Why do children suffer from low self-esteem? 

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Why do children suffer from low self-esteem?

It’s because of a multitude of causes, but the most important ones are because some children may believe that if they do not have their needs met, then they are not worthy of love and affection, and also because of mainstream media.

Most advertisements and TV programs dedicated to children are going to show healthy, attractive, intelligent, friendly, and popular children, whereas in real life, this is extremely rare and children do not have the powers to judge for themselves as adults, and even some adults may fall trap to advertisements, this means that when they go to school or are confronted with life’s issues, they will see themselves as inadequate and not being able to cope with life’s struggles and difficulties, so, they will have low self-esteem as a protection, they will try to hide themselves from the world.

· Now, let’s talk about the first step to help a child with low self-esteem: making peace with himself again.

Most children who suffer from low self-esteem are in fact at war with themselves, they are in complete denial of things they enjoy in their lives and things they feel happy for.

To achieve this, you need to give your child or children under your supervision, a positive traits list that they need to complete, you can download it here.

Make children with low self-esteem complete this list and they are going to gain trust and confidence again in their strengths and abilities.

This this is going to make them aware of the things they have in life and the things they should be grateful for.

· The second step to helping a child with low self-esteem is to make him complete a gratitude list.

A gratitude list is going to have the same function as a positive traits list, it’s going to list things a child is grateful for in his life and things he really likes about himself and he really gets joy from.

Again, you can download it here.

· The third step is to make children complete these sentences.

Sentence completions are fantastic for making people aware of their low self-esteem and what exactly to do about it, this will apply even to children as they are very intelligent and will work with these sentences very easily.

· If I felt good about myself I would…

· To me, being happy is…

· The wonderful thing about me is that I…

· I feel happy when I…

· Me… (Child’s name), I can… (The things the child can do)

By completing these sentences, children with low self-esteem are going to empower themselves and will soon start making and coming up with solutions to their problems and taking control over their lives.

And let me tell you that people who do not have control over their lives are the ones suffering from the lowest self-esteem.

Self-esteem and school performance


Does self-esteem influence school performance?

The answer is yes, self-esteem and school performance are highly linked, in fact, they go hand-in-hand in most cases.

And not in the way you may think of!

I’m sure that you must be thinking that most students who are performing highly at school have high self-esteem, but this is completely false, there are millions of students in this world who have very low self-esteem yet, they perform highly, sometimes getting the highest marks and even getting into the best universities and institutions!

How is that?

What you should be asking yourself isn’t related to self-esteem, it’s related to self-concept.

Self-concept simply means that a person, the student, knows what he or she can and cannot achieve and trust himself in certain situations, he or she knows his limits, and this is what most students who are suffering from low self-esteem and having high marks having common, they have high self-concepts, they think, and in fact, know for sure, that they can achieve very well at mathematics for example, so whenever they are presented with a new challenge, they simply tell themselves that they already know maths and can perform very well, this makes them perform highly in subjects they feel confident about.


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