Dealing with shyness and low self esteem 

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Dealing with shyness and low self esteem

Shyness and low self-esteem are two psychological issues that most people think are separate, but in fact, they are two sides of the same coin!

Shyness and low self-esteem are linked and when you heal the second one, you will also get rid of the first one.

First, we are not going to talk about shyness when it comes to blushing and dealing with other people, the shyness we are going to talk about covers everything related to human relations, in other words, by following my step-by-step guide, you will get rid of blushing, feeling awkward in new social situations, feeling unable to speak when wanting to, especially when talking to new people, and feeling social fear.

All these problems are going to disappear once you start using and practicing my step-by-step guide.

· The first step to deal with shyness and low self-esteem is to stop hurting yourself.

Whenever you feel shy or whenever you blush and feel fearful about a new social situation, you are definitely going to say to yourself hurtful things such as “this is bad” or “I am wrong”.

I want you to stop immediately from doing this and say to yourself: I forgive myself completely.

Keep saying this affirmation for a minimum of ten times every time you feel bad about your shyness.

This is because you are hurting your mind and causing even more shyness to yourself.

Yes, you need to start forgiving and stop hurting yourself.

· The second step to deal with shyness and low self-esteem is to complete this gratitude list.

The following file you should download is a gratitude list that’s amazing for decreasing your low self-esteem and helping your self-confidence in general, click here.

By filling in this form, you will feel an almost immediate relief, you will have confidence about dealing with life, and more importantly, you will see yourself as worthy of happy things happening to you.

This is simply the essence of having high self-esteem, and by working on this gratitude list on a daily basis, for at least three months, you will increase your high self-esteem while decreasing your low self-esteem and anxiety in public.

· The third step is to complete the following sentences.

I love the work of Doctor Nathaniel Brandon when it comes to self-esteem, he uses a set of sentences with his patients, by completing them quickly and by themselves, they increase their self-awareness and most importantly, they increase their self-responsibility and they deal with their problems by themselves.

1. Being shy to me meanings…

2. If I had 5% less shyness I would…

3. If I felt confident in social situations I would…

4. To get rid of my shyness I need to…

These sentences should be completed on a daily basis, every morning for at least two months; you need to go over them very quickly and without thinking a lot.

They will give you the right solutions and the right steps to use in order to lower your shyness adequately and in harmony with your true self, they will also make you aware of the things you are doing wrong in your social life.

· The fourth step is to visualize your new self.

Visualizing yourself as being confident socially and able to talk to people is a fantastic way to decrease your shyness and low self-esteem.

After waking up, close your eyes and start seeing yourself in a social gathering, being you, being nice, not trying to impress people, just feeling comfortable around them and in your own skin.

Again, open your eyes and close them, then start seeing and visualizing yourself as presenting a speech or a presentation in a big room full of people just like you, in fact, they are you.

This visualization session may seem a little awkward and strange, but it’s amazing and will increase your self-confidence and social abilities tremendously.

To have very low self-esteem means that you are not going to cope with life’s challenges successfully, most importantly, you are not going to feel confident whenever you are facing problems, this will have many direct consequences on your life, but the most devastating one is the one I’m going to reveal to you in this post.


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