Think it has changed people's lives: automobiles, bicycles, airplanes. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 

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Think it has changed people's lives: automobiles, bicycles, airplanes. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In ancient time, people used to travel by walk everywhere. After some time, they started using animals like horse and camel to travel. As the time went on, man invented vehicles and started using vehicles like bicycle, then motor cycles and cars for travelling then trucks, buses, trains and airplane for travelling and transportation. I think, most important and fastest transportation vehicle is airplane which changes people's lives. Airplane is the fastest mode of transportation which created a big business of transportation in the world.
Airplane transportation or travelling saves our time. We can go anywhere in the world in a very less time by airplane. I think, airplane changes a people's lives in many ways. The most important is we can save our most valuable time by traveling in airplane. Traveling in airplane is costly as compared to other modes of transportation but if it saves our time then is worth it for many people. Time means a lot to the people those who are very busy with their work. For example, Prime Minister of United States lives in a capitol and he has an urgent meeting in Chicago in noon and then he has to finish some other urgent work in New York by evening, in such situation he will choose to travel by airplane so that he can have his breakfast at his place in capitol then can take a flight to attend his Chicago meeting and have his lunch in Chicago after that he can finish his New York work by taking a flight from Chicago to new York and finally, back to his place and have his dinner at his place with his family.
In addition, transportation by airplane helps in economic and social development. It provides access to global market. It connects people, countries and culture. It generates trades and creates jobs. It helps developing nations to link with developed nations which increases a standard of living and removes poverty. So, I think airplane is the best and fastest mode of transportation which changes people's lives.
8. What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

In the world nowadays, besides of knowledge, soft-skills is one important factor determining the success of young people. Among of all the skill that the youth should arm themselves with, communication skill is one of the most important. Having a good ability to communicate not only help you to build up relationships, present ideas but also make you a better leader.
People with good communicating ability often have many friends at many ages and work in a variety of majors. This gives them huge advantages in their future work. No matter what trouble they may have to face in the future, they can always find someone to ask for help or consultancy. Imagine you have just started working as a salesman, you may find accomplishing your sale target very difficult if you don’t have much friend who can help you. In contradict, when you have wide relationships, you can start by choosing acquaintances that may interested in your product and contact them. They may buy it or introduce you to their friends who want to buy your product. Have many good relationships can bring you a lot in your future career and a good communication skill will help you to build up relationships.
Another thing that you most of young people find challenging when they begin working is that they can express their idea with their colleges. Maybe because they are too shy or have trouble with talking in public. The best way to solve this is learning how to improve your communication skill. With good communication skill, you will become more confident to talk and present your thoughts in public. Knowing how to make good impression while communicate also boots your chances of success when you have to negotiate or persuade your clients, your employer.
One final thing we cannot forget when talking about the benefits of communication skill is that it make youngster better leader. We all know that a good leader is not the most intelligent one but the one who can inspire everybody the most. And how can you motivate people around you? Mostly using your words, by communicate with them. In order to advance your career, prepare yourself good communication skill in essential.
All in all, communication brings the youth a lot of benefits. It help youngster have more good relationships, make them more confidence and better leaders. That’s why learning how to communicate is very important for young people in order to be successful in the future.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

In modern society, with the rapid development of technology, people have more choices ways to communicate each other such as face to face, letters, emails, or telephones. However, I believe that face to face communication is much better than others, and in this essay, I will analyze some advantages of this kind of communication to support my opinion.
First of all, when people communicate each other in person, they can get responses immediately without misunderstanding. During conversation, people can not only hear responses from others, also see how they are feeling; people can guest what will take place next, how conversation is on, which is very important to have a successful talk. For example, in criminal inspection, face to face communication can know whether or not suspects are telling the truth through the way suspects answer questions, their facial, behaviors and eyes sight.
In addition, using face to face communication helps people express their feelings, ideas much better. Instead of using word only when people choose letters, emails or phone for communication, people can use eye contact, verbal language in order to show their opinions. Scientists show that more than seventy percent people use body or verbal language in communicating; thus, it very important for people use actions to express views.
Last but not least, conversations seem to be longer when people communicate in person. And of course, the more people talk together, the stronger and better relation they have. Take my friend for example. He is an insurance consultant, and he is very busy with his work; however, whenever his customers need advices, he always meets them in person never through phones, emails no matter how important customers they are. He believe that will make relationship with customers stronger and it is a key factor for success in his field.
To sum up, I believe that no matter how developed means of communication they are, face to face is still the most important and effective way for communication


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