Copyright Legal protection from unauthorized use of an intellectual property fixed in any tangible medium of expression. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Copyright Legal protection from unauthorized use of an intellectual property fixed in any tangible medium of expression.

Corporate philanthropy Recognition of corporate obligations and responsibilities to communities represented by monetary and other contributions to charitable organizations.

Correspondent bank. A bank which maintains an account relationship with another bank or engages in an exchange of services with another bank.

Counseling firm A public relations or marketing company hired by another organization to help with campaigns or run an entire public relations function.

Coupon. One of а series of promissory notes of consecutive maturities attached to а bond or other debt certificate and intended to be detached and presented on their respective due dates for payment of interest.

Credit. An advance of cash, merchandise, or other commodity in the present in exchange for а promise to pay а definite sum at а future date, with interest if so agreed. Long-term credit is credit granted for а long реriod of time. It is generally obtained by the sale of bonds or mortgages. Short-term credit, as the term is ordinarily used, is credit granted со а business enterprise for а short period of time (usually а few months to one or two years) for the purpose of supplying the tem- porary commercial needs of the business. Short-term credit granted со an individual for personal use is called consumer credit.

Criminal libel Public defamatory communication causing breach of the peace or incitement to riot.

Currency. Technically, any form of money which serves as а circulating medium including both paper money and metallic money (coins). In banking terminology, however, the term generally refers to paper money only.

Cybernetics The study of how systems use communication for direction and control.


Defamation Any communication that holds a person up to contempt, hatred, ridicule, or scorn.

Delphi Model A technique for reaching consensus through mailed questionnaires.

Diffusion of information The way in which information spreads through a public.

Econometric Involving statistical measurement of the economy.

Economic education Widespread efforts to overcome economic illiteracy.

Economic illiteracy A lack of understanding on the part of individuals or the general public concerning economic concepts, relationships, and issues.

Ecosystem A system serving as an environment for several smaller systems.

Employee benefits Aspects of employee compensation, often including health and life insurance, vacation and sick leave, pension programs, and other valuable considerations.

Environmental monitoring Formal systems for observing trends and changes in public opinion that are used either once, periodically, or continuously.

Ethics Standards of conduct and morally.

Evaluation An examination of the effectiveness of a public relations effort.

Expert system A computer program that mimics a hu­man expert.

Export declaration A document required by the De­partment of Commerce that provides information about an export activity's nature and value.


Fair comment A defense against libel, the expression of opinion on matters of public interest.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) That federal government regulatory body charged with assuring fair dealing in relation to goods and services in terms of such things as truth and advertising.

Feedback Information received in response to actions or messages about those actions or messages.

Financial analysts Investment counselors, fund managers, and others whose function is to gather information about various companies, develop expectations of the companies’ performances, and make judgments about how securities markets will evaluate these factors.

Financial budget A detailed estimate of how much an organization expects to spend in a given period and where the money will come from.

Financial press Media outlets devoted to coverage of business and financial information.

Financial public relations The process of creating and maintaining investor confidence and building positive relationships with the financial community through the dissemination of corporate information.

First Amendment The initial section of the United States Bill of Rights that guarantees the freedoms of press, speech, assembly, and religion.

Flack (or flak) A derogatory term sometimes applied to describe public relations practitioners, primarily by reporters and editors.

Focus group A group of people representative of an organization’s various publics who are called together, usually only once, to give advance reaction to a plan.

Food and Drug Administration (FAD) A federal government regulatory agency dealing with the efficacy, labeling, packaging, and sale of food, drugs, and cosmetics.

Form 10-K, Form 10-Q, and Form 8-K Reports required by the securities and Exchange Commission from publicly traded companies.

Freedom of information Act (FOIA) A law passed in 1974 requiring disclosure of certain categories of government information.

Full-service leasing An equipment-leasing arrange­ment that includes a variety of services to support the leased equipment; a common method for leasing mo­tor carrier tractors.


Gantt chart A graphic illustration of the time required to accomplish various jobs in a project.

Gatekeeper An individual who is positioned within a communication network so as to control the messages flowing through communication channels.

Grass roots lobbying Organizing local constituencies to influence government decision makers.

Gross weight The total weight of the vehicle and the payload of freight or passengers.


Hierarchy A proposition underlying systems theory, which maintains that systems are organized in a successively more inclusive and complex pattern and that to understand systems of behavior, several appropriate levels should be examined.

Inferential data Information that not only charactizes a particular group of situation, but also allows researches to draw conclusions about ether groups or situations.

Information system (I/S) Managing the flow of data in an organization in a systematic, structured way to assist in planning, implementing, and controlling.

