Track 14: End of Course Test, Listening exercise 1 

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Track 14: End of Course Test, Listening exercise 1

A: How did you meet your husband?

B: We met on a train. There was a problem at one of the stations and we started chatting … and we didn’t stop!

A: Were you in this country?

B: No, we were in China. I was on holiday and he was there because of work.

A: Hi, it’s me.

B: Adam, where are you? Are you on the underground?

A: No, there aren’t any trains tonight. The underground is all completely closed. It’s crazy. I’m at the bus station.

B: Why don’t you take a taxi?

A: Well … they’re so expensive. It’s OK I can wait for a bus.

B: Go on, get a taxi! You don’t do it very often.

A: OK, you’re right. See you soon.

A: Hi, Selma. How was your holiday?

B: Great, thanks.

A: Did you go camping?

B: No, we didn’t in the end because the weather was so bad – really cold. We stayed at home but we had some good days out.

A: That’s nice. What sort of things did you do?

B: We went for some long walks in the country. We didn’t see anyone else – it was just us and the children. Then we cooked some nice meals in the evening.

A: Right …

B: It was a really relaxing week. Really, it was!

A: Hi,Fiona. Do you take the bus to work every day?

B: Yes, I do. It’s so expensive!

A: Do you have a monthly pass?

B: A ‘monthly pass’ …no. What’s that?

A: You know – you buy a ticket for a whole month – for thirty or thirty-one days … It’s a cheap way to use the buses every day.

B: Oh, I didn’t know about that.

A: So, are you going to buy one today?

B: No, I’m not. You see, I’m going to change jobs soon.

A: Oh, really? What are you going to do?

B: I don’t know yet, but I’m going to get organised and find a job that’s not in the city centre.

A: Good idea!

A: Is that a new watch, Alice?

B: Yes. Do you like it?

A: Very nice!Where did it come from?

B: It’s a long story …

A: Go on!

B: Well, it was Ricardo … He gave me a watch for my birthday …

A: Ah!

B: … but I didn’t like it.

A: Oh.

B: I know. It was sad, really. He arrived at my house with this gift – all nicely wrapped …

A: Did the shop do it?

B: No, he did it himself. So I took off all this beautiful paper and opened the box and then I saw the watch inside … and I just really didn’t like it. Ricardo looked at me and he knew.

A: Oh, poor Ricardo!

B: It was OK. In the end we laughed about it. And at the weekend we went shopping together, and I changed it for this one.

A: It really is very nice.

B: Thank you.

A: What do you think of the music?

B: It’s great!

A: I’d like to be on stage with them, really.

B: Yeah?What do you play? Or do you sing?

A: I can’t sing. But I play the guitar.

B: Oh, right.

A: And the drums, too.

B: That’s great. I love listening to music but I don’t really play anything. I can’t read music at all.

A: Oh no, I can’t do that either. I just listen to things, remember them and play them.

B: Wow!

Track 15: End of Course Test, Listening exercise 2

A: It’s the first of August today, Lisa. A new month.

B: August –a fantastic month!

A: Ah, yes, it’s your birthday in August, isn’t it? Is it the twentieth?

B: No, the twenty-first.

A: Oh, yes. I remember your party last year. It was so good, Lisa. I danced all night.

B: Me too! And I don’t even like dancing!

A: Are you going to have a party again this year?

B: No. It’s too much hard work getting everything ready. But I am going to do something.

A: Like what?

B: I’m just going to cook dinner for two or three friends – including you, of course.

A: Ah, nice …What would you like for your birthday, by the way? Last year I gave you those blue trousers. Would you like clothes again this year? Or maybe some books?

B: I don’t know … I’ve got so many things. Let me think …

A: What about an activity gift?

B: What do you mean?

A: An activity gift means I don’t give you an object, I give you an experience.

B: I still don’t understand.

A: You know, like a day at a beauty spa or driving a Formula 1 car or going in a hot air balloon …

B: Mmm!A day at a beauty spa sounds good …

A: OK. I can ask my sister. I think she knows a good place.

B: Thanks, Angela, that’s a really kind idea! I can’t wait!



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