II. Memorize extra vocabulary: idioms / proverbs / words of wisdom 

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II. Memorize extra vocabulary: idioms / proverbs / words of wisdom

Be of high promise Waste not,.want not.
Prove a success Where there is a will there’s a way.
Hope against hope. Happiness takes no account of time.
Experience is the best teacher. Every man is the architect of his own future.
The early bird catches the worm A great fortune is a great slavery.
A bad workman always blames his tools.
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. (A. Einstein)


III. Make up as many sentences as you can using words and phrases suggested above.

IV. Perform the following pre-writing tasks:

Pre-writing task 1

Read the opinion essay and label the paragraphs with the headings below:

- second viewpoint & examples

- subject & opinion

- restate opinion

- opposing viewpoints

- first viewpoint & examples

English and Maths are more important subjects

Than Art and Music

Isn’t it unfortunate that in today’s society there are so many people who cannot read, write or even do arithmetic? [ strongly believe that, although subjects such as Art and Music are important, English and Maths are the most fundamental part of our education.

In the first place, when you know how to read, write and do simple calculations, you have the tools required in order to deal with everyday matters. For example, being able to read and write can help you communicate and express yourself dearly.

Moreover, you need basic maths for such daily chores as doing your shopping, paying your bills and managing your money.

Furthermore, it is essential to have a good knowledge of English and Maths in order to find even the simplest job. Reading, writing and mathematical skills are the minimum requirements that most employers demand.

On the other hand, it can be argued that Art and Music are just as significant as English and Maths. For instance, learning how to draw or play an instrument can introduce a child to a whole new world. In addition to this, subjects such as Art and Music can provide children with a well-rounded education rather than just basic skills.

All things considered, though, it seems to me that, English and Maths are vital subjects. Without learning to read, write or do arithmetic, people may have difficulties coping with even the simplest tasks in daily life.

Pre-writing task 2

Read the article. Express your opinion, if these reasons are true for you. Develop your ideas to find out if being happy means being successful.

The secret of happiness

Many people think that being clever, rich and attractive is the best way to find happiness. But according to a recent report in New Scientist magazine, these things aren’t as important as we think. A group of scientists reviewed hundreds of research studies from around the world and then made a list of the top ten reasons for happiness and their list makes very surprising reading.

Your genes

Some people are simply born happier than others. In a study 0f 4000 adult twins,

differences in their genes were the main reasons for their different levels of happiness.

Being married

All studies show that married couples are happier than single people. Just living

together without being married doesn’t have the same effect.

Friends and family

People who have large families and lots of close friends are usually happier than people who have a lot of money but live on their own.

Not wanting more than you’ve got

People who expect to have a successful career, lots of money and the perfect relationship aren’t as happy as people who accept what they’ve got.

Helping others

Studies by psychologists in different countries show that helping other people is not only good for them, it also makes you feel happier.


Four out of five studies show a positive link between religion and happiness. Very religious people usually live longer too.

Being attractive

Attractive people believe they are very happy – maybe because they also have good genes and are therefore healthier. Cosmetic surgery does not have the same effect.

Growing old

Studies show that old people are happy as often as young people and are unhappy less often. This is probably because they spend more time doing the things they enjoy.


When you are poor, money can buy you some happiness. However, when people have enough money to live comfortably, more money doesn’t make them happier.


Surprisingly, this has very little effect on happiness. Being able to get on well with people is much more important than how intelligent you are.


Pre-writing task 3


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