Interdependence A proposition underlying systems theory, which maintains that elements of systems cannot act unilaterally and that all elements of a system influence each other. Behavior is the product of systems, not individual system elements.

Interorganizational communication Structured communication among organizations liking them with their environments.

Interpersonal communication The exchange of messages between individuals through which needs, receptions, and values are shared and by which mutual meanings and expectations are developed.

Intervening public People who may make it more difficult for an organization to reach those it is aiming to influence or gain approval from.

Intrusion Surreptitious recording or observing of other people’s private documents, profession, activities, or communications.

Invasion of privacy Four areas in which one entity may violate the privacy to another: appropriation, publication of private information, intrusion, or publication of false information.

Inventory The number of units and/or value of the stock of goods a company holds.

Investment conferences Meetings attended by investment professionals especially for the purpose of hearing company presentations.

Issue advertising (advocacy advertising) Advertising designed to communicate an organization’s stand on a particular issue seeking to generate support for that position.

Issues management The process of identifying issues that potentially impact organizations and managing organizational activities related to those issues.


Key contacts People who can either influence the publics an organization is trying to reach or who have direct power to help the organization.

Latent public People who are not aware of an existing problem.

Level of analysis In the systems approach, the magnitude of the system chosen for examination.

Liaisons Individuals who serve as linking pins connecting two or more groups within organizational communication networks. Sometimes referred to as internal boundary spanners.

Libel Published defamation.

Licensure A formal certification process that indicates a person measures up to a set of professional standards and qualifications.

Line organization A method of structuring organizations as a sequence of ascending levels of responsibility for the production of goods or services.

Link The transportation method a company uses to connect nodes (plants, warehouses) in a logistics system.

Lobbying The practice of trying to influence governmental decisions, usually done by agents who serve interest groups.

Malice A requirement of libel in cases involving public figures, knowledge of the facility of published material, or a reckless disregard for the truth.

Management-by-objectives (MBO) A process that specifies that supervisors and employees will jointly set goals for employees. Usually followed by a joint evaluation of the employee’s progress after a set period of time.

Marginal cost The cost to produce one additional unit of output; the change in total variable cost result­ing from a one-unit change in output.

Market dominance The absence of effective compe­tition for railroads from other carriers and modes for the traffic to which the rail rate applies. The Staggers Act stated that market dominance does not exist if the rate is below the revenue-to-variable-cost ratio of 160 percent in 1981 and 170 percent in 1983.

Mass opinion The consensus of the public at large.

Merger The combination of two or more carriers into one company that will own, manage, and operate the properties that previously operated separately.

Model A way of looking at something.

Moderating public Those people who could make it easier for an organization to get its message through to the public it really wants to reach.

Multinational company A company that both pro­duces and markets products in different countries.

Mutual expectations Shared similar responses to messages and events.

Nationalization Public ownership, financing, and op­eration of a business entity.

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) The federal government regulatory body charged with overseeing union activities and union/management relations.

News conferences Structured opportunities to release news simultaneously to all media.

News release A story prepared for the media to share information and generate publicity.

Newsroom An area set aside to provide information, services, and amenities to journalists covering a story.

Not-for-profit organization A group of company whose primary purpose is not to make a profit, regardless of whether it actually does so in a given year.


Off-the-record An agreement with an interviewer not to print information provided.

Open-system evaluation An ongoing assessment of the effectiveness of public relations actions considering the impact of uncontrolled elements.

Operating budget An estimate of the amount and costs of goods and services an organization expects to consume.

Opinion leaders People who are instrumental in influencing other people’s attitudes or actions.

Organizational climate The collective subjective perceptions held by an organization’s employees concerning organizational policies, structure, leadership, standards, values, and rules.

Organizational communication The exchange and interaction of informal and formal messages within networks or interdependent relationships.

Perception The process of making sense of incoming stimuli.

Perceptual screens Filters comprised of needs, values, attitudes, expectations, and experiences, through which individuals process messages to derive meaning.

Per diem A payment rate one railroad makes to use another's cars.

Personal computer (PC) An individual unit an oper­ator uses for creating and maintaining programs and files; can often access the mainframe simultaneously.

Personal discrimination Charging different rates to shippers with similar transportation characteristics, or, charging similar rates to shippers with differing trans­portation characteristics.

Physical distribution The movement and storage of finished goods from manufacturing plants to ware­houses to customers; used synonymously with business logistics.

Planned publicity Publicity that is the planned result of a conscious effort to attract attention to an issue, event, or organization.

Policy A type of standing plan that serves as a guide for decision making and usually is set by top management.

Political action committee (PAC) A group of people who raise or spend at least $ 1000 in connection with a federal election.

