Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 

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Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

1. Obviously, both of these two choices have their own reasons that our society could get benefits from each of them. In the past several decades, remarkable achievements have been made in the arts, while our natural environments are increasingly getting worse and even more difficult to handle. Under these current circumstances, I believe that it is not so hard to make decision about this question. The company should choose to protect the environment.
The first and the most important thing is that we must survive on this planet that allows us almost every possibility, including supporting the arts or something like. These days, our natural environments are under the threats of contamination, global warming, extinction of species, etc. For example, the oil leaking on the Gulf of Mexico, has contaminated a large amount of sea area. And this not only has a negative effect on ocean-life, also it has influence on our life strongly. Therefore, it is very worthy to costing some money to protect the environment.
Furthermore, spending some money on protecting the environment is a good investment to a company. It is from fact that our every activity is based on our environment. As far as I am concerned, if the company spends some money on environmental friendly issue, it will gain more public attention and earn more supports by which the company could grasp the best opportunity to develop more successfully. In return, the company would also do more and more things that good to the environment.
Finally, giving some money to protect the environment is one thing, and doing the precedent to protect environment is quiet another. If a company take a good example for protecting environment, it is easy to imagine that this successful precedent will provoke the public and also other companies to protect our brittle environment. By means of this, I believe that more environmental protection programs which are running for our wellbeing will come into being.
In view of the above concerns, the company should choose to protect the environment rather than to support the arts.

2. Shall a company give money for supporting arts or protecting the environment? Up to my knowledge, I believe that companies should grant any project which aims to protect the environment this is because clean environment will help motivate investments which leads to improve the national economy. Also, good environmental conditions will improve tourism sector.
When companies want to give an amount of money, they should think deeply, if I were company I will support the environment because this will be an important motivation for investors. For instance, last year Joan, my friend, was looking for a country which has clean environment situations and I suggested him my country, since there were several projects that were adapted by local companies in order to protect the environment, he accepted my advice, now he has built various environmental factories, these investments have improved our economy.
Furthermore, clean environmental conditions will help improve the tourism sector. For example, last week while I was checking me E-mail I found a message from Katreen, my American’s friend, she told me that her parents were looking for a country with a nice environmental conditions in order to make a trip, I mailed her that Jordan, Arab country, is one of the best and wonderful environment around the world, I gave her a list that contained the beautiful places in my country, she felt happy and promised to visit Jordan. Also, she told me that her neighbors would come with her family since they told her that Jordan has a good reputation because of its nice and clean places.
In sum, I suggested that any company want to do some charity works. First of all, it should support the environment because this will motivate investments and tourism sectors. Companies! Be wise to grant your money and think about the future.

What do you want most in a friend - someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

Friends are an important part of life and there is scarcely a person without friends at all. Most people have more than one friend but still stick to a small group of people with whom they are very close. The question is what are the most valuable characteristics in friends? What makes them differ from acquaintancies? What makes them so important to us?
In my opinion, it depends on the individual person which characteristics he or she seeks in a friend. Intelligence, sense of humor and reliability, however, are probably the most named qualities people would like to have in a friend. But which of these character traits is the most important one? For me personally it would be a healthy mixture of all three. Intelligence, to begin with, is quite necessary because I appreciate the idea of being able to share my thoughts with a person equal to me. If I talk about my studies for example, I actually expect the other person to generally understand what I am saying — even if they work in a totally different subject area. A person who lacks intelligence would probably not be able to follow me and couldn't support me if I asked for help. Thus, intelligence definitely is one of the things I really value in a friend.
Sense of humor is, of course, a well-liked characteristic as well. Especially, when it comes to cheering someone up, a humorous person may be of great help. While discussing a problem with a friend, I do not actually expect them to solve my problem but to comfort me or distract me. Some jokes may do the trick in this situation and a good humored friend is the most likely to come up with one. For some people this may seem even more valuable than intelligence but I am convinced that a certain amount of intelligence is needed to come up with a good joke and more important to get a feeling for the situation.
Although I highly appreciate intelligence and good humor in a person, this is of no point if the person is not reliable. Reliability is the foundation of every good friendship because obviously nobody would want a friend who lets him or her down when they are most needed. Thus, reliability probably is the most important character trait. However, for me it would not work if the person was plain boring or rather unintelligent.
To sum it up, the perfect friend for me would inherit all three characteristics. Ideally, this friend would use his or her intelligence to understand what I am talking about and the same to get a feeling for my current state of mind, he or she would then try to cheer me up by using a good sense of humor and of course would never let me down if I needed a friend the most.


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