Завдання 4. Перекладіть на українську мову та англійську групи слів, користуючись текстом. 

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Завдання 4. Перекладіть на українську мову та англійську групи слів, користуючись текстом.

  1. спостереження
  2. діяльність сонця
  3. виконувати
  4. наукове дослідження
  5. надзвичайно
  1. the movement of planets
  2. equipped
  3. to follow the flights
  4. mankind
  5. to launch space rockets.
текста. 1). More than hundred years passed since the day when the Russian scientist Alexander Popov _________ his “storm indicator “which was prototype of modern radio receivers. 2).We cannot __________ our life without radiocasting, television, radio – communication. 3). Programmes to other countries are conducted in 77 __________. 4). Modern means of radio – engineering cover the greater part of the _________ with long, medium and ultra – short radio waves. 5).The application of powerful outer space __________ makes it possible televising programmes directly to huge territories. Завдання 3. Доберіть відповідні англійські слова та словосполучення підкресленим українським словам.
1). Сучасні засоби a) modern society; b) modern means;
  c) exchange; d) radio – broadcasting;
2). Радіо приймач а) storm indicator b) radio waves;
  c) radio – receiver; d) huge territories;
3). Освіта а) aim; b) language;
  c) application; d) education;
4). Хвиля а) wave b) country
  c) color d) spot
5). Удосконалення a) education b) improvements
  c) future d) equipment

Завдання 4. Перекладіть на українську мову та англійську мову групи слів, користуючись текстом.

activity have been made and a method of investigating the movement of planets has been worked out. Astronomical observation and cosmic experiments are spheres of scientific research in which broad co-operation of scientists of various countries would be most effective. Scientists, workers and technicians have produced and launched space rockets in the direction of the Moon, Venus and Mars and are fulfilling the noble dreams of mankind. Notes on the Text
  1. have made a contribution – внесли вклад
  2. affect – впливати
  3. artificial – штучний
  4. device – прилад
  5. sensitive – чутливий
  6. remarkable – видатний
  7. exact – точний
  8. extremely – надзвичайно
  9. find out (found) – пізнати
  10. flight – політ
  11. follow – стежити
  12. fulfill- виконувати
  13. launch- запускати
  14. observe – спостерігати.
Завдання 1. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
  1. What two observatories occupy a leading place among the observatories of the world?
  2. When was the observatory opened?
  3. What researches do the scientists conduct today?
  4. Is the big radio-telescope stronger than any other telescope in the world?
  5. What studies have been made by means of the radio-telescope?
А). 1. television center; 2. to be housed in; 3. to be equipped; 4. broadcasting stations; 5. ultra – short waves; B) 1. ціль радіо; 2. радіо техніка; 3. телебачення; 4. міжнародні системи; 5. телевізійна програма; Завдання 5. Дайте вірні визначення наступним словам.
1. telephone a) measure of space between two points or places.
2.radio– receiver b) process of transmitting pictures by radio waves with sound at the same time.
3. distance c) broadcasting by means of electromagnetic waves.
4. television d) part of an apparatus for receiving signals
5. radio e) a system of transmitting the human voice by electric current, through wires.

Завдання 6. Доповніть речення згідно зі змістом текста.

1) A.S. Popov’s “storm indicator “was …

2) Now radio and television play an important role as …

3) Modern means of radio engineering cover the greater part of our planet with…

4) Russian TV system includes 120 TV centers which…

5) Some of the aims of radio and TV are to acquaint people with …



2._________. 3. Semiconductor lasers can transform electric energy directly into ________. 4. The helium-neon laser comprises 10 per cent helium gas and ___________. 5. The light in a laser is reflected by the mirror ________. UNIT 3 ASTRONOMICAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD. Two great observatories, Greenwich and Pulkovo, occupy a leading place among the observatories of the world. Some scientists call Pulkovo the astronomical capital of the world. Pulkovo is situated in a hilly area some kilometres from Leningrad. You can’t get to Pulkovo by train – when the railway was being built the astronomers specially asked that it should be kept several kilometres away so that there should be no vibration to affect the sensitive instruments. The work started in 1839, when the observatory was opened, is being continued now. This is the eternal work of astronomers – to define the precise co-ordinates of the stars, to find out the exact “addresses” of heavenly bodies. Today the scientists also conduct a time service, study activity of the Sun, follow the flights of the Earth sputniks and calculate their orbits. The scientists of the observatory have made a valuable contribution to the study of the cosmos by observing artificial Earth satellites, man-made moons. The study of their orbits is very important for the flights of manned space-ships. The Pulkovo observatory has a radio-astronomy department equipped with modern apparatus. The big radio-telescope installed there is stronger than any other telescope in the world. With the help of this powerful device the scientists of the Pulkovo observatory carry out a number of observatories of Venus, Jupiter and other planets. The astronomers have obtained extremely surprising results due to radio-astronomical observation. By means of the radio-telescope some remarkable studies of the surface of the Sun and of solar
Look at the picture! Here is our chemical laboratory. It occupies a large. room which is furnished with many long tables or benches 2 as they are called. It is at these benches that experiments are usually done. There are a lot of things on the first bench. Nearly in the middle there stands a Bunsen burner 3 with a flask over it. During an experiment the Bunsen burner is connected with the main gas line by a rubber tube. The flame of the burner is being regulated by means of a tap. The flask is fixed to the ring-stand. If some solution is boiling in the flask, the steam is coming out of it. At the side of the bench there is a sink with two taps for cold and hot water. At the foot of the bench on the left-hand side there are two shelves with a few bottles on them. They contain chemical substances: solids and liquids. Some of the liquids are colourless and odourless, while others possess different colours and odours. On the right-hand side there stands a rack with twelve test-tubes in it. On the wall above the bench one can see the Periodic Table of Elements. In the cupboard on the left you can see flasks of different shapes and sizes, different kinds of glass tubes, condensers, filters, and so on, that is,4 things without which no chemical experiment can be done. A student in white overall, Barbara, is preparing for an experiment at her bench. She is to get a new compound. Barbara is measuring some liquid in the measuring-glass. When the liquid is measured it is poured into a special vessel and is mixed with water. From time to time


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