Pooling An agreement among carriers to share the freight to be hauled or to share profits. The Interstate Commerce Act outlawed pooling agreements, but the Civil Aeronautics Board has approved profit pooling agreements for air carriers during strikes.

Press agent One who uses information as a manipulative tool, employing whatever means are available to achieve desired public opinion and action.

Press kit A collection of publicity releases packaged to gain media attention.

Primary public The group of people an organization ultimately hopes to influence or gain approval form.

Primary research The gathering of information that is not already available.

Privilege A defense against libel; the allowance of what might otherwise be libelous because of the circumstances under which a statement was produced.

Procedure A type of standing plan that consists of standard instructions for performing common tasks. Procedures carry out an organization’s policies.

Production planning The decision-making area that determines when and where and in what quantity a manufacturer is to produce goods.

Productivity A measure of resource utilization effi­ciency defined as the sum of the outputs divided by the sum of the inputs.

Product liability The principle that companies are responsible for any damage or disease that might be caused by the use of their products. Companies are being held to increasingly stricter standards, sometimes losing lawsuits even though the harm the product caused, or was linked to, resulted from improper use.

Profit ratio The percentage of profit to sales—that is, profit divided by sales.

Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) A network representing a plan to accomplish a project showing the sequence, timing, and costs of the various tasks.

Propaganda of the deed Provocative actions designed solely to gain attention for ideas or grievances.

Proportional rate A rate lower than the regular rate for shipments that have prior or subsequent moves; used to overcome combination rates' competitive disadvantages.

Public A group of individuals tied together by a sense of common characteristics or responses.

Public affairs That aspect of public relations dealing with the political environment of organizations.

Public communication A multistep, multidirectional process in which messages are disseminated to a broad, and sometimes undifferentiated, audience through complex networks of active transmitters.

Public information / public affairs officers Public relations practitioners working for the United States government or other institutions using those titles.

Public opinion An attitudinal measure of the image a public holds concerning some person, object, or concept.

Public relations A management function that helps define an organization’s philosophy and direction by managing communication within a firm and with outside forces and by monitoring and helping a firm adapt to significant public opinion.

Public relations counselor One who informs both publics and organizations in the effort to create relationships of mutual benefit and support.

Public warehousing The storage of goods by a firm that offers storage service for a fee to the public.

Publicity Publication of news about an organization or person for which time or space was not purchased.

Publicity agent One who serves as a conduit of information from organizations to publics, using the information to promote understanding, sympathy, or patronage for the organization.

Purchasing The functions associated with buying the goods and services the firm requires.


Qualitative research A method of delving audience opinion without relying on formal, rigorous, number-based research methods.

Readability study An assessment of the difficulty an audience should have reading and comprehending a passage.

Readership survey A study to determine the characteristics, preferences, and reading habits of an audience.

Reconsignment A carrier service that permits a ship- the shipment has reached its originally billed destina­tion and to still pay the through rate from origin to final destination.

Reengineering A fundamental rethinking and radical design of business processes to achieve dramatic im­provements in performance.

Regulation A proposition underlying systems theory which maintains that the behavior of systems is constrained and shaped by interaction with other systems.

Reparation A situation in which the ICC requires a railroad to repay users the difference between the rate the railroad charges and the maximum rate the ICC permits when the ICC finds a rate to be unreasonable or too high.


Sanctions Restrictions imposed on a member of a profession by an official body.

Scenario constructions A forecasting tool that explores likely consequences of alternative courses of action in a hypothetical, logical future situation.

Secondary research Gathering available information.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) The federal government regulatory body charged with overseeing the trade of stocks and bonds and the operations of financial markets.

Single-use plans Plans developed for use in one specific situation.

Slander Oral defamation.

Spontaneous publicity Publicity accompanying unplanned events.

Staff Organizational personnel employed to provide support and advice to line management.

Stakeholder analysis A method for characterizing publics according to their interest in an issue.

Standing plans Plans for dealing with certain types of situations, particularly common situations and emergences.

Statistical process control (SPC) A managerial con­trol technique that examines a process's inherent variability.

Statistical process control (SPC) A managerial con­trol technique that examines a process's inherent variability.

Strategic planning Looking one to five years into the future and designing a logistical system (or systems) to meet the needs of the various businesses in which a company is involved.

Strategic plans Long-range plans concerning a group’s major goals and ways of carrying them out. These plans usually are made by top management.

Strategy A specific action to achieve an objective.

Subsystem A component of a system.

Synergy A proposition underlying systems theory which maintains that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

System A set of objects or events grouped together by sets of relationships.

System A set of interacting elements, variable, parts, or objects that are functionally related to each other and form a coherent group.

Sunshine Act A law requiring meetings of governmental boards, commissions, and agencies to be open to the public.

