I thank you for the letter of 2 June. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


I thank you for the letter of 2 June.

Further to our telephone conversation,_______



I would be grateful if you could_____________

I would appreciate it if you could______________________

Could you please________________________

Пояснение причины написания I am writing to inform/ apply for/ request/ etc.

5. Выражение благодарности

Thank you for____________.------

We were very pleased to_________

6. Сообщение о вложенных документах Please find enclosed/ attached _____------------------------------------------------


I regret that___________________

I am afraid that _______________________


8. Напоминание о срочности последующих действий
As you may recall_____________________

_____________ at your earliest convenience.

_____________ without delay.

_____________ as soon as possible.


Подтверждение фактов

I am pleased to confirm that__________

We confirm that_______________________________

Заполните пропуски в письме, приведенном ниже. Dear Mr. Watson,

_______ (ссылка) your letter of 26 August, ____

(подтверждение) my participation at the Sales Workshop in October. _______ (просьба) if you could send me the program (приложение документов) some suggestions for contribution.

______ (сожаление) that I will not have the chance to see you

before the workshop but___ (концовка) to meeting you in


Yours___: __ (концовка)



VIII. Разберитесь, какие предложения отредактированы, а какие нет.


1а. 1 There is a possibility that the documents may be delayed. lb. The documents may be delayed.
2а. We should delay the meeting for many reasons. 2b. There are many reasons why we should delay the meeting
За. The committee took into consideration the adoption of the proposal. 3b. The committee considered adopting the proposal.
4а. It is recommended that we accelerate our payment. 4b. I recommend that we accelerate our payment.
5а. 1 recommend that we expand our service. 5b. —-—------ - —■- It is recommended that we expand our service.
6а. I have been appointed to head the committee and 1 will be inviting members to speak at these meetings. 6b. As a chairman of the committee. 1 will be inviting members to speak at these meetings.
7а. The office, located in the basement of Building 39, is open daily from 9:00 to 5:00. 7b. The office, which is located in the basement of Building 39, is open daily from 9:00 to 5:00.
8а. If prices increase, we will renegotiate our contract. 8b. In the event of a price increase, we will renegotiate the contract we have with you.
9а. The increase in investments by foreign nations is of concern to many economists. 9b. Increased investment by foreign nations concerns many economists.
10а. We advised him lo find another job. 10b. It was our advice that be find another job.


IX. Смягчите негативный смысл предложений.


1. We cannot set up a meeting before March 12.  
2. We will not process your order until you send payment.  
  If you have any problems, p lease call mo  
. 4, You sent us the wrong form.  
  Youwill not be entitled to interestbecause you sent in your depositafter the 10* of the month.    
6. Youdid not send in your application before the deadline.    

X, Заполните пропуски наиболее подходящим словом из приведенных в скобках.

I. We were pleased to... (receive/ get/ send) your letter of September. 26. 2. With... (relation/ reference/ connection) to our telephone conversation we would like to tell you the following. 3. We would welcome... the (desire/ reason/ opportunity) to cooperate with you. 4. We have... (decision/ permission/ pleasure) of inviting you to visit our company. 5.We would be grateful if you... (may/ should/ could) come to see us next week. 6. If you have any... (problems/ questions/ inquiries) do not hesitate to contact us again. 7. We would.., (want/ like/ appreciate) if you give us a ring. 8. We would like to continue this.,. (trend/ tradition/ communication) with the educational program. 9. We look forward to... (hearing/ listening/ seeing) from you soon.

P. Watson Sales Manager Pan Engineering

3 May, 2001

Dear Mr. Watson:

We have pleasure in inviting you to our annual conference. It will take place at the Sheraton Hotel, Glasgow from 15 to 18 April.

We enclose details of the conference, accommodation arrangements and a provisional program.

We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation


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