Завдання 6. Доповніть речення згідно зі змістом текста. 

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Завдання 6. Доповніть речення згідно зі змістом текста.

  1. The construction of such gates is a sort of ______.
  2. The first stone with the words “Let’s protect Leningrad from floods” was thrown into the _________.

Завдання 1.Дайте відповіді на запитання. 1. What is the main principle of a telescope? 2. Where is the world’s largest optical telescope situated? 3. What is the main part of an optical telescope? 4. What can astronomers investigate with this unique telescope? 5. Where is the telescope housed? Завдання 2. Заповніть пропуски, користуючись змістом тексту. 1. For a long time telescopes were the Earth’s ________on the Universe. 2. Now scientists in many countries are developing ________ telescopes. 3. Large telescopes enable astronomers _______ deeper into the Universe. 4. The largest telescope is situated at _________ above the sea level. 5. The mirror of the telescope is six metres ________ and weighs 42 tons. Завдання 3. Доберіть відповідні англійські слова та словосполучення підкресленим українським.
1. вежа: a) view; b) tower;
  c) square; d) body.
2. важити: a) to solve; b) to develop;
  c) to give; d) to weigh.
3. віддалений: a) limited; b) deep;
  c) remote; d) clear.
4. відстань: a) image; b) level;
  c) distance; d) contribution.
5. досліджувати: a) to use; b) to investigate;
  c) to enable; d) to reflect.
Завдання 4. Перекладіть на англійську та українську мову
  1. The starting point was the adoption of the ___________.
  2. 52 scientific, designing and other organizations were working out _________.
  3. Ships will pass through deep-water channels which are located on _________.
UNIT 4 RADIO AND TV MARCH AHEAD. More than hundred years passed since the

principle of a telescope is: the larger the mirror, the clearer and brighter the reflected image will be. The world’s largest optical telescope is in the North Caucasus at 2,100 metres above the sea level. It was designed and created at the Leningrad Optical and Mechanical Association (LOMO). The main part of the telescope is the mirror which is six meters in diameter and weighs 42 tons. The mirror’s area is about 30 square metres and it has been polished to the highest degree of accuracy. The telescope is housed in a tower a revolving 1,000-ton dome. Many countries have developed large-size optical telescope in the recent 30 years, but this telescope is the most powerful. The following gives an idea of what the telescope can do. With this telescope a candle flame can be seen from a distance of 25,000 km. Its power is 40-50 million times greater than that of a naked eye. With this telescope astronomers can investigate the most remote bodies in the Universe, it will help to solve many important scientific problems, to make a great contribution to the mankind’s knowledge. Astronomers have used the telescope to take several unique photographs of stars. The development of this unique telescope is a great achievement of science and technology. Words to be learnt association n – об’єднання candle flame – полум’я свічки clear a – ясний dome n – купол image n – зображення mirror n – дзеркало naked eye – невооруженный глаз polish v – полірувати recent a – недавній; зд. останній remote a – віддалений tower n – вежа view n – вид, картина
day when the Russian scientist Alexander Popov demonstrated his "storm indicator" which was the prototype of modern radio receivers. Great progress has been made in radio engineering, radio communications, radio broadcastings and televi­sion since that time. We have become so used to these means of communication that we can't imagine our life without all this. In the modern world, radio and television play an im­portant role as a mass media of information and as a means of people's political and cultural education. There is hardly a spot on the whole vast territory of Russia where there is no radio. The voice of radio is heard all over the world. Today more than 500 radio broadcasting stations in the country trans­mit a total of 1,500 hours per day. Programmes to other countries are conducted in 77 languages. Modern means of radio engineering cover the greater part of the globe with long, medium and ultra-short radio waves. New radio stations are being built and equipped with the most modern instruments. Television is also developing rapidly in Russia. At present Russia has a TV system which is the largest in the world. It includes 120 TV centres which make their own programmes. The construction of the world's biggest television centre, the Moscow centre, which is housed in the 533-metre high Ostankino television tower was completed in 1970. All programmes which are broadcasted by the Moscow centre are in colour. TV programmes broadcasts go out from Moscow every day on 12 channels with a total of 159.6 hours of broadcasting in every 24-hour period. There is a regular international exchange of TV programmes as well. Our television is linked with Intervision and Eurovision international systems. Work on the improvement of space television and broadcasting is of great interest. The application of powerful outerspace relays makes it possible televising programmes directly to huge territories. Some of the aims of radio and TV are to help strengthening peace and friendship among nations, to provide listeners and viewers with an objective review of events taking place in the world and to acquaint them with the life in the coun­try. Much has been done to develop radio broadcasting and television in our coun­try but still

  1. спостереження
  2. діяльність сонця
  3. виконувати
  4. наукове дослідження
  5. надзвичайно
  1. the movement of planets
  2. equipped
  3. to follow the flights
  4. mankind
  5. to launch space rockets.


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