Tactical plans Short-range plans for accomplishing the steps that lead up to achieving an organization’s goals/ These plans are carried out at every level of an organization and on an everyday basis.

Tandem A truck that has two drive axles or a trailer that has two axles.

Target audience. The primary group an organization is trying to influence.

Tariff A publication that contains a carrier's rates, ac­cessorial charges, and rules.

Theory An explanation or belief about how something works.

Total quality management (TQM) A management ap­proach in which managers constantly communicate with organizational stakeholders to emphasize the im­portance of continuous quality improvement.

Trademark A legally protected name, logo, or design registered to restrict its use.

Transit privilege A carrier service that permits the shipper to stop the shipment in transit to perform a function that changes the commodity's physical char­acteristics, but to still pay the through rate.

Travel agent A firm that provides passenger travel in­formation; air, rail, and steamship ticketing; and hotel reservations. The carrier and hotel pay the travel agent a commission.


Uncontrolled media Those media whose actions are not under the public relations practitioner’s control, such as community newspapers and radio stations.

Universe A system providing the environment for ecosystems.

Whistle-blowing Insiders telling the media what they know about improper practices by others, usually in the same company, with the hope of improving the situation.



AFTA Asian Free Trade Area - Азиатская Свободная Экономическая Зона

AID The Agency for International Development - Агенство по Международному Развитию

APEC Asian - Pacific Economic Cooperation - Азиатско - Тихоокеанское Экономическое Сотрудничество

EPC European Patent Convention - Европейская конвенция по патентам

CEO Chief Executive Officer - главный администратор

CIA Central Intelligence Agency - Центральное Разведывательное Управление

CPS Code of Professional Standards - Кодекс профессионального поведения

CSR Corporative Social Responsibility - Корпоративная социальная ответственность

EC European Comunity - Европейский Союз

EIDHR European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights Европейская инициатива за демократию и права человека

Euro – MP Member of Europian Parliament - депутат Европарламента

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation – Федеральное Бюро Расследования (ФБР)

FCIA Foreign Credit Insurance Association - Зарубежная ассоциация по страхованию кредитов

FDA Food and Drug Administration - Комиссия по продовольствию и лекарствам

FO Foreign office – Министерство иностранных дел

FRS Fellow of the Royal Society – Член Королевского общества (Великобритания)

GI Government issue – солдат, джи-ай

IABC International Association of Business Communicators - Международная Ассоциация коммуникаторов (представителей) бизнеса

ICC International Chamber of Commerce - Международная Торговая Палата

ID Identification – удостоверение личности

IDEA Innovations in Developing Enterprise Assistance Инновации в области

помощи развивающимся предприятиям

ILO International Labour Organisation - Международная Организация Труда

IMF International monetary Fund - Международный Валютный Фонд

IPR 1. Institute for Public Relations - Институт по связям с общественностью

(создан в 1947 г. в Великобритании)

2. Intellectual Property Rights - право на интеллектуальную собственность

IPRA International Public Relations Association - Международная ассоциация по связям с общественностью

LDC Less - developed Countries - менее развитые страны (Россия, Китай, CIS)

LLDCs Least - developed countries - наименее развитые страны

MADD Mothers Against Drunk Drivers – Акт Матери против пьяных водителей

MBO Management-by-Objectives – Управление достижением цели

MDC Most- developed Countries - наиболее развитые страны

MMIS Multinational Marketing Information System - Многонациональная информационная система маркетинга

MNCs Multinational Corporations - Многонациональные Корпорации

NOW National Organisation of Women - Международная организация женщин

NTDB National Trade Data Bank- Национальный банк данных по торговле

OCI Office of Criminal Investigations - Управление по уголовным расследованиям

OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - Организация за экономическое сотрудничество и развитие

OPEC Organisation of Petroleum - Exporting Countries - Организация стран -

экспортеров нефти

OWI Office of War Information - Ведомство информации с театра военных действий (послужило основой для создания USIAD)

PERT Programm evaluation and review technique – Метод оценки и пересмотра программы

PRSA Public Relation Society of America - Американское общество по связям с общественностью (создано в 1947 г.)

RACE Research, Action, Communication, Evaluation - система «Исследование, Действие, Связь (общение) и Оценка» в связях с общественностью.

ROSIE Research, Objective, Strategies, Implementation, Evaluation - система

«Исследование, Постановка цели, Стратегия, Применение и Оценка» в связях с общественностью.

