Plants can provide food, shelter, clothing, or medicine. What is one kind of plant that is important to you or the people in your country? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice. 

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Plants can provide food, shelter, clothing, or medicine. What is one kind of plant that is important to you or the people in your country? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

Which purpose plants serve is a heated subject of much debate. Some people assert that plants are the main source of food and help people to survive. They point out that nowadays people have firmlands where there grow vegetables and fruits and then they take them to market to earn some money. Others affirm that many centures ago people used plants as clothes. However, as far as I am concerned the most important plants are those which are used to make medicine for several reasons.
To begin with, plants which are used to make medicines are crucial to treat different diseasesand save lives of people. There is no doubt that the number of people suffering from different serious diseases, such as cancer is constantly increasing. With the growth of the technology nowadays a lot of medicines are invented which help to recover and regain one's health. However, they are not so effective to prevent different diseases, rather than many plants can provide treatement. Moreover, those drugs also have some negative side effects, such as headache, stomachache and nausea. In contrast, plants consist of nutrients and positively impact the health of people. My grandmother's experience may shed some light on this point. She had a health problem related to livers. The problem was serious and a lot of people adviced her to go and had surgery. However, she prefered to use some plants to be cured. We went to her village where she gathered different plants and later made some medicines. She consumed for about a month and later went to a doctor for detection. The doctore was very surprized to see that she was completely treated.
In addition, plant that serve as medicine can contribute a lot to my country. It is known that many people make medicine out of plants and then sell them to earn money. It is indisputable that people are mostly inclined to buy medicine made out of nutritious plants rather than chemical substances. Therefore, there is a great demand for Eastern way of treatment and many people use medicines made of plants to make some money. Moreover, it helps people to develop altenative way of making drugs and spurs the economy accelerating the growth of the economy in my region. There is no doubt that many businessmen would like to launch their business in this sector and boost their profits. It is indubitable, it will create a lot of job openings and reduce the unemployment rate in my country, Armenia. Unfortunately, a lot of people in Armenia live in poverty and are not able to satisfy their basic needs. Therefore, development of this sector will contribute a lot to my country and eliminate the poverty. Furthermore, many people live in bad conditions and they are not able to buy expensive drugs that are imported from different countries. Unfotunately, due to the high transportation costs medicines are very expensive in my country and many people cannot afford it. Therefore, using plants as alternative medicine will urgent for them.
To sum up, it is very significant for my country to use plants as medicine, as it will help to improve economic conditions and maintain. Moreover, it helps people to cure different diseases without spending a large amountof money.

People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music important to many people? Use specific reasons and examples to

Support your choice.

Music is everywhere! It is played on the radio, on the television, in shops, on the street, in restaurants, and it is even played in elevators! There is no escaping from it, some people complain it is too noisy and aggressive, others don’t notice it, but when it is turned off, everybody takes notice. Why then, after being orally assaulted while out and about in the city, would anybody want to actually sit down and listen to it? Music, has been proven to change our moods. This is why shoppers use it, and why therapists also recommend it. Life without it would be unthinkable. Music means different things to many people. To some, the musicians themselves, it is a way of articulating what they cannot say with the spoken word; to others, namely the audience it is a means of escapism. Everybody feels stress in their lives, and everybody wants to be free of it. Personally, I find listening to Beethoven’s Fifth Piano concerto the perfect stress relief. The smooth melody and soothing harmony just washes all of the day’s worries away, and prepares me for a good night’s sleep. However, just as music helps us to relax, it also energises and encourages us to push beyond what we think we are capable of. Many sports people train at the gym while listening to music. They run to the tempo of the music, or pump weights in time with the beat. I guess the theme tune from the Sylvester Stallone movie “Rocky” is a perfect motivator for sports people. Runners probably find that listening to music while running takes their mind off the pain of running long distances, and rowers probably use it for the same reason. You often see professional athletes wearing ear phones or head phones right before a game or event. It obviously helps to focus the mind and prepare mentally for the rigours of the sport. Yet, it is not just indispensable to sports people, but also to students. When I was studying at high school, and especially before exams, I would listen to any kind of classical music. I don’t know how, but it seemed to aid retention. I guess it relaxed my mind sufficiently enough to enable it to absorb and retain more information than might have otherwise been possible. I was never a great student, but music certainly helped. In fact, according to many theories, listening to music while studying does in fact, “make you smarter!” If it can make you smarter, it can also make you richer. Sales people need a lot of adrenalin to close a sale. I discovered this when I was recruiting executives for fortune 500 companies a few years back. It was perhaps one of the toughest jobs I have ever done. I was then, naturally shy and quiet, and very unsure of myself. I knew that I needed to became more confident and assertive, and so applied to this job. Music became my companion. Before going to important meetings I often found it necessary to listen to upbeat music that would get my blood pumping and boost my courage. The strong fast rhythm of heavy metal or rock would do the trick, along with loud aggressive singing. It was the perfect mood changer; changing me from meek and mild to suitably confident and assertive. Without it, I would not have been able to make as many of the sales as I did. In sales, confidence is the number one cause of success, and lack of it leads to failure. I was happy to discover that I was not the only person who relied on it; music, is every sales person’s companion.

For a longtime now, therapists, educators and scientists have known what people have instinctively known for centuries; that other than art, music is healing. It soothes the soul grieving for a loved one, and inspires those lacking in hope. Musicians, in my opinion have one of the most indispensable jobs on earth today. They not only comfort the sick and the dying, but keep reminding us all of the beauty that man is capable of. This is much needed in the profit driven, over populated, materialistic society that we have to endure today. In other words, music keeps us sane


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