Advantages and disadvantages of my job (Unit 11). 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Advantages and disadvantages of my job (Unit 11).

My name's Helen. I work in the accounts department of a food company. I quite like my job but not everything is perfect. I get on well with the people I work with and the salary is quite high, but I live a long way from my office. It takes me almost an hour and a half to get to and from work by car. So, I'm often late to work. It's not a very big company and that's good because I prefer working in a smaller organisation. It's more friendly! I can socialise with colleagues a lot. We can discuss work problems very openly and easily. I like working in a team. I don't have flexible working hours. I work full-time, not part-time. Sometimes I have to work long hours and stay late in the evenings checking the e-mails. But I never work at the weekend, this is for spending time with my family. On Tuesday I work from home. But for me working alone is boring. Besides I live in the countryside and technology is a problem. I have a very slow internet connection. It's really frustrating sometimes!

My job is very exciting and I have the chance to travel to China, the USA and the UK three times a year.But sometimes I have too much to do. I have a lot ofbusiness meetings. We discuss the production schedule, finalise prices and arrange exhibitions. Besides, my boss is direct and very impatient. But I enjoy my job because I have good holidays.


1. Translate from English into Russian:

flexible working hours, full-time, part-time, to work long hours, to spend time, production schedule, to finalise prices, frustrating, exciting, to enjoy.


2. Translate from Russian into English:

прямолинейный, скучный, общаться, работать в команде, нетерпеливый, коллеги, ладить с кем-либо, бухгалтерия, зарплата, проверять почту, организовывать выставки, деловые совещания (встречи).


3. Answer the questions about Helen's job:

1) Where does Helen work?

2) Does she like her job?

3) Where does she live?

4)What's her main problem when she works from home?

5) What does Helen do?

6) Where does she travel for her job?

7) What does she do at the weekend?

8) How long does she drive to her office?

9) Does Helen like to work alone? Why?

10) Is her boss friendly?

11) Is her salary low?

12) When does she work from home?


WHAT DO YOU THINK? What are advantages and disadvantages of your job?



Sports (Unit 12).


Hello. My name is Mark. I'm fond of sport very much. Sport is an essential part of our life. People join different sport clubs, go to live matches or watch sport on TV. Sport makes our bodies strong. I like to do lots of sport. Every morning I do physical exercises because it helps to keep fit. I also go to the gym and do weight training there. My favourite individual sport is swimming, but I prefer team sports like ice hockey and basketball. I love team sport because I hate being alone and I'm good at socialising. I don't like to lose and winning is important for me. We often beat another team. My job is very stressful and I prefer outdoor activities such as walking, camping or jogging in the summer. It's relaxing. It's also great to go skiing and skating in the winter. I love to watch sport on TV. I'm a football fan and I cheer for my favorite team “Real Madrid”.

The most popular sporting event for me is the World cup final. One of the most famous moments was in 2002 when Germany lost to Brazil. My favorite sportswoman is Venus Williams. In the 2003 Wimbledon final, Serena Williams beat her sister.

I think we should visit doctors, eat healthy food and support our health.


1.Translate from Russian into English:

присоединяться, общение, кататься на лыжах и коньках, сильный, спортивное событие, поддерживать здоровье, плавание, ходьба пешком, делать зарядку, держать форму, предпочитать.


2. Translate from English into Russian:

essential part, live matches, body, favorite, popular, to go jogging, team sport, outdoor sport, activity, gym, to do weight training, to lose, to beat, to win.


3. Answer the questions:

1. Why sport is an essential part of our life?

2. What does Mark do in the morning?

3. What does Mark do in the evening?

4. What does Mark do in the summer?

5. What does Mark do in the winter?

6. Why does he like team sport?

7. What is his favorite individual activity?

8. What is his favorite sporting moment?

9. What is his favorite sportswoman?

10. What does Mark advise to do to be healthy?


WHAT DO YOU THINK? What is your favorite sport? What is your favorite free-time activity? What sports do you usually watch on TV? How do you keep fit?



My organization (Unit 14).