SOEs State - owned enterprises - предприятия, находящиеся в ведении государства

USIAD United States Information Agency Department - Департамент информационного агенства Соединенных Штатов

VER Voluntary Export Restraints - Добровольные экспортные ограничения

WTO World Trade Organisation - Международная торговая организация




adj – adjective (прилагательное)

adv – adverb (наречие)

cj – conjuction (союз)

etc – et cetera лат. – и так далее


fig – figuratively (фигурально)

n – noun (существительное)

pl – plural (множественная форма)

v – verb (глагол)


амер. – американский

ист. – исторический

напр. – например

обыкн. – обыкновенно

разг. – разговорный

религ. – религиозный

спорт. – спортивный

собир. – собирательный

т. д. – так далее

т. п. – тому подобное

фин. – финансовый

эк. – экономический

юр. – юридический





abide [¶'aid] - v оставаться верным (кому-либо, чему-либо);

придерживаться; выполнять (обещания)

absolve [¶b'zolv] - v прощать (from); освобождать (from – от

ответственности); церк. отпускать грехи (of)

achieve [¶'tòi:v] - v достигать, добиваться; успешно выполнять, выполнить

accomplish [¶'kompliò] - v совершать, выполнять; достигать, завершать

accord - in ~ with smth. - n в соответствии с чем-либо, согласно чему-


accuracy ['ækjur¶si] - n точность, аккуратность; меткость

acquit [¶'kwit] - v 1) оправдывать (of- в чем-либо); 2) освобождать (of,

from- от обязательства и т.п.); 3) претворить в жизнь (обязанность

, обязательство); выплатить долг

adhere [¶d'hi¶] - v придерживаться чего-либо.

admit [¶d'mit] - v допускать; to be ~ ted to the bar получить право

адвокатской практики в суде; соглашаться; позволять (of)

admonishment = admonition

admonition [ædm¶u'niò¶n] - n предостережение; увещевание; замечание,


adopt [¶'dopt] - v принимать; усваивать

advance [¶d'va:ns] - n успех, прогресс; улучшение; ссуда, аванс

v продвигать(cя) (по службе); делать успехи, развиваться

affect [¶'fekt] - v действовать (на кого-либо); воздействовать, влиять;

задевать, затрагивать; to ~ the interest затрагивать интересы; to ~ the character порочить репутацию

affirm [¶'f¶:m ] - v утверждать, подтверждать; юр. торжественно заявлять

agree [¶'gri:] - v соглашаться (with - с кем-либо; to - с чем-либо on - на что-

либо); уславливаться (on, upon - о чем-либо); соответствовать

 we ~ to differ мы отказались от попыток убедить друг друга

allegation [æli'geiòn] - n заявление, утверждение

allegiance [¶'li:d3¶ns] - n верность, преданность; лояльность

allow [¶'lau] - v позволять, разрешать; предоставлять; допускать,


appreciate [¶'pri:ò ieit] - v оценивать; (высоко) ценить; понимать

appropriate - 1. a [¶'pr¶upriit] - подходящий, соответствующий(to, for)

2. v [¶'pr¶uprieit] - присваивать; предназначать; ассигновать

argue ['a:gju:] - v спорить (with, against - с кем-либо; about - о чем-либо);

обсуждать, убеждать (into); разубеждать (out of)

assemble [¶'sembl] - v созывать, собирать (ся)

attempt [¶'tem p t]- n попытка, проба, покушение; v пытаться, пробовать

attorney [¶'t¶:ni] - n поверенный; адвокат; юрист; прокурор

avoid [¶'void] - v избегать, сторониться; юр. Отменять, аннулировать

await [¶'weit] - v ждать, ожидать; предстоять



ban [bæn] - n запрещение; приговор об изгнании, объявление вне закона;

v запрещать

behalf [bi'ha:f] n: on ~ of в интересах кого-либо; от имени кого-либо.

behavior [bi ‘heivj¶ (r)] - n 1.поведение, манеры; отношение (к кому-либо),

обращение (с кем-либо)

2. the ~ of glands работа желез

benefit ['benifit] - n выгода, польза, прибыль

v помогать, приносить пользу; извлекать пользу

beyond [bi'jond] - adv. вдали, на расстоянии

prep. за, по ту сторону; позже, после; вне, сверх, выше

bias ['bai¶s] - 1. n уклон, покатость; предубеждение(against - против кого-

либо); предвзятость, необъективность

2. v склонять; оказывать влияние (обыкн. плохое)

bit [bit] - n (of) немного, небольшое количество

borrow ['bor¶u] - v занимать, заимствовать

bribe [braib] - n подкуп, взятка

brokerage ['brouk¶rid3] - n маклерство; комиссионное вознаграждение

brotherhood ['brÙð¶hud] - n братство; люди одной профессии

bylaw ['bailo:] - n уставные нормы (организации)




candid ['kændid] - a искренний, прямой, честный; беспристрастный

cautiously ['ko:ò¶sli] - adv осторожно, предусмотрительно

censure ['senò¶] - n осуждение, порицание; vote of ~ вотум недоверия

charge [tòa:d3] - v нагружать; обвинять; предписывать; требовать;

