Self-esteem activities for children 

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Self-esteem activities for children

However, what about self-esteem and school performance in general?

The problem isn’t with good performance, it’s with liking school or not!

If students have low self-esteem, and even if they are performing very well, they are not going to like school; even worse, they are not going to like themselves and are always going to think of themselves as not deserving success and not deserving of happiness.

And yes, having high self-esteem really influences school performance.

For example, one of the most important pillars of self-esteem is self-confidence, and to students, this means that if they are presented with new challenges at school, they are going to trust themselves and trust their abilities, even better; they are going to take every failure as a new opportunity to do well and work even harder.

On the long run, students with high self-esteem are always going to perform very well at school and will always have the best attitude about their studies and about themselves.

Can high self-esteem go hand-in-hand with low student’s performance?

Usually no, it’s because students with high self-esteem always try another time, they do not give up easily, and are always going to do their best, however, some students who have high self-esteem may be board in a subject, usually because of the teacher or certain rules imposed upon them, and they are simply going to refuse to work on certain subjects which is going to influence their school performance in general.

What is the most devastating consequence of having very low self-esteem?

It’s having bad relationships in your life.

By relationships, I don’t mean just romantic ones, I mean everything that’s humanly possible, from your parents, to your loved ones, they are all going to be influenced by the level of your self-esteem.

Two relationship scenarios can happen in your life if you have very low self-esteem:

The first one is: people are going to avoid you because you are not a happy person, you will always talk about gloom and bad things, and even worse, when you meet people, you are going to make them feel terrible about themselves because of your low self-esteem.

In other words, because you have a low state of mind all the time, you are going to resort to negativity, a gloomy attitude and throwing tantrums at people in order to make them understand you and be with you, this will simply push them away.

The second scenario is: people are going to avoid you because you will be unable to make decisions in your life, you will always depend on them and always be dependent on their appreciation and opinions of you.

No one likes a person like this and people are going to avoid you because you are not going to make them feel comfortable, you are going to make them feel bad about themselves because they have to carry you around whenever and wherever they go, they will start avoiding you and even talking behind your back about you being uncool and not very sociable!

The first consequence of having high self-esteem is your relationships are going to improve, people are going to feel much more comfortable around you, however, this only applies to highly confident and optimistic people, low self-esteem ones are going to avoid you because you will make them uncomfortable as they are going to see how their lives are miserable and how everything in their lives is not fitting very well, unlike yours.

This is the most direct consequence of having very low self-esteem: people are going to avoid being with you for who you really are and what you make them feel.

Does low self-esteem in children really exist?

Yes it does, children as well may suffer from self-esteem issues and in our modern world, it’s very frequent.

Self-esteem activities for children

My name is Noah Alam and I have been suffering from low self-esteem and low self-confidence for the major part of my adult and even childhood life!

I was so scared and frightened to talk to people and defend myself, I was bullied and humiliated at school, and when I grew up, I was very superficial and extremely fragile, I have zero friends, I was extremely sensitive, and I had terrible doubts about myself. For a very long time, I couldn’t make friends, have a girlfriend, or make my own decisions!

I’m not trying to make you sad or empathic about me, I want you to understand that there is hope, and anything you are going through right now has a solution, I’ve been there and I know what you should do exactly in order to solve your self-esteem and self-confidence problems.

And this is what I’m going to teach you in this website, I’m not going to give you my opinions and predictions, I’m only going to give you what I’ve tried for myself and what will work for you.

This website isn’t just about self-esteem and self-confidence, it is also about depression, anxiety, and many other psychological issues I have experienced and been through myself.


In this post, I’m going to share with you the most efficient activities to build the self-esteem of children very quickly.

You need to understand that kids can be easily influenced, and this can be taken advantage of, especially when it comes to self-esteem because if they have high self-esteem from such a young age, they are not going to experience psychological troubles like depression or anxiety when they grow up, in fact, they will feel much more happier and ready to face life’s challenges.

After all, this is the goal and the true aim of having high self-esteem, facing life’s challenges happily and confidently.

· The first self-esteem activity for kids is drawing and coloring a superhero

Whether you are dealing with a boy or a girl, drawing and coloring a superhero can be an eye-opening experience when it comes to the self-esteem of kids, it will tell you exactly how they are feeling and what you should focus on for improving their attitudes.

For example, don’t be alarmed if boys use too much “blood” and too much violence in their drawings, after all, it’s their brains and testosterone expressing themselves, however, if they refuse to draw and feel hesitant to participate in this activity, then they may have low self-esteem or may even fear being criticized or ridiculed in front of the others.

This activity is not going to raise their self-esteem directly, it’s only going to raise their self-confidence and trust in you, and by raising these and giving them a reward, in the form of a smile or a feeling of acceptance, you are going to increase their self-confidence and thus their self-esteem on the long run.

Check out this page for an amazing collection of superheroes to color:

· The second self-esteem exercise for kids is writing their positive traits

Use the following document in order to make kids write their positive traits, it’s fantastic because it’s going to give them an opportunity to express themselves and tell the world who they really are, if they don’t know what positive traits are, write them down and explain them, then simply ask them to write the ones they feel they have.

A good thing to do is to only write fantastic traits, and even if children don’t have most of these, let them adopt them and then ask them to make a dialogue or a play in which they are going to be a character with such traits.

If they cannot act in a play or are too shy, a good thing is to ask them to describe a person with one of these traits, how would he/she look like, how would he act, and how would he behave with other children.

The most important thing is to ask them to participate and be the actors, you should never be involved unless there is some explaining to do, they should be the ones taking charge of their self-esteem development and psychological development as well.

· The third self-esteem exercise children can do is choosing superpowers

This is one of the best self-esteem exercises kids can take part in, give them the following print file and ask them to select only five superpowers they would like to have.

If they cannot understand some of them, explain them while making sure you focus on only choosing the most positive ones.

· The fourth self-esteem exercise for kids is coloring their Coat of Arms

If you have the means, make them wear caps and give them plastic swords and other toys from the medieval ages to play with, this works very well with boys, then ask them to color their coat of arms and let them choose the strength they would like to have in their kingdom.

I know that most of these self-esteem activities for kids may sound like foolish and quite stupid, but they are very important for making them express themselves and be positive about their feelings and attitudes towards others.

· Playing the psychiatrist

This is also a fantastic exercise for increasing the self-esteem in children, tell them that someone is sad or angry, and ask them to write suggestions or draw pictures to heal this person.

The rule here is to listen to them talk and give them enough praise to keep them going on, however, don’t make this activity boring, just listen to them and give them enough attention and patience.


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