Discursive compositions expressing opinions 

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Discursive compositions expressing opinions


Opinion essays are discursive essays in which you present your personal opinion on a particular topic. Opinion essays are normally written in a formal style, therefore you should avoid using colloquial expressions, short forms or personal examples. You can find this type of writing in the form of an article in newspapers, magazines, etc.

Your opinion must be stated clearly and supported by justifications. You should also present the opposing viewpoint(s) in a separate paragraph. A good argumentative composition expressing opinion should consist of:


Set topic and your opinion clearly

Main body

Para 1: Viewpoint 1 and reason

Para 2: Viewpoint 2 and reason

Para 3: Give the opposing viewpoint and reasons

You may include more viewpoints, and therefore more paragraphs in the main body


Restate your opinion, using different words


Points to remember:

· Never start writing your composition before making a plan.

· Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence which summarizes the paragraph.

· Each viewpoint should be joined to the others with linking or sequence words, e.g. in the first place, to start with, what is more, also, furthermore, besides, apart from this, it is argued that, etc.

Useful Words and Phrases

To list viewpoints: To start with, In the first place, Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally

To add viewpoints: Both …and, What is more, Not only… but also, In addition, etc Furthermore, Besides, Not to mention the fact that, etc

To present the other side of the argument: Contrary to what most people believe, As opposed to the above ideas, Some people argue that … etc

To express opinion: I believe, In my opinion, I think, In my view, From my point of vie, I strongly believe, I feel that, It seems to me that, etc



Are computers a necessity?

Computers play an important role in our lives today, whether we realize it or not. Some people are beginning to ask if we really need them. In my opinion, computers have become a necessary part of modern life.

In the first place, computers can save a lot of storage place. Storing information on computer discs is one of the most efficient ways of keeping data. One computer disk can hold the same amount of information as several books.

Furthermore, computers save everyone a lot of valuable time. Saved information can be found at the touch of a button, whereas searching for it manually takes much longer. Therefore, our everyday lives are made much easier – from going to the bank to doing the shopping.

Nevertheless, there are those who claim that computers are unnecessary and make our lives more complicated. They argue that in the past we managed very well using other methods and that we have become too dependant on computers. What is more, a large number of people make friends through the Internet and communicate virtually. Some people even describe the computers as their best friend! People are becoming more and more isolated from each other because they have less real human contact.

All in all, I strongly believe, that computers are a useful tool. They have changed our lives for the better and become absolutely essential. The time saved by using computers for repetitive tasks enables us to use our own time more creatively and productively. There is no reason why we should not make them work to our advantage.


I. Activate words and collocations from your student’s book:

advance do a temporary job solicitor
advantage / disadvantage get good grades in exams solve problems
appropriately qualified have good people skills steady job
assume have to work long hours staff
assessment lead unemployed
be a trainee manager leisure interests urgent
be accepted for a job look forward to doing smth. variety
be available need special qualifications workaholic
be challenging previous experience promote
be exhausted wage/ payment/ salary competitive
be fed up be very well-organized concentrate on
be good with money run a hotel desperate
be physically fit distract someone determine


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