юр. напутствовать присяжных

n нагрузка, груз; цена, расходы; наставление; обвинение

юр. заключительная речь судьи к присяжным

choice [tòois] - n выбор, отбор; альтернатива

 this is my ~ это мой выбор.

circumstance ['s¶: k¶mst(¶)ns] - n обстоятельство, условие;

in, under the ~s в данных условиях/ обстоятельствах

claim [kleim] - n требование, притязание

clarify ['klærifai] - v объяснять; вносить ясность; уяснить

code [koud] - n нормы, кодекс, свод (напр. законов)

commitment [k¶'mitm¶nt] - n обязательство; преданность делу; вручение,

передача; заключение под стражу; совершение (преступления и т.п.)

communicate [k¶'mju:nikeit] - v сообщать; передавать; связываться

религ. причащаться

comparison [k¶m'pæris(¶)n] - n сравнение; make a ~ проводить сравнение

complaint [k¶m'pleint] - n недовольство; жалоба; make a ~ подать жалобу

comply [k¶m'plai] - v ~ with уступать; слушаться; подчиниться

comprehensive [kompri’hensiv] - a понятливый, схватывающий,

восприимчивый; всеобъемлющий, исчерпывающий; ~ school единая

средняя школа

conceal [k¶n'si:l] - v скрывать, утаивать

concept ['konsept] - n понятие, концепция

concern [k¶n's¶:n] - n 1. отношение, касательство; 2.концерн, предприятие

3. участие, интерес; 4. важность; значительность; 5. беспокойство

v касаться, беспокоить

condemn [k¶n'dem] - v осуждать, приговаривать, порицать

condone [k¶n'doun] - v прощать; попустительствовать

confidence ['konfid(¶)ns] - n 1. доверие; 2. тайна; 3. уверенность,


confirmation [konf¶'meiò(¶)n] - n подтверждение, утверждение;

~ to a post - утверждение в должности

conscience ['konò(¶)ns]- n совесть; good, clear ~ чистая совесть;


consider [k¶n'sid¶(r)] - v рассматривать; считать; принимать во внимание

consent [k¶n'sent] - n согласие; age of ~ брачный возраст; v соглашаться

contender [k¶n'tend¶(r)] - n соперник (на выборах); кандидат (на пост)

contest ['kontest] - n конкурс, состязание; beauty ~ конкурс красоты

v [ только k¶n'test] 1. оспаривать (диспут). 2. отстаивать; бороться

contingency [k¶n'tind3¶nsi] - n случайность, случай

controversial [kontr¶'v¶:ò(¶)l] - a спорный, полемический; a ~ subject

предмет, вызывающий полемику, споры

convey [k¶n'vei] - v 1. перевозить; переправлять. 2. передавать;

~ my greetings to him передайте ему привет от меня. 3. передавать

(имущество, права)

convict [k¶n'vikt] - v 1. осуждать (в чем-либо). 2. he was ~ed of error его

ошибка была изобличена

convict ['konvikt] - n осужденный, каторжник

corrupt [k¶'rÙpt ] - a продажный; нечистый; испорченный; подкупной

v гноить; развращать; подкупать;

counterfeit ['kaunt¶fit, -fi:t] - n подделка, подлог; a подложный

v подделывать; подражать

couple ['kÙp(¶)l] - v пара; ~ of days пара дней

coverups [kÙv¶'rÙps] - n предлог, ширма; укрытие информации



damage ['dæmid3] - n вред, урон; (разг.) what’s the ~? сколько с нас


v наносить урон, повредить

deal [di:l] - n 1. количество; a great ~ (of) много чего-либо; 2. сделка;

it’s a ~! договорились! по рукам! 3. правительственный курс;

New D. амер. ист. “новый курс” (система экономических мероприятий

президента Ф. Рузвельта)

v 1. раздавать, распределять 2. торговать (in - чем-либо) 3. общаться,

иметь дело 4. карт. сдавать 5. обходиться, поступать 6. принимать


deceive [di'si:v] - v обманывать; вводить в заблуждение; to ~ oneself


deception [di'sepò(¶)n] - n обман, жульничество; ложь, хитрость;

to practice ~ обманывать

dedicate ['dedikeit] - v посвящать, предназначать; амер. открывать


delay [di'lei] - n отлагательство, отсрочка; задержка, препятствие;

замедление, проволочка; without ~ безотлагательно

denounce [di'nauns] - v 1. обвинять, осуждать 2. угрожать

3. денонсировать, расторгать 4. предсказывать (плохое)

depend [di'pend] - v 1. зависеть(on, upon - от) 2. находиться на иждивении

3. полагаться, рассчитывать; ~ upon it будьте уверены

derive [di'raiv] - v 1. получить, извлекать; to ~ an income извлекать доходы

2. происходить; the word “evolution” is ~d from Latin слово

“эволюция” латинского происхождения 3. наследовать

derogatory [di'rog¶t¶ri] - a 1. умаляющий, нарушающий (права и т.д.)

