The Complex Object. The Complex Subject. 

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The Complex Object. The Complex Subject.

(А) Exercise 1. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the use of the Complex Object and Complex Subject.

1) GPS Guidance Systems applications is known to provide a means to precisely apply pesticides, lime, fertilizers, and track wide planters and drills.

2)We know plants to provide us with food, clothing, shelter and many other things.

3)The farmer wants the crop to be sown earlier this spring.

4)This company is said to be the leading supplier of spraying machinery.

5) We make academically motivated students become innovative professionals.

(А) Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the particle “to” where necessary and translate the sentences into your native tongue.

1) The University educates students … understand and …sustain the integrity of the ecosystem as both specialists within their defined fields and well-informed citizens.

2) Our aim is sure … provide students with strong, well-rounded academic backgrounds and agricultural degrees.

3) They are said … be leading the agriculture industry into the future with a blend of new technology and energy.

4) We aim … be globally recognized as a center of excellence in applied sciences in the filed of agriculture through responsive scholarship, leadership and service to others.


(А) Exercise 3. Point out which sentence fits to the English equivalent.

«We know the harrow to be used for eliminating weeds».

1) Мы знаем об использовании плуга.

2) Мы знаем, что плуг используется.

3) Мы знаем, что плуг используется для удаления сорняков.

4) Мы хотим, чтобы плуг использовался для удаления сорняков


(В) Exercise 4. Complete these sentences so that the meaning is similar to the first sentence.


1) I was surprised that he was studying at the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University.

I did not expect …

2) Don’t stop him applying fertilizers where soils are deficient.

Let …

3) When you till the soil, it helps you keep the soil loose and free from weeds.

Tillage makes…

4) I think several types of cultivators should be used for special crops and conditions.

I want …


(В) Exercise 5. Use one of the verbs to complete the sentences, translate them into Russian. Find the Complex Object in each sentence.

to buy, to give, to be (2), to see, to use, to meet

1) I know terms work, force, and power … in mechanical engineering.

2) We know the rate of doing work … in terms of horsepower, often abbreviated hp.

3) We know the force … an effort that results in physical change.

4) They would like them … the latest achievements in farm machinery.

5) He would be glad them … these engineers at the railway station.

6) Do you believe modern science … without modern technology?

7) I would like him … some disc plows for our farm.

(С) Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the use of the Complex Object.

1) Студенты наблюдали, как ремонтировали комбайн.

2) Я знаю, что он квалифицированный инженер.

3) Я хочу, чтобы вы поговорили с инженером по охране труда.

4) Мы знаем, что он учится на факультете “Технический Сервис”.

The Complex Subject

(А) Exercise 1. Translate the sentences, paying special attention to the use of the Complex Subject.

Model: These ploughing methods are considered to be satisfactory. Считают, что эти методы плужной обработки удовлетворительны.


1) Farm equipment mechanics are considered to maintain, repair and install machines used in agriculture.

2) Under these conditions wheat is likely to grow well.

3) A harrow is known to be used for leveling the ground.

4) He is said to be a good engineer.


(А) Exercise 2. Match the beginnings of the sentences with their ends. Pay attention to the verbs used with the Complex Subject.

1) The choice of profession is known to…

2) He is sure to…

3) Crops are considered to…

4) The soil is reported to …

5) At present many problems in agriculture are likely to …

6) The most modern farm machinery is sure to …

7) Improper use of chemicals is certain to …

8) Fruit crops are known to …

include apples, cherries, plums, pears  
be difficult and important
be subdivided into food crops, feed crops and industrial crops
be used for crop cultivation
enter the BSATU
be dangerous and to cause damage
be connected with ecology
be the basis of agriculture


(А) Exercise 3. Express the same idea:

a) less categorically

Model: This method gives good results.

This method seems to give good results.


1) Applying fertilizers is very efficient.

2) The results of the experiment are inaccurate.

3) The machine uses force to accomplish something.

4) Beet harvesters are available on this farm.


b) more categorically

Model: Ibelieve that he will become a good specialist.

He is sure to become a good specialist.


1) I believe that this problem is of vital importance.

2) We suppose that tractors will find a wide application.

3) We think this new grain-drill will be available on our farm.

4) We believe this new machinery to be used.

(А) Exercise 4. Choose the correct translation for the underlined part of the sentence.

1) The scientists are said to be developing new kinds of wheat and barley.

a) разработали в) разрабатывают


2) They seem to have improved previous results.

a) улучшают в) улучшили


3) An experimental farm proves to have been built in this region.

a) строится в) была построена


4) The yields of grain crops are estimated to be increasing.

a) увеличиваются в) увеличатся


(В) Exercise 5. Open the brackets and use the verbs in the correct form.

1) Mr.Frolov (to say) to be a good engineer.

2) Most of the farms (to suppose) to have mixed crop and livestock farming.

3) Farm equipment mechanics (to expect) to replace the worn and broken parts.

4) The republic (to know) to be a traditional exporter of agricultural products.


(В) Exercise 6. Point out the sentences containing the Complex Subject and translate them into Russian.

1) To evaluate the results of the research we will study all the experiments carried on in the laboratory.

2) This practice is believed to help raise soil fertility.

3) I know these fertilizers to be applied regularly.

4) We believe the farmers will be able to use the new equipment this year.

(С) Exercise 7. Restore the original sentences.

1) Max/ to study/theoretical/is believed/mechanics.

2) This/ to be/of/is said/ importance/information/utmost.

3) The system/pollution-free/is reported/to be.

4) Young/are known/professionals/in/specialists/their field/to be.


(С) Exercise 8. Translate the sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

1)Известно, что удобрения вносятся в почву в различных формах.

2)Сообщается, что ученые скоро разработают новые виды орудий для первичной обработки почвы.

3) Похоже, что использование этой модели колесного трактора заинтересует фермеров.

4) Считается, что гусеничные тракторы имеют главное преимущество: их можно использовать на любом типе почв.




Студенту необходимо вспомнить изученный материал о начальном техническом переводе, грамматических особенностях перевода технического языка, особенностях перевода терминов, способы и приемы перевода, методику составления реферата и аннотации на иностранном языке. Предлагаются задания для УСРС 3 уровней сложности:

· уровень А (репродуктивный) - максимальная оценка знаний-6;

· уровень В (репродуктивный) - максимальная оценка знаний-8;

· уровень С (репродуктивный) - максимальная оценка знаний-10.

Уровень сложности заданий определяется количеством знаков на перевод, объемом текста, степенью сложности текста, заданиями.



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