Ex. 7. Translate the text “Hormonal Problems” into Ukrainian. 

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Ex. 7. Translate the text “Hormonal Problems” into Ukrainian.


Ex. 8. Insert the missing words or word-combinations:

1. _ hormone (GH) stimulates growth in most tissues. 2. Several pathological conditions are associated with abnormal GH _. 3. They are _ and hyposecretion. 4. The causes for hypersecretion or hyposecretion _ tumors in the hypothalamus or the pituitary, the synthesis of structurally abnormal GH, the inability of the liver to produce somatomedins and others. 5. Chronic hyposecretion of GH in infants and children leads to _. 6. Treatment for chronic hypersecretion of GH often _ surgical removal or irradiation of a GH-producing tumor. 7. Hyperthyroidism _ when the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormone. 8. The signs of this disorder are the following: weight loss despite increased appetite, increased heart rate and blood pressure, nervousness, _ at the base of the neck and others. 9. An underactive _ gland causes hypothyroidism. 10. The key treatment is daily _ of thyroid hormone.


Ex. 9. Answer the following questions:

1. What does GH stimulate? 2. What are the causes for hypersecretion or hyposecretion of GH? 3. What does the treatment for chronic hypersecretion of GH involve? 4. What thyroid disorders do you know? 5. What are the signs of hyperthyroidism? 6. What does the treatment for hyperthyroidism include? 7. What is the cause for hypothyroidism? 8. What is key treatment? 9. What disorders of adrenal glands do you know? 10. What are the symptoms of adrenal glands disorders? 11. What are the causes of the pancreas disorders?


Ex. 10. Insert the missing prepositions:

1. The hormones of the adrenal glands affect virtually every system _ the body. 2. Disturbances can lead _ such disorders as Addison's disease, aldosteronoma, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and others. 3. Treatment requires daily doses _ steroid tablets and salt supplements. 4. Sometimes the pancreas' balanced system _ control fails. 5. The amount of glucose _the bloodstream increases. 6. It can lead _ diabetes mellitus. 7. It is very serious disease but modern medications have made possible the effective management _ diabetes mellitus.


Ex. 11. Write out key words of the text “Hormonal Problems”.

Ex. 12. Make up a plan of the text “Hormonal Problems”.

Ex. 13. Speak on:

pituitary gland disorders;

thyroid disorders;

adrenal glands disorders;

pancreas disorders.

Ex. 14. Compose your own dialogue on hormonal problems.


Pituitary gland disorders. Growth hormone (GH) stimulates growth in most tissues. Several pathological conditions are associated with abnormal GH secretion. They are hypersecretion and hyposecretion. The causes for hypersecretion or hyposecretion involve tumors in the hypothalamus or the pituitary, the synthesis of structurally abnormal GH, the inability of the liver to produce somatomedins and others. Chronic hyposecretion of GH in infants and children leads to dwarfism. Treatment for chronic hypersecretion of GH often involves surgical removal or irradiation of a GH-producing tumor. The most common thyroid disorders are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormone. The signs of this disorder are the following: weight loss despite increased appetite, increased heart rate and blood pressure, nervousness, swelling at the base of the neck and others. Three types of treatment are available: a liquid form of radioactive iodine, an antithyroid medication, and surgery. An underactive thyroid gland causes hypothyroidism. The key treatment is daily consumption of thyroid hormone.




diabetes mellitus ["daIq'bI:tI:z 'melItqs] цукровий діабет respond [rIs'pOnd] реагувати pancreatic ["pxNkrI'xtIk] що стосується підшлункової залози, панкриатичний juvenile(-onset) ['Gu:vInaIl] юнацький, ювенільний adult-onset diabetes ['xdAlt, q'dAlt] діабет дорослих diminish [dI'mInIS] зменшуватися, знижуватися heredity [hI'redItI] спадковість thirst [Tq:st] спрага consequence ['kOnsIkwens] наслідок, результат adipose ['xdIpqus] адипозний, жировий target['ta:gIt] мішень readily ['redIlI] легко, без напруги sheep [SI:p] вівця Langerhans islet ['la:Ngqha:ns 'aIlIt] панкреатичний острівець, острівець Лангерганса confusion [kqn'fjuZ(q)n] розгубленість, порушення орієнтації

Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Prefixes and term-elements:

post- (after, behind)

postaxial заосьовий

pre- (before, in front of)

prerenal переднирковий, преренальний


Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:

A. Postnatal; postoperative; postpone; post-graduate.

B. Preclinical; premedical; precancerous; premolar; preexisting; preposition; preceding; prescribe.


Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:


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