2. унизительный

desire [di'zai¶] - n (сильное) желание(for); просьба, пожелание; at your ~ по

вашей просьбе; страсть; предмет желания, мечта

v желать, хотеть; to leave much to be ~d оставлять желать много


destroy [dis'troi] - v 1. разрушать; уничтожать 2. делать бесполезным

3. истреблять

detriment ['detrim¶nt] - n ущерб, вред; without ~ to без ущерба для

dignity ['digniti] - n 1. достоинство; to stand on one’s ~ держать себя

с большим достоинством 2. звание, сан, титул 3. собир. лица

высокого звания, знать

dimension [di'menò(¶)n] - n 1. измерение 2. pl. размеры, величина; объем

v проставлять размеры; придавать нужные размеры

disclosure [dis'klou3¶] - n открытие, обнаружение, разоблачение,


disseminate [di'semineit] - v разбрасывать, распространять (учение)

distortion [dis'to: ò(¶)n] - n искажение, искривление, перекашивание;

извращение (фактов и т.п.)

diverse [dai'v¶:s] - a разный, разнообразный

domain [d¶'mein] - n 1. владение, имение 2. сфера 3. область; these matters are in his ~ эти дела входят в его компетенцию

drug [drÙg] - n 1. медикамент, лекарство 2. наркотик; the ~ habit

наркомания; ~ trafficker or pusher наркоделец; ~ traffic контрабанда


v принимать наркотики

dual ['dju: ¶l] - a двойной; ~ ownership совместное владение; ~ nationality

двойное подданство

due [dju:] - n 1. должное; ~ respect - должное уважение 2. pl. сборы,

взносы; membership ~s членские взносы; harbour ~s портовые сборы;

3. ~ to благодаря чему-либо; из-за чего-либо.




edge [ed3] - n 1. край, грань, преимущество 2. критическое положение

v 1. точить, заострять 2. пододвигать незаметно или постепенно

embarass [im'bær¶s] - v 1. затруднять, стеснять 2. смущать, приводить в

замешательство 3. запутывать (о делах); обременять (долгами)

emulate ['emjuleit] - v соревноваться; стремиться превзойти; соперничать

encourage [in'k Ùrid3] - v ободрять; поощрять; поддерживать; подстрекать

encroach [in'kr¶utò] - v 1. вторгаться (upon) 2. покушаться на чужие права,

посягать (on, upon); ~ upon smb.’s time отнимать время у кого-либо.

endorse [in'do:s] - v 1. расписываться на обороте документа; to ~ by signature скреплять подписью 2. фин. индоссировать, делать

передаточную надпись 3. подтверждать, одобрять; поддерживать

enforce [in'fo:s] - v 1. принуждать, заставлять, оказывать давление

2. проводить в жизнь; придавать силу; to ~ the laws проводить законы

в жизнь enforcement procedure - обязательная (принудительная)


engage [in'geid3] - v 1. нанимать; заказывать заранее (комнату, место)

2. заниматься чем-либо 3. привлекать; завлекать; to ~ smb.’s attention

завладеть чьим-либо вниманием 4. обручиться; to be ~d быть


ensure [in'òu¶] - v 1. обеспечивать, гарантировать 2. ручаться

entail [inteil] - n юр. акт, закрепляющий порядок наследования земли;


v влечь за собой; вызывать что-либо

equal ['i:kw¶l] - a 1. равный, одинаковый; twice two is ~ to four дважды два

- четыре

2.равноправный 3. пригодный, способный 4. спокойный (о


erroneous [i'r¶unj¶s] - a ложный; ошибочный; ~ policies неправильный

курс, неправильная политика

essential [i'senò¶l] - a существенный, неотъемлемый; необходимый

n сущность; the ~s of education основы образования; pl. предметы

первой необходимости

establish [is'tæbliò] - v 1.основывать; создавать; учреждать 2. устанавливать

(обычай, факт) 3. упрочивать; to ~ one’s health восстановить свое


estimate ['estimit] - 1. n оценка; смета; калькуляция

v ['estimeit] - оценивать; подсчитывать приблизительно

evasion [i'veiò¶n] - n уклонение; увертка, отговорка; his answer was a mere

~ он просто уклонился от ответа

evidence ['evid¶ns ] - n 1. очевидность 2. основание; данные, признаки

3. юр. улика

evolve [i'volv] - v 1. эволюционировать 2. развиваться; развертываться

exchange [iks'tòeind3] - n 1. обмен; мена 2. фин. размен денег; rate (или course) of ~ валютный курс; bill of ~ вексель, тратта 3. биржа 4.

