … and …

6. When you are a …, your …, never ends.

7. Psychologists have a variety of … … and the flexibility of their ….

8. Many employers are interested in the skills of …, …, and … data.

9. What all psychologists have in common is an interest in the … and … of both humans and …


Exercise 3: Which of the following sentences are true or false?

1. The field of psychology includes practice, research and clinical psychology.

2. As scientists, psychologists follow scientific methods, using careful observation, experimentation, psychoanalysis.

3. Psychologists are frequent innovators. They invent new approaches to people and societies.

4. Psychology is an extremely varied field.

5. Psychologists work with performers, sportsmen and businessmen.

6. Psychologists help victims and bystanders of disasters.


Exercise 4:Translate the sentences into Russian

1. There are more careers in psychology than in mathematics and history.

2. As psychologists we should be intelligent, creative, understanding and innovative.

3. Approaches to the same problem can vary. All practitioners know that but patients do not expect that.

4. It is difficult to diagnose some psychological disorders. It is more difficult to treat them.

5. Clinical psychologists must have a nice and friendly personality.

6. Many business executives live in constant stress. They use alcohol to reduce stress. Professional psychologists can help to reduce stress.

7. Victims and bystanders of such disasters as plane crash live in stress long after the accident.

8. Psychologists often provide help for people with different mental disorders.


Exercise 5: Translate the sentences into English

1. Практическая психология использует результаты исследований для решения разнообразных задач.

2. Будучи учеными, психологи используют научные методы.

3. Наблюдение, эксперимент и анализ – это примеры научных методов.

4. Психологи зачастую инноваторы. Они разрабатывают теории и тестируют их в своих исследованиях.

5. Психология очень разнообразна. Психологи занимаются исследованиями, работают консультантами, преподают психологию в школах и университетах.

6. Практикующие психологи работают в клиниках, лабораториях, больницах, судах, школах, тюрьмах и корпорациях.

7. Психологи работают со спортсменами и бизнесменами, помогая им снимать стресс и улучшать показатели.

8. Профессиональные психологи вынуждены постоянно совершенствоваться, держаться в ногу со временем.

9. Психологи напряженно работают, чтобы найти ответы на разнообразные исследовательские вопросы.

10. Психология очень разнообразна с огромным количеством возможных видов занятости. Всем известны работы психологов, связанные с уходом за психически больными людьми. Однако работа в сфере разработки компьютерного обеспечения менее известна.

Exercise 6: Discuss the following questions with the group or write a short essay on the topic you liked the most

1. Are there more jobs in research or practice in your city?

2. What job, in your opinion, is more prestigious (престижная), in research or in practical psychology?

3. Why do you think psychologists have to be innovative and creative? Is it difficult?

4. Where is it less stress at work – at school, at a corporate office or at hospital?

5. Who is the most difficult to work with – businessmen, athletes, lawyers, or performers?

6. Do you agree that all psychologists love their work? Why do you think so?






Art therapy is based on the belief that the creative process involved in the making of art is healing and the process of art making with an art therapist, one can cope with symptoms, stress, and traumatic experiences, enhance cognitive abilities, and enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of artistic creativity. The term art therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy and psychodrama.

How did art therapy begin? Art therapy did not emerge as a distinct profession until the 1930s. At the beginning of the 20th Century, psychiatrists became interested in the art work done by patients, and studied it to see if there was a link between the art and the illness of their patients. At this same time, art educators were discovering that the free and spontaneous art expression of children represented doth emotional and symbolic communications. Since then, the profession of art therapy has grown into an effective and important method of communication, assessment, and treatment with many populations.

Art therapists work with children, adolescents, and adults and provide services to individuals, couples, families, groups, and communities. They often work as part of clinical teams, in settings that include mental health, rehabilitation, medical and forensic institutions, wellness centers, schools, nursing homes, corporate structures, art studios, and independent practices. Art therapists are skilled in the application of drawing, painting, clay, and other mediums for treatment and assessment.

Art therapy is a human service profession which utilizes creative art process and responses to the created art productions as reflections of an individual`s development, abilities, personality, interests, concerns, and conflicts.

Art therapy is an effective treatment for the patients with developmental, medical, educational, social or psychological problems. It is practiced in mental health, rehabilitation, medical, educational, and forensic institutions. Populations of all ages, races, and ethnic bad grounds are served by art therapists in individual, couples, family and group therapy.


Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury.

The concept of job stress is often confused with challenge, but these concepts are not the same. Challenge energizes us psychologically and physically, and it motivates us to learn new skills and master our jobs. When a challenge is met, we feel relaxed and satisfied. Thus, challenge is an important ingredient for healthy and productive work.

Nearly everyone agrees that job stress results from the interaction of the worker and the conditions of work. Views differ, however, on the importance of worker characteristics versus working conditions as the primary cause of job stress. These differing viewpoints are important because they suggest different ways to prevent stress at work. Although the importance of individual differences cannot be ignored, scientific data suggests that certain working conditions are stressful to most people.

Stress sets off an alarm in the brain, which responds by preparing the body for defensive action. The nervous system is aroused and hormones are released to sharpen the senses, quicken the pulse, deepen respiration, and tense the muscles. This response is important because it helps us defend against threatening situations. The response is preprogrammed biologically. Everyone responds in much the same way, regardless of whether the stressful situation is at work or home.

Short-lived or infrequent episodes of stress bear little risk. But when stressful situations go unresolved, the body is kept in a constant state of activation, which increases the rate of wear and tear to biological systems. The ability of the body to repair and defend itself becomes low. As a result, the risk of injury or disease escalates.

In the past 20 years, many studies have looked at the relationship between job stress and a variety of ailments. Mood and sleep problems, upset stomach and headache, and poor relationships with family and friends are examples of stress-related problems that are quick to develop and are commonly seen in these studies. These early signs of job stress are usually easy to recognize. The evidence is rapidly accumulating to suggest that stress plays an important role in several types of chronic health problems – especially cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders, and psychological disorders.

Stress is in unavoidable consequence of life. As Hans Selye noted, «Without stress, there would be no life». Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Winning a race or election can be just stressful as losing, but may trigger very different biological responses. Increased stress results in increased productivity – up to a point. We all need to find the proper level of stress that allows us to perform optimally as we go through life.



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