Tower Crane Remote Control Programming System 

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Tower Crane Remote Control Programming System

Tower cranes are used for assembling large-size prefabricated elements. In addition to hoisting and conveying they also perform the operation of placing the elements in accordance with the construction project.



The programming control system is to accomplish this task. The crane fulfils this operation under the remote radio control of the warehouse scaffolder, on the on hand, and the main in charge of assembling, on the other.

The automatic system provides the lifting of loads to a permissible height and takes the shortest route to deliver it to the assigned place at a minimum time. The use of control programming system ensures most favorable and safe operating conditions for all crane mechanisms. The system increases the labour capacity, reduces operating costs.



civil engineering to hoist jib (boom) latticed load-lifting capacity     гражданское строительство поднимать стрела крана решетчатый грузоподъемность    



1. What types of cranes do you know? 2. On what factors does the type of crane depend? 3. What types of mobile cranes do you know? 4. Why are mobile cranes with telescope booms widely used? 5. What does the remote control programming system provide?


Контрольная работа № 4

Вариант № 1

I. Перепишите сложные существительные, определите в них основное слово; переведите на русский язык.

a post- office, a bus-stop, a fountain - pan, grandparents, a policeman, a foreman


II. Образуйте причастие I от следующих глаголов; переведите словосочетания на русский язык

a (to bore) film – a boring film, a (to sit) man, a (to play) boy, girls (to talk), students (to pass exams), children (to write a dictation)


III. Употребите возвратные местоимения

1.The town … is a very quite place. 2. He wants to do it … 3. She chose a present … 4. I said to … 5. The baby dressed … 6. They wash … with cold water.


IV. Образуйте от глаголов причастие II, переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

a coat (to buy) – a bought coat, things (to keep), eggs (to boil), tables (to overturn), a glass (to broke), a house (to surround by trees)


V. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на видовременные формы страдательного залога.

1. The letters are sorted into the different towns. 2. Many houses were burnt during the Great Fire of London. 3. Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets. 4. Nick will be sent to Moscow next week. 5. I wasgiven an interesting book at the library last Friday. 6.We shall be invited to the party next Sunday.


VI. Перепишите предложения, обратите внимание на придаточные предложения; переведите их на русский язык.

1. They will all be surprised, if I make a mistake. 2. If no one came to help, we should be obliged to do the work ourselves. 3. If my sister hadn’t gone to St. Petersburg, we should have spent the summer together. 4. If my friend is at home, he will tell us what to do. 5. If he had worked hard, he would have achieved great progress. 6. I would write a composition long ago, if you didn’t disturb me.


VII. Прочитайте текст, переведите его письменно и ответьте на вопросы после текста.

Earth-Moving Machinery.

The annual amount of mechanized earth digging operations comes up to thousands of millions of cubic metres. It requires the employment of a great plant of powerful earth-moving machines, the excavators being the most important of them.

You should start on a construction job with a good deal of preliminary leveling the site. To carry out this work one must employ the earth-moving equipment.

Site preparation and excavation are the most fully mechanized of all operations in building construction. Most excavating machinery is heavy and slow moving and must be carried from site to site on special transporters. It is clear that the use of expensive mechanical plant requires careful planning and efficient site organization.

Plant for site preparation and excavation can be divided into four classes. First, machines which plane off a thin layer of soil and push it in front of them. Second, machines which plane off a thin layer of soil, at the same time picking it up and carrying it where required. Third, machines, which dig out soil by some form of a bucket, and load it for transportation into several vehicles. Fourth, machines designed specially for trenching by means of a number of buckets mounted either on a continuous chain or on a wheel.



In the first class are bulldozers of different types. A bulldozer is an earth-moving machine, which carries out its work with the aid of a blade.

A scraper, which belongs to the second class of earth-moving machinery, is simply a large box with an open mouth, dragged along the surface of the ground until it is full. It has a cutting edge that digs.

There are a variety of the scrapers, from small units to huge ones made to accommodate 30 cubic yards of soil and to absorb the power of two tractors while at work.

Revolving shovels belong to the third class of earth-moving machines. They appeared first in1835 in America. It was a part-swing shovel mounted on railroad tracks and powered by steam. They were slow and clumsy. In 1887 they were used to work on Manchester Ship Canal. A souse of wonderment they were called the “American Devils”.






plant leveling excavation site to plane off bucket trenching wheel blade shovel to power     механическое оборудование. Парк (машин) планировочные работы земляные работы строительная площадка состругивать, снимать слой ковш рытье траншей ротор, колесо отвал, нож прямая лопата приводить в действие    


1. What do earth- digging operations require? 2. What are the four classes of earth-moving machines? 3. What machines belong to each class? 4. Where did revolving shovels appear? 5. What earth-moving machines are widely used in your region?


Список литературы:

1. Н.И. Ажищев, Ф.С.Суэта «Пособие по английскому языку для строительных техникумов» Москва «Высшая школа» 1978 г., 96 с.


2. А.И. Бурлак «Учебник Английского Языка. для студентов архитектурных и инженерно-строительных специальностей вузов» Москва «Высшая Школа» 1982 г. – 247 с.


3. Г. Выборова, К. Махмурян, О. Мельчина «Easy English» базовый курс. Учебник для учащихся средней школы и студентов неязыковых вузов.

Москва «АСТ – ПРЕСС» 2001 г., 384 с.


4. Г. Выборова, К. Махмурян «Сборник упражнений по английской грамматике». Москва «АСТ- ПРЕСС» 2000 г., 176 с.


5. Ю. Голицынский «Грамматика. Сборник упражнений». КАРО Санкт-Петербург 2002 г., 544 с.


6. Е.В. Горбунова, М.М. Гришина «Современный город. Пособие по английскому языку» Москва «Высшая Школа» 1986 г. – 143 с.


7. М.Э. Еникеева, А.В. Зеленщиков «Английский для самостоятельной работы» Санкт-Петербург 2000 г.


8. А.П. Старков, Р.Р. Диксон, Б.С. Островский “English 7th year”. Санкт-Петербург «Специальная Литература» 1998 г., 364 с.



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