центральная телефонная станция; коммутатор

v 1. обменивать 2. разменивать 3. меняться

exemplify [ig'zemplifai] - v 1. приводить пример 2. служить примером

3. снимать и заверять копию

expectation [ekspek'teiò¶n] - n 1. ожидание 2. надежда, предвкушение 3.


extortion [iks'to:ò¶n] - n 1. вымогательство 2. назначение грабительских


expediency [iks'pi:dj¶nsi] - n целесообразность; выгодность

expel [iks'pel] - v 1. выгонять, исключать 2. выбрасывать, выталкивать

3. изгонять, высылать (из страны)

expenditure [iks'penditò¶] - n 1. расход, трата 2. потребление

expulsion [iks'pÙlò¶n] - n изгнание, исключение (из школы, клуба)



fail [feil] - v 1.потерпеть неудачу; проваливать (экзамен); 2. подводить;

words ~ed me я не нахожу слов. 3. не сбываться, обманывать

ожидания; не исполнить

fairly ['fe¶li] - adv 1.красиво, прекрасно. 2. фактически, буквально.

3. довольно, сносно, терпимо. 4. честно, справедливо; со всей

4. справедливостью

false [fo:ls] - a 1. ложный, ошибочный, неправильный. 2. лживый

вероломный 4. фальшивый

fee [fi:]- n гонорар, вознаграждение; плата (за учение)

v (feed) платить гонорар; нанимать

felony ['fel¶ni] - n юр. уголовное преступление

fire ['fai¶(r)]- v разг. увольнять; зажигать; воспламенять

flagrant ['fleigr¶nt]- a 1. ужасающий, вопиющий, возмутительный;

2. огромный, позорный

forecast ['fo:ka:st] - n предсказание; weather ~ прогноз погоды

v предсказывать; weather ~ing синоптика

fraud [fro:d] - n обман, мошенничество; фальшивка, подделка; обманщик,


fraudulent - a обманный, мошеннический, жульнический

frequently ['fri:kw¶ntli] - adv часто

frustration [frÙ'streiò(¶)n] - n расстройство (планов); крушение (надежд);

разочарование; sense of ~ чувство разочарования


gain [gein] - n 1. прибыль, выгода, выигрыш; love of ~ корыстолюбие

3. доходы, нажива 3. увеличение; a ~ in knowledge расширение

4. знаний

v 1. зарабатывать, добывать 2. извлекать выгоду 3. добиваться,


to ~ time сэкономить, выиграть время 4. получать, приобретать; to ~

confidence of smb. войти в доверие к кому-либо 5. нагонять (on smb.)


gift [gift] - n 1. дарение, пожалование 2. дарование, дар; he has a ~ for languages у него способности к языкам 3. подарок

v 1. наделять 2. дарить

gimmick ['gimik] - n (разг.) трюк; финт, ухищрение

goal [g¶ul] - n 1. финиш; цель 2.(спорт.) ворота

govern ['gÙv(¶)n] - v 1.править, управлять; ~ing body (in shool, hospital,

etc.) дирекция, правление 2. the same principle ~s both cases в обоих

случаях применим один и тот же принцип

grievance ['gri:v(¶)ns] - n претензии, недовольство; he likes airing his ~s он

любит изливать свое недовольство

guideline ['gaidlain] - n директива

guilty ['gilti] - a виноватый, виновный



hallmark ['ho:lma:k] - n 1. пробирное клеймо, проба 2. отличительный


handle ['hændl] - n 1. ручка, рукоять 2. удобный случай, предлог; to give

(или to leave) a ~ to smth. дать повод к чему-либо

v 1. брать руками 2. делать (что-либо) руками 3. управлять,


harm [ha:m] - n 1. вред, ущерб 2. зло, обида; no~ done все благополучно;

никто не пострадал; I meant no ~ я не хотел вас обидеть

v вредить, наносить ущерб

hazardous ['hæz¶d¶s] - a рискованный, опасный

hire ['hai¶] - n 1. наем; прокат; to let out on ~ сдавать внаем, давать

напрокат 2. плата за наем; to work for ~ работать по найму

v нанимать

honesty ['onisti] - n честность; правдивость


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