Use the Past Perfect Continuous Tense according to the model. 

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Use the Past Perfect Continuous Tense according to the model.

Model A: He was short of breath, he (run all the way). – He was short of breath, as he had been running all the way.

1. His hands were dirty ________________ (work in the garden). 2. She did very well in the examinations ___________________ (study hard through the term). 3. He was behind the class, he ______________________ (not study properly). 4. Her eyes were red as she _________________ (cry). 5. She got used to his strange ways as they _________________ (live together for a long time).
6. She looked half asleep as she _______________ (rest).

Model B: They drove for 3 hours. Then they stopped. – After they had been driving for 3 hours, they stopped for lunch.

1. We walked for an hour. Then we understood that we had taken the wrong road.


2. He waited for her for an hour. Then he went away.


3. He worked at the laboratory for 4 years. Then he changed his job.


4. I thought the matter over for some time. Then I took a decision.


5. He looked through the latest papers and magazines for some time. Then he sat down to his report.


6. She watched television late into the night. Then she could not sleep.


7. He studied English for 3 years. Then he went to England.



Finish the sentences using the Past Perfect Tense or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. He was late. And I was afraid that _______________________. 2. When she came back, her eyes were red and swollen: it was clear that she _______________________. 3. When we got off the train,
I suddenly remembered that _______________________. 4. She missed her lessons because ________________________. 5. He seemed surprised when he saw me, evidently he had no idea that ____________________.


Make up complex sentences according to the model. Составьте сложносочиненные предложения по образцу.

Model: It was snowing hard. The temperature had been gradually falling and soon it was snowing hard.

Or: It was snowing hard so the children had taken out their sleds.

Or: The weather had suddenly changed and it was snowing hard.

1. ___________ he had gone skating _______________. 2. ___________________ she had been sleeping for 2 hours __________________. 3. ____________________ they were walking home ___________________. 4. ___________________ we got off the bus _________________.
5. ____________________ people were hurrying to and fro ___________________.


Translate into English.

1. He успел он отойти и двух шагов от дома, как очутился лицом к лицу с Диком, который ждал его уже десять минут.


2. Прежде чем он приехал к нам, он путешествовал по всей стране (throughout the country) целый год.


3. Он сказал, что они поднимут этот вопрос только после того, как обговорят все сами.


4. Он еще раз перечитал то, что написал.


5. После обеда он отправился навестить друзей. Они условились о встрече еще накануне.


6. К тому времени как мы вернулись, они уже пришли к соглашению.


7. Я узнал, что ничего не было сделано, хотя я и оставил подробные инструкции.




II. Topic “At the doctor's” “Illness”


Vocabulary Box:

short – короткий

long – длинный

square – квадратный

round – круглый

rectangular – прямоугольный

heavy – тяжелый

light – легкий

glass – стеклянный

leather – кожаный

metal – металлический

plastic – из пластика

paper – бумажный

wood – деревянный

arm – рука

aspirin – аспирин

back – спина

cold (noun) – простуда

cough – кашель

medicine – лекарство

dizzy – испытывать головокружение

to faint – падать в обморок

finger – палец (руки)

foot – нога

hand – рука(ладонь)

headache – головная боль

ill – больной

leg – нога

sick –нездоровый

sore throat – больное горло

stomach ache – боль в желудке

temperature – температура

tired – уставший

toe – палец (ноги)

1. Read and translate the text.

At the doctor's

If we catch cold, have a splitting headache, have a clogged nose, cough, are running high temperature, we must go to the policlinic. First we come to the registry. The registry clerk on a duty asks our name, address, age and occupation.

He writes out some slips because several specialists will examine us. Some of them will listen to out heart and lungs, some will check up our kidneys, liver, stomach, eyesight, and hearing. The others will make our blood analysis, take our blood pressure and x-ray us.

Our district doctor sees his patients in a consulting room. A nurse gives us a thermometer to take our temperature. The doctor asks what the trouble is. He offers to sit down on a chair and to strip to the waist. He feels your pulse and examines you. Then he writes out a prescription for some medicines: pills, powder, drops, and mixture. He also advises you to put a hot water bottle to your feet, to have hot tea with raspberry jam. You have the prescription made at the chemist's. You must follow the prescribed treatment to avoid complications and very soon you will be quite well. There is a good proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. That's why I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Notes to the text:

Kidney – почки; Liver – печень.

Blood pressure – кровяное давление

Our district doctor sees us… – Наш районный врач принимает нас...

To examine smb – зд. Осмотреть кого-либо to examine smb – принимать экзамен у кого-либо

A hot water bottle – грелка

A prescription – рецепт

To have hot tea with raspberry jam – пить горячий чай с малиновым вареньем

You have your prescription made at the chemists’. – Вам приготовили лекарство в аптеке. Ср.

I have my hair cut – Мне постригли волосы. She has her suit made. – Ей сшили костюм.

Complications – осложнения


2. Answer the questions on the text. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. When do we go to a doctor?


2. Where do we first go to the policlinic?


3. What does the doctor ask you?


4. Is it necessary to follow the doctor’s advice?


5. What does the doctor write out?



Common Problems

A: She doesn't feel well.

B: What's the matter?


She's sneezing. She's coughing. She’s got a sore throat.


She's blowing her nose. She's got a temperature.


What's the matter? How do you know? (symptoms) cause of illness
I've got a cold. I've got flu. (= like a cold but more serious) I've got diarrhoea. I feel sick. I've got a hangover. sneezing, a sore throat, a cough same as for a cold + high temperature, e.g. 40° I keep going to the toilet. I want to vomit. (= be sick) headache, feel sick a virus a virus often food, or a virus many, e.g. food, illness too much alcohol


Aches and pains

We use the noun ache for toothache, stomachache, backache, earache and a headache. For other parts of the body we use pain. With both nouns, we often use the verb get. I've got a terrible headache.
(= a bad headache). I often get backache. I woke up with a terrible pain in my chest. I get a pain in my leg when I run.


Задания по формированию компетенций



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