Practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations; quote the sentences in which they are used in the text. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations; quote the sentences in which they are used in the text. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

Managing Director

Production Manager

Sales Manager

To be in one’s fifties

To be semi-retired

To attend the board meetings

To put the business on its feet

To capture a contract to supply somebody with something

Happy coincidence

To turn something into success or failure

To give somebody a higher command

To land one’s contract

To catch fire in a government department

To destroy a number of irreplaceable documents

To manufacture items of office equipment

Filing cabinets

To list in the catalogue

To run a business

To join the company

To be adventurous

To treble one’s business

To increase profitability and competitiveness

To have experts on the staff

To hire expert advice from outside consultants and bureaux

To be aware of the more sophisticated techniques

Electronic data processing

Task 1

Exercise 1

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

· Утроить бизнес · Быть предприимчивым
· Корпоративное планирование · Войти в компанию
· Управленческая команда · Управляющий директор
· Иметь экспертов в своем штате · Соперники (конкуренты)
· Посещать заседания Совета Директоров · Расширять бизнес
· Увеличить прибыльность и конкурентоспособность · Быть в курсе более сложных методов и приемов
· Нанимать экспертов из внешних организаций · Наблюдать за чем-либо
· Директор производства · Быть превзойденным кем-либо
· Модернизировать бизнес · Становиться современным

Exercise 2

Match the phrases on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right.

1. Operational Research (O.R.) A долгосрочное (стратегическое) планирова-ние; планирование деятельности корпорации
2. Discounted Cash Flow (D.C.F.) B исследование операций; анализ хозяйствен-ной деятельности предприятия с использо-ванием математических методов
3. Project Evaluation and Review Technique (P.E.R.T.) C система, используемая при планировании проекта и контроле за его осуществлением
4. budgetary control D метод подсчета прибыльности предприятия или оборудования; дисконтированный поток наличности
5. corporate planning E контроль хозяйственной деятельности методом сличения со сметой


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Task 2

Exercise 1

You are going to listen to the introduction to the course. Before you listen to the abstract look at these statements. After you have listened to the abstract determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.


1. The company of Harper & Grant Ltd. was started forty-two years ago by Ambrose Harper and Hector Grant.
2. Ambrose Harper’s son Hector is the present Managing Director. He is in his fifties (aged between forty and fifty).
3. Though the Chairman of the company, Ambrose Harper, is old and semi-retired, he still attends the board meetings and keeps an eye on the business.
4. At the beginning of its activity Harper & Grant Ltd. produced wastepaper baskets made of cane or straw.
5. Wingate Grant managed to put the business on its feet when he captured a big contract to supply government offices with steel wastepaper bins.
6. Mr. Grant Senior used to tell the story that once a cane wastepaper basket had caught fire in his office and a number of irreplaceable documents were destroyed by the fire. After that he decided to make steel wastepaper bins for offices.
7. Nowadays Harper & Grant Ltd. manufacture different items of office equipment: not only desks, chairs, cupboards, filing cabinets but also smaller objects, such as filing trays, stapling machines and so on. All in all there are fifty-six various items listed in their catalogue.


Exercise 2


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