Hello, my name's Polly. I work in Medicines San Frontieres, an organisation of doctors and nurses helping people around the world. It's a private organisation.It was started over 30 years ago by doctors who wanted to give people in wars fast medical help and food and tell the world about the terrible things they could see. It's our main target - to inform the world. At the beginning the headquarters was in Paris, but now we're based in Barcelona, Brussels and Paris, which handle many of our Latin American projects. We're very international and have offices all over the world. Our organisation is active in 85 countries and provides a wide range of medical service. We publish educational and medical reference books, supply medical equipment, provide people with food.

There are a lot of departments in my organisation: a human resources department, sales, service, accounts, financial, marketing, advertising departments. I'm a press officer and work in the communications department. I'm responsible for the external and internal reports, but I also work with colleagues to communicate about medicine to the people in India and Africa. People who work here should be very patient, creative, helpful, friendly, well-organised and positive.


1.Translate from English into Russian:

nurse, human resources department, financial department, communications department, to be responsible for, medicine, to provide, wide range, reference books.


2. Translate from Russian into English:

частная организация, мед. сестра, оборудование, отдел продаж, бухгалтерия, рекламный отдел, коллега, творческий, управлять проектами, хорошо организованный, дружелюбный, ужасный, еда, терпеливый, доклад (отчет).


3. Answer the questions:

1) What is Medicines San Frontieres?

2) When was Medicines San Frontieres started?

3) Where is it based? Where is the headquarters located?

4) What is the main activity of this organisation?

5) What is their main target?

6) What do they do exactly?

7) What departments do they have in this organisation?

8) What does Polly do?

9) What is Polly responsible for?



WHAT DO YOU THINK? What qualities should a person have to work in charity organisations? Why?What can you do to help other people?


Travelling (Unit 15).

Hi! My name is Evelyn. Last year I travelled to the sea by plane. At first I and my friend got tickets in the booking office. At the day of our departure we collected the things and went to the airport by car. When we arrived, we had to check in. We showed our passports and tickets at the check-in desk. Our boarding was at 10 o'clock, but at the gate it turned out that the flight was delayed by 45 minutes. When we boarded the plane at last and it took off, the flight attendant served people drinks and food. The flight went well and I slept almost all the time.

We landed at 3 o'clock. It took us 4 hours to fly to Turkey. We didn't take a rank for the suitcases, because the taxi stand was just outside the airport and we caught one.

We lived in a modern hotel. The service was quite good. The chambermaid made our beds and cleaned the room every day. I woke up early, did some exercises in the gym, played tennis. When the weather was very hot, we relaxed on the beach, sunbathed and swam. I and my friend went on coach tours, did sightseeing and visited great museums. We enjoyed a tasty meal in one of the excellent restaurants, hired a car, explored the country and took photos of the picturesque places. I met with interesting people. In the evening we saw shows at the theatre or just sat and read newspapers and books in the lounge. I and my friend rested for two weeks. It was a wonderful trip!


1.Translate from Russian into English:

путешествовать на самолете, море, билет, собирать вещи, посадка, полет, стюардесса, обслуживать, стоянка такси, современный, пляж, плавать, осматривать достопримечательности, вкусная еда, фотографировать, отдыхать, чемоданы.


2. Translate from English into Russian:

booking-office, departure, to check in, gate, to delay, to land, rank, to catch the taxi, chambermaid, to sunbathe, gym, to go on coach tours, to enjoy, to explore, country, trip, theatre.


3. Answer the questions:

1) Where did Evelyn travel last year?

2) Where did she get tickets?

3) What did Evelyn and her friend do at the airport first? What happened with the flight?

4) What time was their boarding?

5) What time did they land?

6) How much time did it take Evelyn and her friend to fly to Turkey?

7) Where did they live?

8) How did they get to the hotel?

9) Why was the service good?

10) What did Evelyn do when the weather was hot?

11) What did Evelyn and her friend do during the holiday?

12) What did they do in the evenings?


WHAT DO YOU THINK? What was your last holiday? What did you do? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?



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